Source code for lenstronomy.Sampling.likelihood

__author__ = "sibirrer"

from lenstronomy.Sampling.Likelihoods.time_delay_likelihood import TimeDelayLikelihood
from lenstronomy.Sampling.Likelihoods.image_likelihood import ImageLikelihood
from lenstronomy.Sampling.Likelihoods.position_likelihood import PositionLikelihood
from lenstronomy.Sampling.Likelihoods.flux_ratio_likelihood import FluxRatioLikelihood
from lenstronomy.Sampling.Likelihoods.prior_likelihood import PriorLikelihood
from lenstronomy.Sampling.Likelihoods.kinematic_2D_likelihood import KinLikelihood
import lenstronomy.Util.class_creator as class_creator
import numpy as np

__all__ = ["LikelihoodModule"]

[docs]class LikelihoodModule(object): """This class contains the routines to run a MCMC process. the key components are: - imSim_class: an instance of a class that simulates one (or more) images and returns the likelihood, such as ImageModel(), Multiband(), MultiExposure() - param_class: instance of a Param() class that can cast the sorted list of parameters that are sampled into the conventions of the imSim_class Additional arguments are supported for adding a time-delay likelihood etc (see __init__ definition) """
[docs] def __init__( self, kwargs_data_joint, kwargs_model, param_class, image_likelihood=True, check_bounds=True, check_matched_source_position=False, astrometric_likelihood=False, image_position_likelihood=False, source_position_likelihood=False, image_position_uncertainty=0.004, check_positive_flux=False, source_position_tolerance=0.001, source_position_sigma=0.001, force_no_add_image=False, source_marg=False, linear_prior=None, restrict_image_number=False, max_num_images=None, bands_compute=None, time_delay_likelihood=False, image_likelihood_mask_list=None, flux_ratio_likelihood=False, kwargs_flux_compute=None, prior_lens=None, prior_source=None, prior_extinction=None, prior_lens_light=None, prior_ps=None, prior_special=None, prior_lens_kde=None, prior_source_kde=None, prior_lens_light_kde=None, prior_ps_kde=None, prior_special_kde=None, prior_extinction_kde=None, prior_lens_lognormal=None, prior_source_lognormal=None, prior_extinction_lognormal=None, prior_lens_light_lognormal=None, prior_ps_lognormal=None, prior_special_lognormal=None, custom_logL_addition=None, kwargs_pixelbased=None, kinematic_2d_likelihood=False, kin_lens_idx=0, kin_lens_light_idx=0, ): """Initializing class. :param param_class: instance of a Param() class that can cast the sorted list of parameters that are sampled into the conventions of the imSim_class :param image_likelihood: bool, option to compute the imaging likelihood :param source_position_likelihood: bool, if True, ray-traces image positions back to source plane and evaluates relative errors in respect ot the position_uncertainties in the image plane :param check_bounds: bool, option to punish the hard bounds in parameter space :param check_matched_source_position: bool, option to check whether point source position of solver finds a solution to match all the image positions in the same source plane coordinate :param astrometric_likelihood: bool, additional likelihood term of the predicted vs modelled point source position :param image_position_uncertainty: float, 1-sigma Gaussian uncertainty on the point source position (only used if point_source_likelihood=True) :param check_positive_flux: bool, option to punish models that do not have all positive linear amplitude parameters :param source_position_tolerance: float, punishment of check_solver occurs when image positions are predicted further away than this number :param image_likelihood_mask_list: list of boolean 2d arrays of size of images marking the pixels to be evaluated in the likelihood :param force_no_add_image: bool, if True: computes ALL image positions of the point source. If there are more images predicted than modelled, a punishment occurs :param source_marg: marginalization addition on the imaging likelihood based on the covariance of the inferred linear coefficients :param linear_prior: float or list of floats (when multi-linear setting is chosen) indicating the range of linear amplitude priors when computing the marginalization term. :param restrict_image_number: bool, if True: computes ALL image positions of the point source. If there are more images predicted than indicated in max_num_images, a punishment occurs :param max_num_images: int, see restrict_image_number :param bands_compute: list of bools with same length as data objects, indicates which "band" to include in the fitting :param time_delay_likelihood: bool, if True computes the time-delay likelihood of the FIRST point source :param kwargs_flux_compute: keyword arguments of how to compute the image position fluxes (see FluxRatioLikeliood) :param custom_logL_addition: a definition taking as arguments (kwargs_lens, kwargs_source, kwargs_lens_light, kwargs_ps, kwargs_special, kwargs_extinction) and returns a logL (punishing) value. :param kwargs_pixelbased: keyword arguments with various settings related to the pixel-based solver (see SLITronomy documentation) :param kinematic_2d_likelihood: bool, option to compute the kinematic likelihood """ ( multi_band_list, multi_band_type, time_delays_measured, time_delays_uncertainties, flux_ratios, flux_ratio_errors, ra_image_list, dec_image_list, kinematic_data, ) = self._unpack_data(**kwargs_data_joint) if len(multi_band_list) == 0: image_likelihood = False self.kinematic_data = kinematic_data self.param = param_class self._lower_limit, self._upper_limit = self.param.param_limits() self._prior_likelihood = PriorLikelihood( prior_lens, prior_source, prior_lens_light, prior_ps, prior_special, prior_extinction, prior_lens_kde, prior_source_kde, prior_lens_light_kde, prior_ps_kde, prior_special_kde, prior_extinction_kde, prior_lens_lognormal, prior_source_lognormal, prior_lens_light_lognormal, prior_ps_lognormal, prior_special_lognormal, prior_extinction_lognormal, ) self._time_delay_likelihood = time_delay_likelihood self._image_likelihood = image_likelihood self._flux_ratio_likelihood = flux_ratio_likelihood self._kinematic_2D_likelihood = kinematic_2d_likelihood if kwargs_flux_compute is None: kwargs_flux_compute = {} linear_solver = self.param.linear_solver self._kwargs_flux_compute = kwargs_flux_compute self._check_bounds = check_bounds self._custom_logL_addition = custom_logL_addition self._kwargs_time_delay = { "time_delays_measured": time_delays_measured, "time_delays_uncertainties": time_delays_uncertainties, } self.kwargs_imaging = { "multi_band_list": multi_band_list, "multi_band_type": multi_band_type, "bands_compute": bands_compute, "image_likelihood_mask_list": image_likelihood_mask_list, "source_marg": source_marg, "linear_prior": linear_prior, "check_positive_flux": check_positive_flux, "kwargs_pixelbased": kwargs_pixelbased, "linear_solver": linear_solver, } self._kwargs_position = { "astrometric_likelihood": astrometric_likelihood, "image_position_likelihood": image_position_likelihood, "source_position_likelihood": source_position_likelihood, "ra_image_list": ra_image_list, "dec_image_list": dec_image_list, "image_position_uncertainty": image_position_uncertainty, "check_matched_source_position": check_matched_source_position, "source_position_tolerance": source_position_tolerance, "source_position_sigma": source_position_sigma, "force_no_add_image": force_no_add_image, "restrict_image_number": restrict_image_number, "max_num_images": max_num_images, } self._kwargs_flux = { "flux_ratios": flux_ratios, "flux_ratio_errors": flux_ratio_errors, } self._kwargs_flux.update(self._kwargs_flux_compute) if self._kinematic_2D_likelihood is True: print( "Note that the 2D kinematic likelihood assumes that the lens and lens light have the same center and orientation" ) if len(multi_band_list) > 1: print( "Kinematic Likelihood not meant for multiband, using first band by default" ) if kwargs_model["lens_model_list"][kin_lens_idx] not in ["EPL_Q_PHI"]: print( "Lens for kinematic is not EPL_Q_PHI, the 2D kinematic likelihood will break." ) if kwargs_model["lens_light_model_list"][kin_lens_light_idx] not in [ "SERSIC_ELLIPSE_Q_PHI" ]: print( "Lens light for kinematic is not SERSIC_ELLIPSE_Q_PHI , the 2D kinematic likelihood will break." ) self._kin_lens_idx = kin_lens_idx self._kin_lens_light_idx = kin_lens_light_idx self._class_instances( kwargs_model=kwargs_model, kwargs_imaging=self.kwargs_imaging, kwargs_position=self._kwargs_position, kwargs_flux=self._kwargs_flux, kwargs_time_delay=self._kwargs_time_delay, kinematic_data=self.kinematic_data, )
def _class_instances( self, kwargs_model, kwargs_imaging, kwargs_position, kwargs_flux, kwargs_time_delay, kinematic_data, ): """ :param kwargs_model: lenstronomy model keyword arguments :param kwargs_imaging: keyword arguments for imaging likelihood :param kwargs_position: keyword arguments for positional likelihood :param kwargs_flux: keyword arguments for flux ratio likelihood :param kwargs_time_delay: keyword arguments for time delay likelihood :param kinematic_data: kinematic class for kinematic likelihood :return: updated model instances of this class """ # TODO: in case lens model or point source models are only applied on partial images, then this current class # has ambiguities when it comes to position likelihood, time-delay likelihood and flux ratio likelihood ( lens_model_class, _, lens_light_model_class, point_source_class, _, ) = class_creator.create_class_instances(all_models=True, **kwargs_model) self.PointSource = point_source_class if self._time_delay_likelihood is True: self.time_delay_likelihood = TimeDelayLikelihood( lens_model_class=lens_model_class, point_source_class=point_source_class, **kwargs_time_delay ) if self._image_likelihood is True: self.image_likelihood = ImageLikelihood( kwargs_model=kwargs_model, **kwargs_imaging ) self._position_likelihood = PositionLikelihood( point_source_class, **kwargs_position ) if self._flux_ratio_likelihood is True: self.flux_ratio_likelihood = FluxRatioLikelihood( lens_model_class, **kwargs_flux ) if self._kinematic_2D_likelihood is True: self.kinematic_2D_likelihood = KinLikelihood( kinematic_data, lens_model_class, lens_light_model_class, kwargs_imaging["multi_band_list"][0][0], self._kin_lens_idx, self._kin_lens_light_idx, ) def __call__(self, a): return self.logL(a)
[docs] def logL(self, args, verbose=False): """Routine to compute X2 given variable parameters for a MCMC/PSO chain. :param args: ordered parameter values that are being sampled :type args: tuple or list of floats :param verbose: if True, makes print statements about individual likelihood components :type verbose: boolean :returns: log likelihood of the data given the model (natural logarithm) """ # extract parameters kwargs_return = self.param.args2kwargs(args) if self._check_bounds is True: penalty, bound_hit = self.check_bounds( args, self._lower_limit, self._upper_limit, verbose=verbose ) if bound_hit is True: return -(10**15) return self.log_likelihood(kwargs_return, verbose=verbose)
[docs] def log_likelihood(self, kwargs_return, verbose=False): """ :param kwargs_return: need to contain 'kwargs_lens', 'kwargs_source', 'kwargs_lens_light', 'kwargs_ps', 'kwargs_special'. These entries themselves are lists of keyword argument of the parameters entering the model to be evaluated :type kwargs_return: keyword arguments :param verbose: if True, makes print statements about individual likelihood components :type verbose: boolean :returns: - logL (float) log likelihood of the data given the model (natural logarithm) """ kwargs_lens, kwargs_source, kwargs_lens_light, kwargs_ps, kwargs_special = ( kwargs_return["kwargs_lens"], kwargs_return["kwargs_source"], kwargs_return["kwargs_lens_light"], kwargs_return["kwargs_ps"], kwargs_return["kwargs_special"], ) # update model instance in case of changes affecting it (i.e. redshift sampling in multi-plane) self._update_model(kwargs_special) # generate image and computes likelihood self._reset_point_source_cache(bool_input=True) logL = 0 if self._image_likelihood is True: logL_image = self.image_likelihood.logL(**kwargs_return) logL += logL_image if verbose is True: print("image logL = %s" % logL_image) if self._time_delay_likelihood is True: logL_time_delay = self.time_delay_likelihood.logL( kwargs_lens, kwargs_ps, kwargs_special ) logL += logL_time_delay if verbose is True: print("time-delay logL = %s" % logL_time_delay) if self._flux_ratio_likelihood is True: ra_image_list, dec_image_list = self.PointSource.image_position( kwargs_ps=kwargs_ps, kwargs_lens=kwargs_lens ) x_pos, y_pos = ra_image_list[0], dec_image_list[0] logL_flux_ratios = self.flux_ratio_likelihood.logL( x_pos, y_pos, kwargs_lens, kwargs_special ) logL += logL_flux_ratios if verbose is True: print("flux ratio logL = %s" % logL_flux_ratios) if self._kinematic_2D_likelihood is True: logL_kinematic_2d = self.kinematic_2D_likelihood.logL( kwargs_lens, kwargs_lens_light, kwargs_special ) logL += logL_kinematic_2d if verbose is True: print("kinematic logL = %s" % logL_kinematic_2d) logL += self._position_likelihood.logL( kwargs_lens, kwargs_ps, kwargs_special, verbose=verbose ) logL_prior = self._prior_likelihood.logL(**kwargs_return) logL += logL_prior if verbose is True: print("Prior likelihood = %s" % logL_prior) if self._custom_logL_addition is not None: logL_cond = self._custom_logL_addition(**kwargs_return) logL += logL_cond if verbose is True: print("custom added logL = %s" % logL_cond) self._reset_point_source_cache(bool_input=False) return logL # , None
[docs] @staticmethod def check_bounds(args, lowerLimit, upperLimit, verbose=False): """Checks whether the parameter vector has left its bound, if so, adds a big number.""" penalty = 0.0 bound_hit = False args = np.atleast_1d(args) for i in range(0, len(args)): if args[i] < lowerLimit[i] or args[i] > upperLimit[i]: penalty = 10.0**5 bound_hit = True if verbose is True: print( "parameter %s with value %s hit the bounds [%s, %s] " % (i, args[i], lowerLimit[i], upperLimit[i]) ) return penalty, bound_hit return penalty, bound_hit
@property def num_data(self): """ :return: number of independent data points in the combined fitting """ num_data = 0 if self._image_likelihood is True: num_data += self.image_likelihood.num_data if self._time_delay_likelihood is True: num_data += self.time_delay_likelihood.num_data if self._flux_ratio_likelihood is True: num_data += self.flux_ratio_likelihood.num_data num_data += self._position_likelihood.num_data return num_data @property def param_limits(self): return self._lower_limit, self._upper_limit
[docs] def effective_num_data_points(self, **kwargs): """Returns the effective number of data points considered in the X2 estimation to compute the reduced X2 value.""" num_linear = 0 if self._image_likelihood is True: num_linear = self.image_likelihood.num_param_linear(**kwargs) num_param, param_names = self.param.num_param() return self.num_data - num_param - num_linear
[docs] def likelihood(self, a): return self.logL(a)
[docs] def negativelogL(self, a): """For minimizer function, the negative value of the logl value is requested. :param a: array of parameters :return: -logL """ return -self.logL(a)
@staticmethod def _unpack_data( multi_band_list=None, multi_band_type="multi-linear", time_delays_measured=None, time_delays_uncertainties=None, flux_ratios=None, flux_ratio_errors=None, ra_image_list=None, dec_image_list=None, kinematic_data=None, ): """ :param multi_band_list: list of [[kwargs_data, kwargs_psf, kwargs_numerics], [], ...] :param multi_band_type: string, type of multi-plane settings (multi-linear or joint-linear) :param time_delays_measured: measured time delays (units of days) :param time_delays_uncertainties: uncertainties in time-delay measurement :param flux_ratios: flux ratios of point sources :param flux_ratio_errors: error in flux ratio measurement :return: """ if multi_band_list is None: multi_band_list = [] if ra_image_list is None: ra_image_list = [] if dec_image_list is None: dec_image_list = [] return ( multi_band_list, multi_band_type, time_delays_measured, time_delays_uncertainties, flux_ratios, flux_ratio_errors, ra_image_list, dec_image_list, kinematic_data, ) def _reset_point_source_cache(self, bool_input=True): self.PointSource.delete_lens_model_cache() self.PointSource.set_save_cache(bool_input) if self._image_likelihood is True: self.image_likelihood.reset_point_source_cache(bool_input) def _update_model(self, kwargs_special): """Updates lens model instance of this class (and all class instances related to it) when an update to the modeled redshifts of the deflector and/or source planes are made. :param kwargs_special: keyword arguments from SpecialParam() class return of sampling arguments :return: None, all class instances updated to recent model """ kwargs_model, update_bool = self.param.update_kwargs_model(kwargs_special) if update_bool is True: self._class_instances( kwargs_model=kwargs_model, kwargs_imaging=self.kwargs_imaging, kwargs_position=self._kwargs_position, kwargs_flux=self._kwargs_flux, kwargs_time_delay=self._kwargs_time_delay, kinematic_data=self.kinematic_data, )
# TODO remove redundancies with Param() calls updates