Source code for lenstronomy.Sampling.Likelihoods.position_likelihood

import numpy as np
from numpy.linalg import inv

__all__ = ["PositionLikelihood"]

[docs]class PositionLikelihood(object): """Likelihood of positions of multiply imaged point sources."""
[docs] def __init__( self, point_source_class, image_position_uncertainty=0.005, astrometric_likelihood=False, image_position_likelihood=False, ra_image_list=None, dec_image_list=None, source_position_likelihood=False, check_matched_source_position=False, source_position_tolerance=0.001, source_position_sigma=0.001, force_no_add_image=False, restrict_image_number=False, max_num_images=None, ): """ :param point_source_class: Instance of PointSource() class :param image_position_uncertainty: uncertainty in image position uncertainty (1-sigma Gaussian radially), this is applicable for astrometric uncertainties as well as if image positions are provided as data :param astrometric_likelihood: bool, if True, evaluates the astrometric uncertainty of the predicted and modeled image positions with an offset 'delta_x_image' and 'delta_y_image' :param image_position_likelihood: bool, if True, evaluates the likelihood of the model predicted image position given the data/measured image positions :param ra_image_list: list or RA image positions per model component :param dec_image_list: list or DEC image positions per model component :param source_position_likelihood: bool, if True, ray-traces image positions back to source plane and evaluates relative errors in respect ot the position_uncertainties in the image plane (image_position_uncertainty) :param check_matched_source_position: bool, if True, checks whether multiple images are a solution of the same source :param source_position_tolerance: tolerance level (in arc seconds in the source plane) of the different images :param source_position_sigma: r.m.s. value corresponding to a 1-sigma Gaussian likelihood accepted by the model precision in matching the source position :param force_no_add_image: bool, if True, will punish additional images appearing in the frame of the modelled image(first calculate them) :param restrict_image_number: bool, if True, searches for all appearing images in the frame of the data and compares with max_num_images :param max_num_images: integer, maximum number of appearing images. Default is the number of images given in the Param() class """ self._pointSource = point_source_class # TODO replace with public function of ray_shooting self._lensModel = point_source_class._lensModel self._astrometric_likelihood = astrometric_likelihood self._image_position_sigma = image_position_uncertainty self._source_position_sigma = source_position_sigma self._check_matched_source_position = check_matched_source_position self._bound_source_position_scatter = source_position_tolerance self._force_no_add_image = force_no_add_image self._restrict_number_images = restrict_image_number self._source_position_likelihood = source_position_likelihood self._max_num_images = max_num_images if max_num_images is None and restrict_image_number is True: raise ValueError( "max_num_images needs to be provided when restrict_number_images is True!" ) self._image_position_likelihood = image_position_likelihood if ra_image_list is None: ra_image_list = [] if dec_image_list is None: dec_image_list = [] self._ra_image_list, self._dec_image_list = ra_image_list, dec_image_list
[docs] def logL(self, kwargs_lens, kwargs_ps, kwargs_special, verbose=False): """ :param kwargs_lens: lens model parameter keyword argument list :param kwargs_ps: point source model parameter keyword argument list :param kwargs_special: special keyword arguments :param verbose: bool :return: log likelihood of the optional likelihoods being computed """ logL = 0 if self._astrometric_likelihood is True: logL_astrometry = self.astrometric_likelihood( kwargs_ps, kwargs_special, self._image_position_sigma ) logL += logL_astrometry if verbose is True: print("Astrometric likelihood = %s" % logL_astrometry) if self._check_matched_source_position is True: logL_source_scatter = self.source_position_likelihood( kwargs_lens, kwargs_ps, self._source_position_sigma, hard_bound_rms=self._bound_source_position_scatter, verbose=verbose, ) logL += logL_source_scatter if verbose is True: print("Source scatter punishing likelihood = %s" % logL_source_scatter) if self._force_no_add_image: additional_image_bool = self.check_additional_images(kwargs_ps, kwargs_lens) if additional_image_bool is True: logL -= 10.0**5 if verbose is True: print( "force no additional image penalty as additional images are found!" ) if self._restrict_number_images is True: ra_image_list, dec_image_list = self._pointSource.image_position( kwargs_ps=kwargs_ps, kwargs_lens=kwargs_lens ) if len(ra_image_list[0]) > self._max_num_images: logL -= 10.0**5 if verbose is True: print( "Number of images found %s exceeded the limited number allowed %s" % (len(ra_image_list[0]), self._max_num_images) ) if self._source_position_likelihood is True: logL_source_pos = self.source_position_likelihood( kwargs_lens, kwargs_ps, sigma=self._image_position_sigma ) logL += logL_source_pos if verbose is True: print("source position likelihood %s" % logL_source_pos) if self._image_position_likelihood is True: logL_image_pos = self.image_position_likelihood( kwargs_ps=kwargs_ps, kwargs_lens=kwargs_lens, sigma=self._image_position_sigma, ) logL += logL_image_pos if verbose is True: print("image position likelihood %s" % logL_image_pos) return logL
[docs] def check_additional_images(self, kwargs_ps, kwargs_lens): """Checks whether additional images have been found and placed in kwargs_ps of the first point source model. :param kwargs_ps: point source kwargs :param kwargs_lens: lens model keyword arguments :return: bool, True if more image positions are found than originally been assigned """ ra_image_list, dec_image_list = self._pointSource.image_position( kwargs_ps=kwargs_ps, kwargs_lens=kwargs_lens, additional_images=True ) for i in range(len(ra_image_list)): if "ra_image" in kwargs_ps[i]: if len(ra_image_list[i]) > len(kwargs_ps[i]["ra_image"]): return True return False
[docs] @staticmethod def astrometric_likelihood(kwargs_ps, kwargs_special, sigma): """Evaluates the astrometric uncertainty of the model plotted point sources (only available for 'LENSED_POSITION' point source model) and predicted image position by the lens model including an astrometric correction term. :param kwargs_ps: point source model kwargs list :param kwargs_special: kwargs list, should include the astrometric corrections 'delta_x', 'delta_y' :param sigma: 1-sigma Gaussian uncertainty in the astrometry :return: log likelihood of the astrometirc correction between predicted image positions and model placement of the point sources """ if not len(kwargs_ps) > 0: return 0 if "ra_image" not in kwargs_ps[0]: return 0 if "delta_x_image" in kwargs_special: delta_x, delta_y = np.array(kwargs_special["delta_x_image"]), np.array( kwargs_special["delta_y_image"] ) dist = (delta_x**2 + delta_y**2) / sigma**2 / 2 logL = -np.sum(dist) if np.isnan(logL) is True: return -(10**15) return logL else: return 0
[docs] def image_position_likelihood(self, kwargs_ps, kwargs_lens, sigma): """Computes the likelihood of the model predicted image position relative to measured image positions with an astrometric error. This routine requires the 'ra_image_list' and 'dec_image_list' being declared in the initiation of the class. :param kwargs_ps: point source keyword argument list :param kwargs_lens: lens model keyword argument list :param sigma: 1-sigma uncertainty in the measured position of the images :return: log likelihood of the model predicted image positions given the data/measured image positions. """ ra_image_list, dec_image_list = self._pointSource.image_position( kwargs_ps=kwargs_ps, kwargs_lens=kwargs_lens, original_position=True ) logL = 0 for i in range( len(ra_image_list) ): # sum over the images of the different model components len_i = min(len(self._ra_image_list[i]), len(ra_image_list[i])) logL += -np.sum( ( (ra_image_list[i][:len_i] - self._ra_image_list[i][:len_i]) ** 2 + (dec_image_list[i][:len_i] - self._dec_image_list[i][:len_i]) ** 2 ) / sigma**2 / 2 ) return logL
[docs] def source_position_likelihood( self, kwargs_lens, kwargs_ps, sigma, hard_bound_rms=None, verbose=False ): """Computes a likelihood/punishing factor of how well the source positions of multiple images match given the image position and a lens model. The likelihood level is computed in respect of a displacement in the image plane and transposed through the Hessian into the source plane. :param kwargs_lens: lens model keyword argument list :param kwargs_ps: point source keyword argument list :param sigma: 1-sigma Gaussian uncertainty in the image plane :param hard_bound_rms: hard bound deviation between the mapping of the images back to the source plane (in source frame) :param verbose: bool, if True provides print statements with useful information. :return: log likelihood of the model reproducing the correct image positions given an image position uncertainty """ if len(kwargs_ps) < 1: return 0 logL = 0 source_x, source_y = self._pointSource.source_position(kwargs_ps, kwargs_lens) for k in range(len(kwargs_ps)): if ( "ra_image" in kwargs_ps[k] and self._pointSource.point_source_type_list[k] == "LENSED_POSITION" ): x_image = kwargs_ps[k]["ra_image"] y_image = kwargs_ps[k]["dec_image"] # calculating the individual source positions from the image positions # TODO: have option for ray-shooting back to specific redshift in multi-plane lensing k_list = self._pointSource.k_list(k) for i in range(len(x_image)): # TODO: add redshift information in computation if k_list is not None: k_lens = k_list[i] else: k_lens = None x_source_i, y_source_i = self._lensModel.ray_shooting( x_image[i], y_image[i], kwargs_lens, k=k_lens ) f_xx, f_xy, f_yx, f_yy = self._lensModel.hessian( x_image[i], y_image[i], kwargs_lens, k=k_lens ) A = np.array([[1 - f_xx, -f_xy], [-f_yx, 1 - f_yy]]) Sigma_theta = np.array([[1, 0], [0, 1]]) * sigma**2 Sigma_beta = image2source_covariance(A, Sigma_theta) delta = np.array( [source_x[k] - x_source_i, source_y[k] - y_source_i] ) if hard_bound_rms is not None: if delta[0] ** 2 + delta[1] ** 2 > hard_bound_rms**2: if verbose is True: print( "Image positions do not match to the same source position to the required " "precision. Achieved: %s, Required: %s." % (delta, hard_bound_rms) ) logL -= 10**3 try: Sigma_inv = inv(Sigma_beta) except: return -(10**15) chi2 = logL -= chi2 / 2 return logL
@property def num_data(self): """ :return: integer, number of data points associated with the class instance """ num = 0 if self._image_position_likelihood is True: for i in range( len(self._ra_image_list) ): # sum over the images of the different model components num += len(self._ra_image_list[i]) * 2 return num
# Equation (13) in Birrer & Treu 2019 def image2source_covariance(A, Sigma_theta): """ computes error covariance in the source plane A: Hessian lensing matrix Sigma_theta: image plane covariance matrix of uncertainties """ ATSigma = np.matmul(A.T, Sigma_theta) return np.matmul(ATSigma, A)