Source code for lenstronomy.LightModel.Profiles.shapelets

__author__ = "sibirrer"

import numpy as np
import numpy.polynomial.hermite as hermite
import math

import lenstronomy.Util.util as util

from lenstronomy.Util.package_util import exporter

export, __all__ = exporter()

[docs]@export class Shapelets(object): """Class for 2d cartesian Shapelets. Sources: Refregier 2003: Shapelets: I. A Method for Image Analysis Refregier 2003: Shapelets: II. A Method for Weak Lensing Measurements For one dimension, the shapelets are defined as .. math:: \\phi_n(x) \\equiv \\left[2^n \\pi^{1/2} n! \\right]]^{-1/2}H_n(x) e^{-\\frac{x^2}{2}} This basis is orthonormal. The dimensional basis function is .. math:: B_n(x;\\beta) \\equiv \\beta^{-1/2} \\phi_n(\\beta^{-1}x) which are orthonormal as well. The two-dimensional basis function is .. math:: \\phi_{\\bf n}({\bf x}) \\equiv \\phi_{n1}(x1) \\phi_{n2}(x2) where :math:`{\\bf n} \\equiv (n1, n2)` and :math:`{\\bf x} \\equiv (x1, x2)`. The dimensional two-dimentional basis function is .. math:: B_{\\bf n}({\\bf x};\\beta) \\equiv \\beta^{-1/2} \\phi_{\\bf n}(\\beta^{-1}{\\bf x}). """ param_names = ["amp", "beta", "n1", "n2", "center_x", "center_y"] lower_limit_default = { "amp": 0, "beta": 0.01, "n1": 0, "n2": 0, "center_x": -100, "center_y": -100, } upper_limit_default = { "amp": 100, "beta": 100, "n1": 150, "n2": 150, "center_x": 100, "center_y": 100, }
[docs] def __init__( self, interpolation=False, precalc=False, stable_cut=True, cut_scale=5 ): """Load interpolation of the Hermite polynomials in a range [-30,30] in order n<= 150. :param interpolation: boolean; if True, uses interpolated pre-calculated shapelets in the evaluation :param precalc: boolean; if True interprets as input (x, y) as pre-calculated normalized shapelets :param stable_cut: boolean; if True, sets the values outside of :math:`\\sqrt\\left(n_{\\rm max} + 1 \\right) \\beta s_{\\rm cut scale} = 0`. :param cut_scale: float, scaling parameter where to cut the shapelets. This is for numerical reasons such that the polynomials in the Hermite function do not get unstable. """ self._interpolation = interpolation self._precalc = precalc self._stable_cut = stable_cut self._cut_scale = cut_scale if interpolation: n_order = 50 self.H_interp = [[] for _ in range(0, n_order)] self.x_grid = np.linspace(-50, 50, 6000) for k in range(0, n_order): n_array = np.zeros(k + 1) n_array[k] = 1 values = self.hermval(self.x_grid, n_array) self.H_interp[k] = values
[docs] def hermval(self, x, n_array, tensor=True): """ computes the Hermit polynomial as numpy.polynomial.hermite.hermval difference: for values more than sqrt(n_max + 1) * cut_scale, the value is set to zero this should be faster and numerically stable :param x: array of values :param n_array: list of coeffs in H_n :param tensor: see numpy.polynomial.hermite.hermval :return: see numpy.polynomial.hermite.hermval """ if not self._stable_cut: return hermite.hermval(x, n_array, tensor=tensor) else: n_max = len(n_array) x_cut = np.sqrt(n_max + 1) * self._cut_scale if isinstance(x, int) or isinstance(x, float): if x >= x_cut: return 0 else: return hermite.hermval(x, n_array) else: out = np.zeros_like(x) out[x < x_cut] = hermite.hermval(x[x < x_cut], n_array, tensor=tensor) return out
[docs] def function(self, x, y, amp, beta, n1, n2, center_x, center_y): """2d cartesian shapelet. :param x: x-coordinate :param y: y-coordinate :param amp: amplitude of shapelet :param beta: scale factor of shapelet :param n1: x-order of Hermite polynomial :param n2: y-order of Hermite polynomial :param center_x: center in x :param center_y: center in y :return: flux surface brightness at (x, y) """ if self._precalc: return amp * x[n1] * y[n2] # / beta x_ = x - center_x y_ = y - center_y return np.nan_to_num( amp * self.phi_n(n1, x_ / beta) * self.phi_n(n2, y_ / beta) ) # /beta
[docs] def H_n(self, n, x): """Constructs the Hermite polynomial of order n at position x (dimensionless) :param n: The n'the basis function. :param x: 1-dim position (dimensionless) :type x: float or numpy array. :returns: array-- H_n(x). """ if not self._interpolation: n_array = np.zeros(n + 1) n_array[n] = 1 return self.hermval( x, n_array, tensor=False ) # attention, this routine calculates every single hermite polynomial and multiplies it with zero (exept the right one) else: return np.interp(x, self.x_grid, self.H_interp[n])
[docs] def phi_n(self, n, x): """Constructs the 1-dim basis function (formula (1) in Refregier et al. 2001) :param n: The n'the basis function. :type n: int. :param x: 1-dim position (dimensionless) :type x: float or numpy array. :returns: array-- phi_n(x). """ prefactor = 1.0 / np.sqrt(2**n * np.sqrt(np.pi) * math.factorial(n)) return prefactor * self.H_n(n, x) * np.exp(-(x**2) / 2.0)
[docs] def pre_calc(self, x, y, beta, n_order, center_x, center_y): """Calculates the H_n(x) and H_n(y) for a given x-array and y-array for the full order in the polynomials. :param x: x-coordinates (numpy array) :param y: 7-coordinates (numpy array) :param beta: shapelet scale :param n_order: order of shapelets :param center_x: shapelet center :param center_y: shapelet center :return: list of H_n(x) and H_n(y) """ x_ = x - center_x y_ = y - center_y n = len(np.atleast_1d(x)) H_x = np.empty((n_order + 1, n)) H_y = np.empty((n_order + 1, n)) exp_x = np.exp(-((x_ / beta) ** 2) / 2.0) exp_y = np.exp(-((y_ / beta) ** 2) / 2.0) if n_order > 170: raise ValueError("polynomial order to large", n_order) for n in range(0, n_order + 1): prefactor = 1.0 / np.sqrt(2**n * np.sqrt(np.pi) * math.factorial(n)) n_array = np.zeros(n + 1) n_array[n] = 1 H_x[n] = self.hermval(x_ / beta, n_array, tensor=False) * prefactor * exp_x H_y[n] = self.hermval(y_ / beta, n_array, tensor=False) * prefactor * exp_y return H_x, H_y
[docs]@export class ShapeletSet(object): """Class to operate on entire shapelet set limited by a maximal polynomial order n_max, such that n1 + n2 <= n_max.""" param_names = ["amp", "n_max", "beta", "center_x", "center_y"] lower_limit_default = {"beta": 0.01, "center_x": -100, "center_y": -100} upper_limit_default = {"beta": 100, "center_x": 100, "center_y": 100}
[docs] def __init__(self): self.shapelets = Shapelets(precalc=True)
[docs] def function(self, x, y, amp, n_max, beta, center_x=0, center_y=0): """ :param x: x-coordinates :param y: y-coordinates :param amp: array of amplitudes in pre-defined order of shapelet basis functions :param beta: shapelet scale :param n_max: maximum polynomial order in Hermite polynomial :param center_x: shapelet center :param center_y: shapelet center :return: surface brightness of combined shapelet set """ num_param = int((n_max + 1) * (n_max + 2) / 2) f_ = np.zeros(len(np.atleast_1d(x))) n1 = 0 n2 = 0 H_x, H_y = self.shapelets.pre_calc(x, y, beta, n_max, center_x, center_y) for i in range(num_param): kwargs_source_shapelet = { "center_x": center_x, "center_y": center_y, "n1": n1, "n2": n2, "beta": beta, "amp": amp[i], } out = self.shapelets.function(H_x, H_y, **kwargs_source_shapelet) f_ += out if n1 == 0: n1 = n2 + 1 n2 = 0 else: n1 -= 1 n2 += 1 try: len(x) except: f_ = f_[0] return np.nan_to_num(f_)
[docs] def function_split(self, x, y, amp, n_max, beta, center_x=0, center_y=0): """Splits shapelet set in list of individual shapelet basis function responses. :param x: x-coordinates :param y: y-coordinates :param amp: array of amplitudes in pre-defined order of shapelet basis functions :param beta: shapelet scale :param n_max: maximum polynomial order in Hermite polynomial :param center_x: shapelet center :param center_y: shapelet center :return: list of individual shapelet basis function responses """ num_param = int((n_max + 1) * (n_max + 2) / 2) A = [] n1 = 0 n2 = 0 H_x, H_y = self.shapelets.pre_calc(x, y, beta, n_max, center_x, center_y) for i in range(num_param): kwargs_source_shapelet = { "center_x": center_x, "center_y": center_y, "n1": n1, "n2": n2, "beta": beta, "amp": amp[i], } A.append(self.shapelets.function(H_x, H_y, **kwargs_source_shapelet)) if n1 == 0: n1 = n2 + 1 n2 = 0 else: n1 -= 1 n2 += 1 return A
[docs] def shapelet_basis_2d( self, num_order, beta, numPix, deltaPix=1, center_x=0, center_y=0 ): """ :param num_order: max shapelet order :param beta: shapelet scale :param numPix: number of pixel of the grid :return: list of shapelets drawn on pixel grid, centered. """ num_param = int((num_order + 2) * (num_order + 1) / 2) kernel_list = [] x_grid, y_grid = util.make_grid(numPix, deltapix=deltaPix, subgrid_res=1) n1 = 0 n2 = 0 H_x, H_y = self.shapelets.pre_calc( x_grid, y_grid, beta, num_order, center_x=center_x, center_y=center_y ) for i in range(num_param): kwargs_source_shapelet = { "center_x": 0, "center_y": 0, "n1": n1, "n2": n2, "beta": beta, "amp": 1, } kernel = self.shapelets.function(H_x, H_y, **kwargs_source_shapelet) kernel = util.array2image(kernel) kernel_list.append(kernel) if n1 == 0: n1 = n2 + 1 n2 = 0 else: n1 -= 1 n2 += 1 return kernel_list
[docs] def decomposition(self, image, x, y, n_max, beta, deltaPix, center_x=0, center_y=0): """Decomposes an image into the shapelet coefficients in same order as for the function call. :param image: :param x: :param y: :param n_max: :param beta: :param center_x: :param center_y: :return: """ num_param = int((n_max + 1) * (n_max + 2) / 2) param_list = np.zeros(num_param) amp_norm = 1.0 / beta**2 * deltaPix**2 n1 = 0 n2 = 0 H_x, H_y = self.shapelets.pre_calc(x, y, beta, n_max, center_x, center_y) for i in range(num_param): kwargs_source_shapelet = { "center_x": center_x, "center_y": center_y, "n1": n1, "n2": n2, "beta": beta, "amp": amp_norm, } base = self.shapelets.function(H_x, H_y, **kwargs_source_shapelet) param = np.sum(image * base) param_list[i] = param if n1 == 0: n1 = n2 + 1 n2 = 0 else: n1 -= 1 n2 += 1 return param_list