Source code for lenstronomy.LightModel.Profiles.interpolation

__author__ = "sibirrer"

import scipy.interpolate
import numpy as np

import lenstronomy.Util.util as util

__all__ = ["Interpol"]

[docs]class Interpol(object): """Class which uses an interpolation of an image to compute the surface brightness. parameters are 'image': 2d numpy array of surface brightness per square arc second (not integrated flux per pixel!) 'center_x': coordinate of center of image in angular units (i.e. arc seconds) 'center_y': coordinate of center of image in angular units (i.e. arc seconds) 'phi_G': rotation of image relative to the rectangular ra-to-dec orientation 'scale': arcseconds per pixel of the image to be interpolated """ param_names = ["image", "amp", "center_x", "center_y", "phi_G", "scale"] lower_limit_default = { "amp": 0, "center_x": -1000, "center_y": -1000, "scale": 0.000000001, "phi_G": -np.pi, } upper_limit_default = { "amp": 1000000, "center_x": 1000, "center_y": 1000, "scale": 10000000000, "phi_G": np.pi, }
[docs] def __init__(self): pass
[docs] def function( self, x, y, image=None, amp=1, center_x=0, center_y=0, phi_G=0, scale=1 ): """ :param x: x-coordinate to evaluate surface brightness :param y: y-coordinate to evaluate surface brightness :param image: pixelized surface brightness (an image) to be used to interpolate in units of surface brightness (flux per square arc seconds, not flux per pixel!) :type image: 2d numpy array :param amp: amplitude of surface brightness scaling in respect of original input image :param center_x: center of interpolated image :param center_y: center of interpolated image :param phi_G: rotation angle of simulated image in respect to input gird :param scale: pixel scale (in angular units) of the simulated image :return: surface brightness from the model at coordinates (x, y) """ x_, y_ = self.coord2image_pixel(x, y, center_x, center_y, phi_G, scale) return amp * self.image_interp(x_, y_, image)
[docs] def image_interp(self, x, y, image): if not hasattr(self, "_image_interp"): # Setup the interpolator. # Note that 'x' and 'y' in this block only refer to first and second # image array axes. Outside this block it is more complicated. nx, ny = np.shape(image) image_bounds = np.zeros((nx + 2, ny + 2)) nx0, ny0 = nx + 2, ny + 2 image_bounds[1:-1, 1:-1] = image x_grid = np.linspace(start=-(nx0 - 1) / 2, stop=(nx0 - 1) / 2, num=nx0) y_grid = np.linspace(start=-(ny0 - 1) / 2, stop=(ny0 - 1) / 2, num=ny0) self._image_interp = scipy.interpolate.RectBivariateSpline( x_grid, y_grid, image_bounds, kx=1, ky=1, s=0 ) # y and x must be flipped in call to interpolator # (try reversing, the unit tests will fail) return self._image_interp(y, x, grid=False)
[docs] @staticmethod def total_flux(image, scale, amp=1, center_x=0, center_y=0, phi_G=0): """Sums up all the image surface brightness (image pixels defined in surface brightness at the coordinate of the pixel) times pixel area. :param image: pixelized surface brightness used to interpolate in units of surface brightness (flux per square arc seconds, not flux per pixel!) :param scale: scale of the pixel in units of angle :param amp: linear scaling parameter of the surface brightness multiplicative with the initial image :param center_x: center of image in angular coordinates :param center_y: center of image in angular coordinates :param phi_G: rotation angle :return: total flux of the image """ return np.sum(image) * scale**2 * amp
[docs] @staticmethod def coord2image_pixel(ra, dec, center_x, center_y, phi_G, scale): """ :param ra: angular coordinate :param dec: angular coordinate :param center_x: center of image in angular coordinates :param center_y: center of image in angular coordinates :param phi_G: rotation angle :param scale: pixel scale of image :return: pixel coordinates """ ra_ = ra - center_x dec_ = dec - center_y x_ = ra_ / scale y_ = dec_ / scale x, y = util.rotate(x_, y_, phi_G) return x, y
[docs] def delete_cache(self): """Delete the cached interpolated image.""" if hasattr(self, "_image_interp"): del self._image_interp