Source code for lenstronomy.Sampling.Samplers.polychord_sampler

__author__ = "aymgal, johannesulf"

import os
import shutil
import numpy as np
import sys
import copy

from lenstronomy.Sampling.Samplers.base_nested_sampler import NestedSampler
import lenstronomy.Util.sampling_util as utils

__all__ = ["DyPolyChordSampler"]

[docs]class DyPolyChordSampler(NestedSampler): """Wrapper for dynamical nested sampling algorithm DyPolyChord by E. Higson, M. Hobson, W. Handley, A. Lasenby. papers : arXiv:1704.03459, arXiv:1804.06406 doc : """
[docs] def __init__( self, likelihood_module, prior_type="uniform", prior_means=None, prior_sigmas=None, width_scale=1, sigma_scale=1, output_dir=None, output_basename="-", resume_dyn_run=False, polychord_settings=None, remove_output_dir=False, use_mpi=False, ): # , num_mpi_procs=1): """ :param likelihood_module: likelihood_module like in (should be callable) :param prior_type: 'uniform' of 'gaussian', for converting the unit hypercube to param cube :param prior_means: if prior_type is 'gaussian', mean for each param :param prior_sigmas: if prior_type is 'gaussian', std dev for each param :param width_scale: scale the widths of the parameters space by this factor :param sigma_scale: if prior_type is 'gaussian', scale the gaussian sigma by this factor :param output_dir: name of the folder that will contain output files :param output_basename: prefix for output files :param resume_dyn_run: if True, previous resume files will not be deleted so that previous run can be resumed :param polychord_settings: settings dictionary to send to pypolychord. Check dypolychord documentation for details. :param remove_output_dir: remove the output_dir folder after completion :param use_mpi: Use MPI computing if `True` """ self._check_install() super(DyPolyChordSampler, self).__init__( likelihood_module, prior_type, prior_means, prior_sigmas, width_scale, sigma_scale, ) # if use_mpi: # mpi_str = 'mpirun -np {}'.format(num_mpi_procs) # else: # mpi_str = None if polychord_settings == None: polychord_settings = {} self._use_mpi = use_mpi self._output_dir = output_dir self._is_master = True if self._use_mpi: from mpi4py import MPI self._comm = MPI.COMM_WORLD if self._comm.Get_rank() != 0: self._is_master = False else: self._comm = None if not resume_dyn_run: if self._is_master: if os.path.exists(self._output_dir): shutil.rmtree(self._output_dir, ignore_errors=True) os.mkdir(self._output_dir) self._output_basename = output_basename self._settings = copy.deepcopy(polychord_settings) self._settings["file_root"] = self._output_basename self._settings["base_dir"] = self._output_dir if self._all_installed: # create the dyPolyChord callable object self._sampler = self._RunPyPolyChord( self.log_likelihood, self.prior, self.n_dims ) else: self._sampler = None self._rm_output = remove_output_dir self._has_warned = False
[docs] def run(self, dynamic_goal, kwargs_run): """Run the DyPolyChord dynamical nested sampler. see for content of kwargs_run :param dynamic_goal: 0 for evidence computation, 1 for posterior computation :param kwargs_run: kwargs directly passed to dyPolyChord.run_dypolychord :return: samples, means, logZ, logZ_err, logL, ns_run """ print("prior type :", self.prior_type) print("parameter names :", self.param_names) if self._all_installed: # TODO : put a default dynamic_goal ? # dynamic_goal = 0 for evidence-only, 1 for posterior-only self._dyPolyChord.run_dypolychord( self._sampler, dynamic_goal, settings_dict_in=self._settings, comm=self._comm, **kwargs_run ) if self._is_master: ns_run = self._ns_process_run( self._settings["file_root"], self._settings["base_dir"] ) else: # in case DyPolyChord or NestCheck was not compiled properly, for unit tests ns_run = { "theta": np.zeros((1, self.n_dims)), "logl": np.zeros(1), "output": { "logZ": np.zeros(1), "logZerr": np.zeros(1), "param_means": np.zeros(self.n_dims), }, } self._write_equal_weights(ns_run["theta"], ns_run["logl"]) if self._is_master: samples, logL = self._get_equal_weight_samples() # logL = ns_run['logl'] # samples_w = ns_run['theta'] logZ = ns_run["output"]["logZ"] logZ_err = ns_run["output"]["logZerr"] means = ns_run["output"]["param_means"] print("The log evidence estimate using the first run is {}".format(logZ)) print("The estimated mean of the first parameter is {}".format(means[0])) if self._rm_output: shutil.rmtree(self._output_dir, ignore_errors=True) return samples, means, logZ, logZ_err, logL, ns_run else: sys.exit(0)
[docs] def log_likelihood(self, args): """Compute the log-likelihood given list of parameters. :param args: parameter values :return: log-likelihood (from the likelihood module) """ return super().log_likelihood(args), []
def _get_equal_weight_samples(self): """Inspired by pymultinest's Analyzer, because DyPolyChord has more or less the same output conventions as MultiNest.""" file_name = "{}_equal_weights.txt".format(self._output_basename) file_path = os.path.join(self._output_dir, file_name) data = np.loadtxt(file_path, ndmin=2) logL = -0.5 * data[:, 0] samples = data[:, 1:] return samples, logL def _write_equal_weights(self, samples, logL): # write fake output file for unit tests file_name = "{}_equal_weights.txt".format(self._output_basename) file_path = os.path.join(self._output_dir, file_name) data = np.zeros((samples.shape[0], 1 + samples.shape[1]), dtype=float) data[:, 0] = -2.0 * logL data[:, 1:] = samples np.savetxt(file_path, data, fmt="% .14E") def _check_install(self): try: import dyPolyChord from dyPolyChord import pypolychord_utils except ImportError: dyPolyChord = None pypolychord_utils = None print( "Warning : dyPolyChord not properly installed. \ You can get it from :" ) dypolychord_installed = False else: dypolychord_installed = True self._dyPolyChord = dyPolyChord self._RunPyPolyChord = pypolychord_utils.RunPyPolyChord try: from nestcheck import data_processing except ImportError: print( "Warning : nestcheck not properly installed (results might be unexpected). \ You can get it from :" ) nestcheck_installed = False else: nestcheck_installed = True self._ns_process_run = data_processing.process_polychord_run self._all_installed = dypolychord_installed and nestcheck_installed