Source code for lenstronomy.Plots.lens_plot

import lenstronomy.Util.util as util
from lenstronomy.Util.param_util import shear_cartesian2polar
import lenstronomy.Util.simulation_util as sim_util
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib import patches
import numpy as np
from mpl_toolkits.axes_grid1 import make_axes_locatable
from lenstronomy.LensModel.lens_model_extensions import LensModelExtensions
from lenstronomy.LensModel.Profiles.curved_arc_spp import center_deflector
from lenstronomy.Data.imaging_data import ImageData
from lenstronomy.Plots import plot_util
import scipy.ndimage as ndimage
from lenstronomy.Data.pixel_grid import PixelGrid

from lenstronomy.Util.package_util import exporter

export, __all__ = exporter()

# TODO define coordinate grid beforehand, e.g. kwargs_data
# TODO feed in PointSource instance?

[docs]@export def lens_model_plot( ax, lensModel, kwargs_lens, numPix=500, deltaPix=0.01, sourcePos_x=0, sourcePos_y=0, point_source=False, with_caustics=False, with_convergence=True, coord_center_ra=0, coord_center_dec=0, coord_inverse=False, fast_caustic=True, **kwargs ): """Plots a lens model (convergence) and the critical curves and caustics. :param ax: matplotlib axis instance :param lensModel: LensModel() class instance :param kwargs_lens: lens model keyword argument list :param numPix: total number of pixels (for convergence map) :param deltaPix: width of pixel (total frame size is deltaPix x numPix) :param sourcePos_x: float, x-position of point source (image positions computed by the lens equation) :param sourcePos_y: float, y-position of point source (image positions computed by the lens equation) :param point_source: bool, if True, illustrates and computes the image positions of the point source :param with_caustics: bool, if True, illustrates the critical curve and caustics of the system :param with_convergence: bool, if True, illustrates the convergence map :param coord_center_ra: float, x-coordinate of the center of the frame :param coord_center_dec: float, y-coordinate of the center of the frame :param coord_inverse: bool, if True, inverts the x-coordinates to go from right-to- left (effectively the RA definition) :param fast_caustic: boolean, if True, uses faster but less precise caustic calculation (might have troubles for the outer caustic (inner critical curve) :param with_convergence: boolean, if True, plots the convergence of the deflector :return: """ kwargs_data = sim_util.data_configure_simple( numPix, deltaPix, center_ra=coord_center_ra, center_dec=coord_center_dec, inverse=coord_inverse, ) data = ImageData(**kwargs_data) _coords = data _frame_size = numPix * deltaPix ra0, dec0 = data.radec_at_xy_0 if coord_inverse: extent = [ra0, ra0 - _frame_size, dec0, dec0 + _frame_size] else: extent = [ra0, ra0 + _frame_size, dec0, dec0 + _frame_size] if with_convergence: kwargs_convergence = kwargs.get("kwargs_convergence", {}) convergence_plot( ax, pixel_grid=_coords, lens_model=lensModel, kwargs_lens=kwargs_lens, extent=extent, **kwargs_convergence ) if with_caustics is True: kwargs_caustics = kwargs.get("kwargs_caustics", {}) caustics_plot( ax, pixel_grid=_coords, lens_model=lensModel, kwargs_lens=kwargs_lens, fast_caustic=fast_caustic, coord_inverse=coord_inverse, pixel_offset=True, **kwargs_caustics ) if point_source: kwargs_point_source = kwargs.get("kwargs_point_source", {}) point_source_plot( ax, pixel_grid=_coords, lens_model=lensModel, kwargs_lens=kwargs_lens, source_x=sourcePos_x, source_y=sourcePos_y, **kwargs_point_source ) if coord_inverse: ax.set_xlim([ra0, ra0 - _frame_size]) else: ax.set_xlim([ra0, ra0 + _frame_size]) ax.set_ylim([dec0, dec0 + _frame_size]) # ax.get_xaxis().set_visible(False) # ax.get_yaxis().set_visible(False) ax.autoscale(False) return ax
def convergence_plot( ax, pixel_grid, lens_model, kwargs_lens, extent=None, vmin=-1, vmax=1, cmap="Greys", **kwargs ): """Plot convergence. :param ax: matplotlib axis instance :param pixel_grid: lenstronomy PixelGrid() instance (or class with inheritance of PixelGrid() :param lens_model: LensModel() class instance :param kwargs_lens: lens model keyword argument list :param extent: [[min, max] [min, max]] of frame :param vmin: matplotlib vmin :param vmax: matplotlib vmax :param cmap: matplotlib cmap :param kwargs: keyword arguments for matshow :return: matplotlib axis instance with convergence plot """ x_grid, y_grid = pixel_grid.pixel_coordinates x_grid1d = util.image2array(x_grid) y_grid1d = util.image2array(y_grid) kappa_result = lens_model.kappa(x_grid1d, y_grid1d, kwargs_lens) kappa_result = util.array2image(kappa_result) _ = ax.matshow( np.log10(kappa_result), origin="lower", extent=extent, cmap=cmap, vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax, **kwargs ) return ax def caustics_plot( ax, pixel_grid, lens_model, kwargs_lens, fast_caustic=True, coord_inverse=False, color_crit="r", color_caustic="g", pixel_offset=False, *args, **kwargs ): """ :param ax: matplotlib axis instance :param pixel_grid: lenstronomy PixelGrid() instance (or class with inheritance of PixelGrid() :param lens_model: LensModel() class instance :param kwargs_lens: lens model keyword argument list :param fast_caustic: boolean, if True, uses faster but less precise caustic calculation (might have troubles for the outer caustic (inner critical curve) :param coord_inverse: bool, if True, inverts the x-coordinates to go from right-to-left (effectively the RA definition) :param color_crit: string, color of critical curve :param color_caustic: string, color of caustic curve :param pixel_offset: boolean; if True (default plotting), the coordinates are shifted a half a pixel to match with the matshow() command to center the coordinates in the pixel center :param args: argument for plotting curve :param kwargs: keyword arguments for plotting curves :return: updated matplotlib axis instance """ lens_model_ext = LensModelExtensions(lens_model) pixel_width = pixel_grid.pixel_width frame_size = np.max(pixel_grid.width) coord_center_ra, coord_center_dec = ra0, dec0 = pixel_grid.radec_at_xy_0 origin = [ra0, dec0] if fast_caustic: ( ra_crit_list, dec_crit_list, ra_caustic_list, dec_caustic_list, ) = lens_model_ext.critical_curve_caustics( kwargs_lens, compute_window=frame_size, grid_scale=pixel_width, center_x=coord_center_ra, center_y=coord_center_dec, ) points_only = False else: # only supports individual points due to output of critical_curve_tiling definition points_only = True ra_crit_list, dec_crit_list = lens_model_ext.critical_curve_tiling( kwargs_lens, compute_window=frame_size, start_scale=pixel_width, max_order=10, center_x=coord_center_ra, center_y=coord_center_dec, ) ra_caustic_list, dec_caustic_list = lens_model.ray_shooting( ra_crit_list, dec_crit_list, kwargs_lens ) # ra_crit_list, dec_crit_list = list(ra_crit_list), list(dec_crit_list) # ra_caustic_list, dec_caustic_list = list(ra_caustic_list), list(dec_caustic_list) plot_util.plot_line_set( ax, pixel_grid, ra_caustic_list, dec_caustic_list, color=color_caustic, origin=origin, flipped_x=coord_inverse, points_only=points_only, pixel_offset=pixel_offset, *args, **kwargs ) plot_util.plot_line_set( ax, pixel_grid, ra_crit_list, dec_crit_list, color=color_crit, origin=origin, flipped_x=coord_inverse, points_only=points_only, pixel_offset=pixel_offset, *args, **kwargs ) return ax def point_source_plot( ax, pixel_grid, lens_model, kwargs_lens, source_x, source_y, name_list=None, **kwargs ): """Plots and illustrates images of a point source The plotting routine orders the image labels according to the arrival time and illustrates a diamond shape of the size of the magnification. The coordinates are chosen in pixel coordinates. :param ax: matplotlib axis instance :param pixel_grid: lenstronomy PixelGrid() instance (or class with inheritance of PixelGrid() :param lens_model: LensModel() class instance :param kwargs_lens: lens model keyword argument list :param source_x: x-position of source :param source_y: y-position of source :param name_list: list of names of images :type name_list: list of strings, longer or equal the number of point sources :param kwargs: additional plotting keyword arguments :return: matplotlib axis instance with figure """ from lenstronomy.LensModel.Solver.lens_equation_solver import LensEquationSolver solver = LensEquationSolver(lens_model) x_center, y_center = delta_pix = pixel_grid.pixel_width ra0, dec0 = pixel_grid.radec_at_xy_0 tranform = pixel_grid.transform_angle2pix if ( np.linalg.det(tranform) < 0 ): # if coordiate transform has negative parity (#TODO temporary fix) delta_pix_x = -delta_pix else: delta_pix_x = delta_pix origin = [ra0, dec0] theta_x, theta_y = solver.image_position_from_source( source_x, source_y, kwargs_lens, search_window=np.max(pixel_grid.width), x_center=x_center, y_center=y_center, min_distance=pixel_grid.pixel_width, ) mag_images = lens_model.magnification(theta_x, theta_y, kwargs_lens) x_image, y_image = pixel_grid.map_coord2pix(theta_x, theta_y) if name_list is None: name_list = ["A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H", "I", "J", "K"] for i in range(len(x_image)): x_ = (x_image[i] + 0.5) * delta_pix_x + origin[0] y_ = (y_image[i] + 0.5) * delta_pix + origin[1] ax.plot( x_, y_, "dk", markersize=4 * (1 + np.log(np.abs(mag_images[i]))), alpha=0.5 ) ax.text(x_, y_, name_list[i], fontsize=20, color="k") x_source, y_source = pixel_grid.map_coord2pix(source_x, source_y) ax.plot( (x_source + 0.5) * delta_pix_x + origin[0], (y_source + 0.5) * delta_pix + origin[1], "*k", markersize=10, ) return ax
[docs]@export def arrival_time_surface( ax, lensModel, kwargs_lens, numPix=500, deltaPix=0.01, sourcePos_x=0, sourcePos_y=0, with_caustics=False, point_source=False, n_levels=10, kwargs_contours=None, image_color_list=None, letter_font_size=20, name_list=None, ): """ :param ax: matplotlib axis instance :param lensModel: LensModel() class instance :param kwargs_lens: lens model keyword argument list :param numPix: :param deltaPix: :param sourcePos_x: :param sourcePos_y: :param with_caustics: :param point_source: :param name_list: list of names of images :type name_list: list of strings, longer or equal the number of point sources :return: """ kwargs_data = sim_util.data_configure_simple(numPix, deltaPix) data = ImageData(**kwargs_data) ra0, dec0 = data.radec_at_xy_0 origin = [ra0, dec0] _frame_size = numPix * deltaPix _coords = data x_grid, y_grid = data.pixel_coordinates lensModelExt = LensModelExtensions(lensModel) # ra_crit_list, dec_crit_list, ra_caustic_list, dec_caustic_list = lensModelExt.critical_curve_caustics( # kwargs_lens, compute_window=_frame_size, grid_scale=deltaPix/2.) x_grid1d = util.image2array(x_grid) y_grid1d = util.image2array(y_grid) fermat_surface = lensModel.fermat_potential( x_grid1d, y_grid1d, kwargs_lens, sourcePos_x, sourcePos_y ) fermat_surface = util.array2image(fermat_surface) if kwargs_contours is None: kwargs_contours = {} # , cmap='Greys', vmin=-1, vmax=1) #, cmap=self._cmap, vmin=v_min, vmax=v_max) if with_caustics is True: ra_crit_list, dec_crit_list = lensModelExt.critical_curve_tiling( kwargs_lens, compute_window=_frame_size, start_scale=deltaPix / 5, max_order=10, ) ra_caustic_list, dec_caustic_list = lensModel.ray_shooting( ra_crit_list, dec_crit_list, kwargs_lens ) plot_util.plot_line_set( ax, _coords, ra_caustic_list, dec_caustic_list, origin=origin, color="g" ) plot_util.plot_line_set( ax, _coords, ra_crit_list, dec_crit_list, origin=origin, color="r" ) if point_source is True: from lenstronomy.LensModel.Solver.lens_equation_solver import LensEquationSolver solver = LensEquationSolver(lensModel) theta_x, theta_y = solver.image_position_from_source( sourcePos_x, sourcePos_y, kwargs_lens, min_distance=deltaPix, search_window=deltaPix * numPix, ) fermat_pot_images = lensModel.fermat_potential(theta_x, theta_y, kwargs_lens) _ = ax.contour( x_grid, y_grid, fermat_surface, origin="lower", # extent=[0, _frame_size, 0, _frame_size], levels=np.sort(fermat_pot_images), **kwargs_contours ) # mag_images = lensModel.magnification(theta_x, theta_y, kwargs_lens) x_image, y_image = _coords.map_coord2pix(theta_x, theta_y) if name_list is None: name_list = ["A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H", "I", "J", "K"] for i in range(len(x_image)): x_ = (x_image[i] + 0.5) * deltaPix - _frame_size / 2 y_ = (y_image[i] + 0.5) * deltaPix - _frame_size / 2 if image_color_list is None: color = "k" else: color = image_color_list[i] ax.plot(x_, y_, "x", markersize=10, alpha=1, color=color) # markersize=8*(1 + np.log(np.abs(mag_images[i]))) ax.text( x_ + deltaPix, y_ + deltaPix, name_list[i], fontsize=letter_font_size, color="k", ) x_source, y_source = _coords.map_coord2pix(sourcePos_x, sourcePos_y) ax.plot( (x_source + 0.5) * deltaPix - _frame_size / 2, (y_source + 0.5) * deltaPix - _frame_size / 2, "*k", markersize=20, ) else: vmin = np.min(fermat_surface) vmax = np.max(fermat_surface) levels = np.linspace(start=vmin, stop=vmax, num=n_levels) im = ax.contour( x_grid, y_grid, fermat_surface, origin="lower", # extent=[0, _frame_size, 0, _frame_size], levels=levels, **kwargs_contours ) ax.get_xaxis().set_visible(False) ax.get_yaxis().set_visible(False) ax.autoscale(False) return ax
[docs]@export def curved_arc_illustration( ax, lensModel, kwargs_lens, with_centroid=True, stretch_scale=0.1, color="k" ): """ :param ax: matplotlib axis instance :param lensModel: LensModel() instance :param kwargs_lens: list of lens model keyword arguments (only those of CURVED_ARC considered :param with_centroid: plots the center of the curvature radius :param stretch_scale: float, relative scale of banana to the tangential and radial stretches (effectively intrinsic source size) :param color: string, matplotlib color for plot :return: matplotlib axis instance """ # loop through lens models # check whether curved arc lens_model_list = lensModel.lens_model_list for i, lens_type in enumerate(lens_model_list): if lens_type in [ "CURVED_ARC", "CURVED_ARC_SIS_MST", "CURVED_ARC_CONST", "CURVED_ARC_CONST_MST", "CURVED_ARC_SPT", "CURVED_ARC_TAN_DIFF", ]: plot_arc( ax, with_centroid=with_centroid, stretch_scale=stretch_scale, color=color, **kwargs_lens[i] ) ax.get_xaxis().set_visible(False) ax.get_yaxis().set_visible(False) ax.autoscale(False) # rectangular frame ax.axis("scaled")
# plot coordinate frame and scale
[docs]@export def plot_arc( ax, tangential_stretch, radial_stretch, curvature, direction, center_x, center_y, stretch_scale=0.1, with_centroid=True, linewidth=1, color="k", dtan_dtan=0, ): """ :param ax: matplotlib.axes instance :param tangential_stretch: float, stretch of intrinsic source in tangential direction :param radial_stretch: float, stretch of intrinsic source in radial direction :param curvature: 1/curvature radius :param direction: float, angle in radian :param center_x: center of source in image plane :param center_y: center of source in image plane :param with_centroid: plots the center of the curvature radius :param stretch_scale: float, relative scale of banana to the tangential and radial stretches (effectively intrinsic source size) :param linewidth: linewidth :param color: color :type color: string in matplotlib color convention :param dtan_dtan: tangential eigenvector differential in tangential direction (not implemented yet as illustration) :return: """ # plot line to centroid center_x_spp, center_y_spp = center_deflector( curvature, direction, center_x, center_y ) if with_centroid: ax.plot( [center_x, center_x_spp], [center_y, center_y_spp], "--", color=color, alpha=0.5, linewidth=linewidth, ) ax.plot( [center_x_spp], [center_y_spp], "*", color=color, alpha=0.5, linewidth=linewidth, ) # plot radial stretch to scale x_r = np.cos(direction) * radial_stretch * stretch_scale y_r = np.sin(direction) * radial_stretch * stretch_scale ax.plot( [center_x - x_r, center_x + x_r], [center_y - y_r, center_y + y_r], "--", color=color, linewidth=linewidth, ) # compute angle of size of the tangential stretch r = 1.0 / curvature # make sure tangential stretch * stretch_scale is not larger than r * 2pi such that the full circle is only # plotted once tangential_stretch_ = min(tangential_stretch, np.pi * r / stretch_scale) d_phi = tangential_stretch_ * stretch_scale / r # linearly interpolate angle around center phi = np.linspace(-1, 1, 50) * d_phi + direction # plot points on circle x_curve = r * np.cos(phi) + center_x_spp y_curve = r * np.sin(phi) + center_y_spp ax.plot(x_curve, y_curve, "--", color=color, linewidth=linewidth) # make round circle with start point to end to close the circle r_c, t_c = util.points_on_circle(radius=stretch_scale, num_points=200) r_c = radial_stretch * r_c + r phi_c = t_c * tangential_stretch_ / r_c + direction x_c = r_c * np.cos(phi_c) + center_x_spp y_c = r_c * np.sin(phi_c) + center_y_spp ax.plot(x_c, y_c, "-", color=color, linewidth=linewidth) return ax
# TODO add different colors for each quarter to identify parities
[docs]@export def distortions( lensModel, kwargs_lens, num_pix=100, delta_pix=0.05, center_ra=0, center_dec=0, differential_scale=0.0001, smoothing_scale=None, **kwargs ): """ :param lensModel: LensModel instance :param kwargs_lens: lens model keyword argument list :param num_pix: number of pixels per axis :param delta_pix: pixel scale per axis :param center_ra: center of the grid :param center_dec: center of the grid :param differential_scale: scale of the finite derivative length in units of angles :param smoothing_scale: float or None, Gaussian FWHM of a smoothing kernel applied before plotting :return: matplotlib instance with different panels """ kwargs_grid = sim_util.data_configure_simple( num_pix, delta_pix, center_ra=center_ra, center_dec=center_dec ) _coords = ImageData(**kwargs_grid) _frame_size = num_pix * delta_pix ra_grid, dec_grid = _coords.pixel_coordinates extensions = LensModelExtensions(lensModel=lensModel) ra_grid1d = util.image2array(ra_grid) dec_grid1d = util.image2array(dec_grid) ( lambda_rad, lambda_tan, orientation_angle, dlambda_tan_dtan, dlambda_tan_drad, dlambda_rad_drad, dlambda_rad_dtan, dphi_tan_dtan, dphi_tan_drad, dphi_rad_drad, dphi_rad_dtan, ) = extensions.radial_tangential_differentials( ra_grid1d, dec_grid1d, kwargs_lens=kwargs_lens, center_x=center_ra, center_y=center_dec, smoothing_3rd=differential_scale, smoothing_2nd=None, ) ( lambda_rad2d, lambda_tan2d, orientation_angle2d, dlambda_tan_dtan2d, dlambda_tan_drad2d, dlambda_rad_drad2d, dlambda_rad_dtan2d, dphi_tan_dtan2d, dphi_tan_drad2d, dphi_rad_drad2d, dphi_rad_dtan2d, ) = ( util.array2image(lambda_rad), util.array2image(lambda_tan), util.array2image(orientation_angle), util.array2image(dlambda_tan_dtan), util.array2image(dlambda_tan_drad), util.array2image(dlambda_rad_drad), util.array2image(dlambda_rad_dtan), util.array2image(dphi_tan_dtan), util.array2image(dphi_tan_drad), util.array2image(dphi_rad_drad), util.array2image(dphi_rad_dtan), ) if smoothing_scale is not None: lambda_rad2d = ndimage.gaussian_filter( lambda_rad2d, sigma=smoothing_scale / delta_pix ) dlambda_rad_drad2d = ndimage.gaussian_filter( dlambda_rad_drad2d, sigma=smoothing_scale / delta_pix ) lambda_tan2d = np.abs(lambda_tan2d) # the magnification cut is made to make a stable integral/convolution lambda_tan2d[lambda_tan2d > 100] = 100 lambda_tan2d = ndimage.gaussian_filter( lambda_tan2d, sigma=smoothing_scale / delta_pix ) # the magnification cut is made to make a stable integral/convolution dlambda_tan_dtan2d[dlambda_tan_dtan2d > 100] = 100 dlambda_tan_dtan2d[dlambda_tan_dtan2d < -100] = -100 dlambda_tan_dtan2d = ndimage.gaussian_filter( dlambda_tan_dtan2d, sigma=smoothing_scale / delta_pix ) orientation_angle2d = ndimage.gaussian_filter( orientation_angle2d, sigma=smoothing_scale / delta_pix ) dphi_tan_dtan2d = ndimage.gaussian_filter( dphi_tan_dtan2d, sigma=smoothing_scale / delta_pix ) def _plot_frame(ax, frame, vmin, vmax, text_string): """ :param ax: matplotlib.axis instance :param frame: 2d array :param vmin: minimum plotting scale :param vmax: maximum plotting scale :param text_string: string to describe the label :return: """ font_size = 10 _arrow_size = 0.02 im = ax.matshow( frame, extent=[0, _frame_size, 0, _frame_size], vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax ) ax.get_xaxis().set_visible(False) ax.get_yaxis().set_visible(False) ax.autoscale(False) divider = make_axes_locatable(ax) cax = divider.append_axes("right", size="5%", pad=0.05) cb = plt.colorbar(im, cax=cax, orientation="vertical") # cb.set_label(text_string, fontsize=10) # plot_util.scale_bar(ax, _frame_size, dist=1, text='1"', font_size=font_size) plot_util.text_description( ax, _frame_size, text=text_string, color="k", backgroundcolor="w", font_size=font_size, ) # if 'no_arrow' not in kwargs or not kwargs['no_arrow']: # plot_util.coordinate_arrows(ax, _frame_size, _coords, # color='w', arrow_size=_arrow_size, # font_size=font_size) f, axes = plt.subplots(3, 4, figsize=(12, 8)) _plot_frame( axes[0, 0], lambda_rad2d, vmin=0.6, vmax=1.4, text_string=r"$\lambda_{rad}$" ) _plot_frame( axes[0, 1], lambda_tan2d, vmin=-20, vmax=20, text_string=r"$\lambda_{tan}$" ) _plot_frame( axes[0, 2], orientation_angle2d, vmin=-np.pi / 10, vmax=np.pi / 10, text_string=r"$\phi$", ) _plot_frame( axes[0, 3], util.array2image(lambda_tan * lambda_rad), vmin=-20, vmax=20, text_string="magnification", ) _plot_frame( axes[1, 0], dlambda_rad_drad2d / lambda_rad2d, vmin=-0.1, vmax=0.1, text_string="dlambda_rad_drad", ) _plot_frame( axes[1, 1], dlambda_tan_dtan2d / lambda_tan2d, vmin=-20, vmax=20, text_string="dlambda_tan_dtan", ) _plot_frame( axes[1, 2], dlambda_tan_drad2d / lambda_tan2d, vmin=-20, vmax=20, text_string="dlambda_tan_drad", ) _plot_frame( axes[1, 3], dlambda_rad_dtan2d / lambda_rad2d, vmin=-0.1, vmax=0.1, text_string="dlambda_rad_dtan", ) _plot_frame( axes[2, 0], dphi_rad_drad2d, vmin=-0.1, vmax=0.1, text_string="dphi_rad_drad" ) _plot_frame( axes[2, 1], dphi_tan_dtan2d, vmin=0, vmax=20, text_string="dphi_tan_dtan: curvature radius", ) _plot_frame( axes[2, 2], dphi_tan_drad2d, vmin=-0.1, vmax=0.1, text_string="dphi_tan_drad" ) _plot_frame( axes[2, 3], dphi_rad_dtan2d, vmin=0, vmax=20, text_string="dphi_rad_dtan" ) return f, axes
def stretch_plot( ax, lens_model, kwargs_lens, plot_grid=None, scale=1, ellipse_color="k", max_stretch=np.inf, **patch_kwargs ): """Plots ellipses at each point on a grid, scaled corresponding to the local Jacobian eigenvalues. :param ax: matplotib axis instance :param lens_model: LensModel instance :param kwargs_lens: lens model keyword argument list :param plot_grid: pixelgrid instance at which to draw ellipses. 'None' uses default. :param scale: scales sizes of drawn ellipses, bigger number=larger :param ellipse_color: color of ellipses, defaults to black :param max_stretch: optional max amount to stretch ellipses which sometimes diverge :param patch_kwargs: additional keyword arguments for creating ellipse patch :return: matplotlib axis instance with figure """ if plot_grid is None: # define default ellipse grid (20x20 spanning from -2 to 2) plot_grid = PixelGrid(20, 20, np.array([[1, 0], [0, 1]]) * 0.2, -2, -2) lme = LensModelExtensions(lens_model) x_grid, y_grid = plot_grid.pixel_coordinates x = util.image2array(x_grid) y = util.image2array(y_grid) w1, w2, v11, v12, v21, v22 = lme.hessian_eigenvectors(x, y, kwargs_lens) stretch_1 = np.abs(1.0 / w1) # stretch in direction of first eigenvalue (unsorted) stretch_2 = np.abs(1.0 / w2) stretch_direction = np.arctan2( v12, v11 ) # Direction of first eigenvector. Other eigenvector is orthogonal. for i in range(len(stretch_direction)): stretch_1_amount = np.minimum(stretch_1[i], max_stretch) stretch_2_amount = np.minimum(stretch_2[i], max_stretch) ell = patches.Ellipse( (x[i], y[i]), stretch_1_amount * scale / 40, # 40 arbitrarily chosen stretch_2_amount * scale / 40, angle=stretch_direction[i] * 180 / np.pi, linewidth=1, fill=False, color=ellipse_color, **patch_kwargs ) ax.add_patch(ell) ax.set_xlim(np.min(x), np.max(x)) ax.set_ylim(np.min(y), np.max(y)) return ax def shear_plot( ax, lens_model, kwargs_lens, plot_grid=None, scale=5, color="k", max_stretch=np.inf, **kwargs ): """Plots combined internal+external shear at each point on a grid, represented by pseudovectors in the direction of local shear with length corresponding to shear magnitude. :param ax: matplotib axis instance :param lens_model: LensModel instance :param kwargs_lens: lens model keyword argument list :param plot_grid: pixelgrid instance at which to draw pseudovectors :param scale: scales sizes of drawn pseudovectors, smaller number=larger vectors :param color: color of pseudovectors, defaults to black :param max_stretch: optional max amount to stretch ellipses which sometimes diverge :param kwargs: additional plotting keyword arguments :return: matplotlib axis instance with figure """ if plot_grid is None: # define default ellipse grid (20x20 spanning from -2 to 2) plot_grid = PixelGrid(20, 20, np.array([[1, 0], [0, 1]]) * 0.2, -2, -2) x_grid, y_grid = plot_grid.pixel_coordinates g1, g2 = lens_model.gamma(x_grid, y_grid, kwargs_lens) phi, shear = shear_cartesian2polar(g1, g2) max_stretch_array = np.ones_like(shear) * max_stretch shear = np.minimum(shear, max_stretch_array) arrow_x = shear * np.cos(phi) arrow_y = shear * np.sin(phi) ax.quiver( x_grid, y_grid, arrow_x, arrow_y, headaxislength=0, headlength=0, pivot="middle", scale=scale, linewidth=0.5, units="xy", width=0.02, headwidth=1, color=color, **kwargs ) # , headwidth=0, headlength=0) ax.set_xlim(np.min(x_grid), np.max(x_grid)) ax.set_ylim(np.min(y_grid), np.max(y_grid)) return ax