Source code for lenstronomy.LensModel.lens_model

__author__ = "sibirrer"
from lenstronomy.LensModel.single_plane import SinglePlane
from lenstronomy.LensModel.LineOfSight.single_plane_los import SinglePlaneLOS
from lenstronomy.LensModel.MultiPlane.multi_plane import MultiPlane
from lenstronomy.Cosmo.lens_cosmo import LensCosmo
from lenstronomy.Util import constants as const

__all__ = ["LensModel"]

[docs]class LensModel(object): """Class to handle an arbitrary list of lens models. This is the main lenstronomy LensModel API for all other modules. """
[docs] def __init__( self, lens_model_list, z_lens=None, z_source=None, lens_redshift_list=None, cosmo=None, multi_plane=False, numerical_alpha_class=None, observed_convention_index=None, z_source_convention=None, cosmo_interp=False, z_interp_stop=None, num_z_interp=100, kwargs_interp=None, kwargs_synthesis=None, ): """ :param lens_model_list: list of strings with lens model names :param z_lens: redshift of the deflector (only considered when operating in single plane mode). Is only needed for specific functions that require a cosmology. :param z_source: redshift of the source: Needed in multi_plane option only, not required for the core functionalities in the single plane mode. :param lens_redshift_list: list of deflector redshift (corresponding to the lens model list), only applicable in multi_plane mode. :param cosmo: instance of the astropy cosmology class. If not specified, uses the default cosmology. :param multi_plane: bool, if True, uses multi-plane mode. Default is False. :param numerical_alpha_class: an instance of a custom class for use in TabulatedDeflections() lens model (see documentation in Profiles/numerical_deflections) :param kwargs_interp: interpolation keyword arguments specifying the numerics. See description in the Interpolate() class. Only applicable for 'INTERPOL' and 'INTERPOL_SCALED' models. :param observed_convention_index: a list of indices, corresponding to the lens_model_list element with same index, where the 'center_x' and 'center_y' kwargs correspond to observed (lensed) positions, not physical positions. The code will compute the physical locations when performing computations :param z_source_convention: float, redshift of a source to define the reduced deflection angles of the lens models. If None, 'z_source' is used. :param cosmo_interp: boolean (only employed in multi-plane mode), interpolates astropy.cosmology distances for faster calls when accessing several lensing planes :param z_interp_stop: (only in multi-plane with cosmo_interp=True); maximum redshift for distance interpolation This number should be higher or equal the maximum of the source redshift and/or the z_source_convention :param num_z_interp: (only in multi-plane with cosmo_interp=True); number of redshift bins for interpolating distances """ self.lens_model_list = lens_model_list self.z_lens = z_lens self.z_source = z_source self._z_source_convention = z_source_convention self.redshift_list = lens_redshift_list if cosmo is None: from astropy.cosmology import default_cosmology cosmo = default_cosmology.get() self.cosmo = cosmo # Are there line-of-sight corrections? permitted_los_models = ["LOS", "LOS_MINIMAL"] los_models = [ (i, model) for (i, model) in enumerate(lens_model_list) if model in permitted_los_models ] if len(los_models) == 0: los_effects = False elif len(los_models) == 1: los_effects = True index_los, los_model = los_models[0] else: raise ValueError( "You can only have one model for line-of-sight corrections." ) # Multi-plane or single-plane lensing? self.multi_plane = multi_plane if multi_plane is True: if z_source is None: raise ValueError( "z_source needs to be set for multi-plane lens modelling." ) if los_effects is True: raise ValueError( "LOS effects and multi-plane lensing are incompatible." ) self.lens_model = MultiPlane( z_source, lens_model_list, lens_redshift_list, cosmo=cosmo, numerical_alpha_class=numerical_alpha_class, observed_convention_index=observed_convention_index, z_source_convention=z_source_convention, cosmo_interp=cosmo_interp, z_interp_stop=z_interp_stop, num_z_interp=num_z_interp, kwargs_interp=kwargs_interp, kwargs_synthesis=kwargs_synthesis, ) else: if los_effects is True: self.lens_model = SinglePlaneLOS( lens_model_list, index_los=index_los, numerical_alpha_class=numerical_alpha_class, lens_redshift_list=lens_redshift_list, z_source_convention=z_source_convention, kwargs_interp=kwargs_interp, kwargs_synthesis=kwargs_synthesis, ) else: self.lens_model = SinglePlane( lens_model_list, numerical_alpha_class=numerical_alpha_class, lens_redshift_list=lens_redshift_list, z_source_convention=z_source_convention, kwargs_interp=kwargs_interp, kwargs_synthesis=kwargs_synthesis, ) if z_lens is not None and z_source is not None: self._lensCosmo = LensCosmo(z_lens, z_source, cosmo=cosmo)
[docs] def ray_shooting(self, x, y, kwargs, k=None): """Maps image to source position (inverse deflection) :param x: x-position (preferentially arcsec) :type x: numpy array :param y: y-position (preferentially arcsec) :type y: numpy array :param kwargs: list of keyword arguments of lens model parameters matching the lens model classes :param k: only evaluate the k-th lens model :return: source plane positions corresponding to (x, y) in the image plane """ return self.lens_model.ray_shooting(x, y, kwargs, k=k)
[docs] def fermat_potential( self, x_image, y_image, kwargs_lens, x_source=None, y_source=None ): """Fermat potential (negative sign means earlier arrival time) for Multi-plane lensing, it computes the effective Fermat potential (derived from the arrival time and subtracted off the time-delay distance for the given cosmology). The units are given in arcsecond square. :param x_image: image position :param y_image: image position :param x_source: source position :param y_source: source position :param kwargs_lens: list of keyword arguments of lens model parameters matching the lens model classes :return: fermat potential in arcsec**2 without geometry term (second part of Eqn 1 in Suyu et al. 2013) as a list """ if hasattr(self.lens_model, "fermat_potential"): return self.lens_model.fermat_potential( x_image, y_image, kwargs_lens, x_source, y_source ) elif hasattr(self.lens_model, "arrival_time") and hasattr(self, "_lensCosmo"): dt = self.lens_model.arrival_time(x_image, y_image, kwargs_lens) fermat_pot_eff = ( dt * const.c / self._lensCosmo.ddt / const.Mpc * const.day_s / const.arcsec**2 ) return fermat_pot_eff else: raise ValueError( "In multi-plane lensing you need to provide a specific z_lens and z_source for which the " "effective Fermat potential is evaluated" )
[docs] def arrival_time( self, x_image, y_image, kwargs_lens, kappa_ext=0, x_source=None, y_source=None ): """Arrival time of images relative to a straight line without lensing. Negative values correspond to images arriving earlier, and positive signs correspond to images arriving later. :param x_image: image position :param y_image: image position :param kwargs_lens: lens model parameter keyword argument list :param kappa_ext: external convergence contribution not accounted in the lens model that leads to the same observables in position and relative fluxes but rescales the time delays :param x_source: source position (optional), otherwise computed with ray-tracing :param y_source: source position (optional), otherwise computed with ray-tracing :return: arrival time of image positions in units of days """ if hasattr(self.lens_model, "arrival_time"): arrival_time = self.lens_model.arrival_time(x_image, y_image, kwargs_lens) else: fermat_pot = self.lens_model.fermat_potential( x_image, y_image, kwargs_lens, x_source=x_source, y_source=y_source ) if not hasattr(self, "_lensCosmo"): raise ValueError( "LensModel class was not initialized with lens and source redshifts!" ) arrival_time = self._lensCosmo.time_delay_units(fermat_pot) arrival_time *= 1 - kappa_ext return arrival_time
[docs] def potential(self, x, y, kwargs, k=None): """Lensing potential. :param x: x-position (preferentially arcsec) :type x: numpy array :param y: y-position (preferentially arcsec) :type y: numpy array :param kwargs: list of keyword arguments of lens model parameters matching the lens model classes :param k: only evaluate the k-th lens model :return: lensing potential in units of arcsec^2 """ return self.lens_model.potential(x, y, kwargs, k=k)
[docs] def alpha(self, x, y, kwargs, k=None, diff=None): """Deflection angles. :param x: x-position (preferentially arcsec) :type x: numpy array :param y: y-position (preferentially arcsec) :type y: numpy array :param kwargs: list of keyword arguments of lens model parameters matching the lens model classes :param k: only evaluate the k-th lens model :param diff: None or float. If set, computes the deflection as a finite numerical differential of the lensing potential. This differential is only applicable in the single lensing plane where the form of the lensing potential is analytically known :return: deflection angles in units of arcsec """ if diff is None: return self.lens_model.alpha(x, y, kwargs, k=k) elif self.multi_plane is False: return self._deflection_differential(x, y, kwargs, k=k, diff=diff) else: raise ValueError( "numerical differentiation of lensing potential is not available in the multi-plane " "setting as analytical form of lensing potential is not available." )
[docs] def hessian(self, x, y, kwargs, k=None, diff=None, diff_method="square"): """Hessian matrix. :param x: x-position (preferentially arcsec) :type x: numpy array :param y: y-position (preferentially arcsec) :type y: numpy array :param kwargs: list of keyword arguments of lens model parameters matching the lens model classes :param k: only evaluate the k-th lens model :param diff: float, scale over which the finite numerical differential is computed. If None, then using the exact (if available) differentials. :param diff_method: string, 'square' or 'cross', indicating whether finite differentials are computed from a cross or a square of points around (x, y) :return: f_xx, f_xy, f_yx, f_yy components """ if diff is None: return self.lens_model.hessian(x, y, kwargs, k=k) elif diff_method == "square": return self._hessian_differential_square(x, y, kwargs, k=k, diff=diff) elif diff_method == "cross": return self._hessian_differential_cross(x, y, kwargs, k=k, diff=diff) else: raise ValueError( 'diff_method %s not supported. Chose among "square" or "cross".' % diff_method )
[docs] def kappa(self, x, y, kwargs, k=None, diff=None, diff_method="square"): """Lensing convergence k = 1/2 laplacian(phi) :param x: x-position (preferentially arcsec) :type x: numpy array :param y: y-position (preferentially arcsec) :type y: numpy array :param kwargs: list of keyword arguments of lens model parameters matching the lens model classes :param k: only evaluate the k-th lens model :param diff: float, scale over which the finite numerical differential is computed. If None, then using the exact (if available) differentials. :param diff_method: string, 'square' or 'cross', indicating whether finite differentials are computed from a cross or a square of points around (x, y) :return: lensing convergence """ f_xx, f_xy, f_yx, f_yy = self.hessian( x, y, kwargs, k=k, diff=diff, diff_method=diff_method ) kappa = 1.0 / 2 * (f_xx + f_yy) return kappa
[docs] def curl(self, x, y, kwargs, k=None, diff=None, diff_method="square"): """ curl computation F_xy - F_yx :param x: x-position (preferentially arcsec) :type x: numpy array :param y: y-position (preferentially arcsec) :type y: numpy array :param kwargs: list of keyword arguments of lens model parameters matching the lens model classes :param k: only evaluate the k-th lens model :param diff: float, scale over which the finite numerical differential is computed. If None, then using the exact (if available) differentials. :param diff_method: string, 'square' or 'cross', indicating whether finite differentials are computed from a cross or a square of points around (x, y) :return: curl at position (x, y) """ f_xx, f_xy, f_yx, f_yy = self.hessian( x, y, kwargs, k=k, diff=diff, diff_method=diff_method ) return f_xy - f_yx
[docs] def gamma(self, x, y, kwargs, k=None, diff=None, diff_method="square"): """ shear computation g1 = 1/2(d^2phi/dx^2 - d^2phi/dy^2) g2 = d^2phi/dxdy :param x: x-position (preferentially arcsec) :type x: numpy array :param y: y-position (preferentially arcsec) :type y: numpy array :param kwargs: list of keyword arguments of lens model parameters matching the lens model classes :param k: only evaluate the k-th lens model :param diff: float, scale over which the finite numerical differential is computed. If None, then using the exact (if available) differentials. :param diff_method: string, 'square' or 'cross', indicating whether finite differentials are computed from a cross or a square of points around (x, y) :return: gamma1, gamma2 """ f_xx, f_xy, f_yx, f_yy = self.hessian( x, y, kwargs, k=k, diff=diff, diff_method=diff_method ) gamma1 = 1.0 / 2 * (f_xx - f_yy) gamma2 = f_xy return gamma1, gamma2
[docs] def magnification(self, x, y, kwargs, k=None, diff=None, diff_method="square"): """magnification. mag = 1/det(A) A = 1 - d^2phi/d_ij :param x: x-position (preferentially arcsec) :type x: numpy array :param y: y-position (preferentially arcsec) :type y: numpy array :param kwargs: list of keyword arguments of lens model parameters matching the lens model classes :param k: only evaluate the k-th lens model :param diff: float, scale over which the finite numerical differential is computed. If None, then using the exact (if available) differentials. :param diff_method: string, 'square' or 'cross', indicating whether finite differentials are computed from a cross or a square of points around (x, y) :return: magnification """ f_xx, f_xy, f_yx, f_yy = self.hessian( x, y, kwargs, k=k, diff=diff, diff_method=diff_method ) det_A = (1 - f_xx) * (1 - f_yy) - f_xy * f_yx return 1.0 / det_A # attention, if dividing by zero
[docs] def flexion(self, x, y, kwargs, k=None, diff=0.000001, hessian_diff=True): """Third derivatives (flexion) :param x: x-position (preferentially arcsec) :type x: numpy array :param y: y-position (preferentially arcsec) :type y: numpy array :param kwargs: list of keyword arguments of lens model parameters matching the lens model classes :param k: int or None, if set, only evaluates the differential from one model component :param diff: numerical differential length of Flexion :param hessian_diff: boolean, if true also computes the numerical differential length of Hessian (optional) :return: f_xxx, f_xxy, f_xyy, f_yyy """ if hessian_diff is not True: hessian_diff = None f_xx_dx, f_xy_dx, f_yx_dx, f_yy_dx = self.hessian( x + diff / 2, y, kwargs, k=k, diff=hessian_diff ) f_xx_dy, f_xy_dy, f_yx_dy, f_yy_dy = self.hessian( x, y + diff / 2, kwargs, k=k, diff=hessian_diff ) f_xx_dx_, f_xy_dx_, f_yx_dx_, f_yy_dx_ = self.hessian( x - diff / 2, y, kwargs, k=k, diff=hessian_diff ) f_xx_dy_, f_xy_dy_, f_yx_dy_, f_yy_dy_ = self.hessian( x, y - diff / 2, kwargs, k=k, diff=hessian_diff ) f_xxx = (f_xx_dx - f_xx_dx_) / diff f_xxy = (f_xx_dy - f_xx_dy_) / diff f_xyy = (f_xy_dy - f_xy_dy_) / diff f_yyy = (f_yy_dy - f_yy_dy_) / diff return f_xxx, f_xxy, f_xyy, f_yyy
[docs] def set_static(self, kwargs): """Set this instance to a static lens model. This can improve the speed in evaluating lensing quantities at different positions but must not be used with different lens model parameters! :param kwargs: lens model keyword argument list :return: kwargs_updated (in case of image position convention in multiplane lensing this is changed) """ return self.lens_model.set_static(kwargs)
[docs] def set_dynamic(self): """Deletes cache for static setting and makes sure the observed convention in the position of lensing profiles in the multi-plane setting is enabled. Dynamic is the default setting of this class enabling an accurate computation of lensing quantities with different parameters in the lensing profiles. :return: None """ self.lens_model.set_dynamic()
def _deflection_differential(self, x, y, kwargs, k=None, diff=0.00001): """ :param x: x-coordinate :param y: y-coordinate :param kwargs: keyword argument list :param k: int or None, if set, only evaluates the differential from one model component :param diff: finite differential length :return: f_x, f_y """ phi_dx = self.lens_model.potential(x + diff / 2, y, kwargs=kwargs, k=k) phi_dy = self.lens_model.potential(x, y + diff / 2, kwargs=kwargs, k=k) phi_dx_ = self.lens_model.potential(x - diff / 2, y, kwargs=kwargs, k=k) phi_dy_ = self.lens_model.potential(x, y - diff / 2, kwargs=kwargs, k=k) f_x = (phi_dx - phi_dx_) / diff f_y = (phi_dy - phi_dy_) / diff return f_x, f_y def _hessian_differential_cross(self, x, y, kwargs, k=None, diff=0.00001): """Computes the numerical differentials over a finite range for f_xx, f_yy, f_xy from f_x and f_y The differentials are computed along the cross centered at (x, y). :param x: x-coordinate :param y: y-coordinate :param kwargs: lens model keyword argument list :param k: int, list of bools or None, indicating a subset of lens models to be evaluated :param diff: float, scale of the finite differential (diff/2 in each direction used to compute the differential :return: f_xx, f_xy, f_yx, f_yy """ alpha_ra_dx, alpha_dec_dx = self.alpha(x + diff / 2, y, kwargs, k=k) alpha_ra_dy, alpha_dec_dy = self.alpha(x, y + diff / 2, kwargs, k=k) alpha_ra_dx_, alpha_dec_dx_ = self.alpha(x - diff / 2, y, kwargs, k=k) alpha_ra_dy_, alpha_dec_dy_ = self.alpha(x, y - diff / 2, kwargs, k=k) dalpha_rara = (alpha_ra_dx - alpha_ra_dx_) / diff dalpha_radec = (alpha_ra_dy - alpha_ra_dy_) / diff dalpha_decra = (alpha_dec_dx - alpha_dec_dx_) / diff dalpha_decdec = (alpha_dec_dy - alpha_dec_dy_) / diff f_xx = dalpha_rara f_yy = dalpha_decdec f_xy = dalpha_radec f_yx = dalpha_decra return f_xx, f_xy, f_yx, f_yy def _hessian_differential_square(self, x, y, kwargs, k=None, diff=0.00001): """Computes the numerical differentials over a finite range for f_xx, f_yy, f_xy from f_x and f_y The differentials are computed on the square around (x, y). This minimizes curl. :param x: x-coordinate :param y: y-coordinate :param kwargs: lens model keyword argument list :param k: int, list of booleans or None, indicating a subset of lens models to be evaluated :param diff: float, scale of the finite differential (diff/2 in each direction used to compute the differential :return: f_xx, f_xy, f_yx, f_yy """ alpha_ra_pp, alpha_dec_pp = self.alpha(x + diff / 2, y + diff / 2, kwargs, k=k) alpha_ra_pn, alpha_dec_pn = self.alpha(x + diff / 2, y - diff / 2, kwargs, k=k) alpha_ra_np, alpha_dec_np = self.alpha(x - diff / 2, y + diff / 2, kwargs, k=k) alpha_ra_nn, alpha_dec_nn = self.alpha(x - diff / 2, y - diff / 2, kwargs, k=k) f_xx = (alpha_ra_pp - alpha_ra_np + alpha_ra_pn - alpha_ra_nn) / diff / 2 f_xy = (alpha_ra_pp - alpha_ra_pn + alpha_ra_np - alpha_ra_nn) / diff / 2 f_yx = (alpha_dec_pp - alpha_dec_np + alpha_dec_pn - alpha_dec_nn) / diff / 2 f_yy = (alpha_dec_pp - alpha_dec_pn + alpha_dec_np - alpha_dec_nn) / diff / 2 return f_xx, f_xy, f_yx, f_yy
[docs] def hessian_z1z2(self, z1, z2, theta_x, theta_y, kwargs_lens, diff=0.00000001): """Computes Hessian matrix when Observed at z1 with rays going to z2 with z1 < z2 for multi_plane. :param z1: Observer redshift :param z2: source redshift :param theta_x: angular position and direction of the ray :param theta_y: angular position and direction of the ray :param kwargs_lens: list of keyword arguments of lens model parameters matching the lens model classes :param diff: numerical differential step (float) :return: f_xx, f_xy, f_yx, f_yy """ if self.multi_plane is False: raise ValueError("Hessian z1z2 need to be compute in multi-plane mode") if z1 >= z2: raise ValueError("z1 needs to be smaller than z2") f_xx, f_xy, f_yx, f_yy = self.lens_model.hessian_z1z2( z1, z2, theta_x, theta_y, kwargs_lens, diff=diff ) return f_xx, f_xy, f_yx, f_yy