Source code for lenstronomy.LensModel.Solver.lens_equation_solver

import numpy as np
import lenstronomy.Util.util as util
import lenstronomy.Util.image_util as image_util
from scipy.optimize import minimize
from lenstronomy.LensModel.Solver.epl_shear_solver import solve_lenseq_pemd

__all__ = ["LensEquationSolver"]

[docs]class LensEquationSolver(object): """Class to solve for image positions given lens model and source position."""
[docs] def __init__(self, lensModel): """This class must contain the following definitions (with same syntax as the standard LensModel() class: def ray_shooting() def hessian() def magnification() :param lensModel: instance of a class according to lenstronomy.LensModel.lens_model """ self.lensModel = lensModel
[docs] def image_position_stochastic( self, source_x, source_y, kwargs_lens, search_window=10, precision_limit=10 ** (-10), arrival_time_sort=True, x_center=0, y_center=0, num_random=1000, ): """Solves the lens equation stochastic with the scipy minimization routine on the quadratic distance between the backwards ray-shooted proposed image position and the source position. Credits to Giulia Pagano. :param source_x: source position :param source_y: source position :param kwargs_lens: lens model list of keyword arguments :param search_window: angular size of search window :param precision_limit: limit required on the precision in the source plane :param arrival_time_sort: bool, if True sorts according to arrival time :param x_center: center of search window :param y_center: center of search window :param num_random: number of random starting points of the non-linear solver in the search window :return: x_image, y_image """ kwargs_lens = self.lensModel.set_static(kwargs_lens) x_solve, y_solve = [], [] for i in range(num_random): x_init = ( np.random.uniform(-search_window / 2.0, search_window / 2) + x_center ) y_init = ( np.random.uniform(-search_window / 2.0, search_window / 2) + y_center ) xinitial = np.array([x_init, y_init]) result = minimize( self._root, xinitial, args=(kwargs_lens, source_x, source_y), tol=precision_limit**2, method="Nelder-Mead", ) if ( self._root(result.x, kwargs_lens, source_x, source_y) < precision_limit**2 ): x_solve.append(result.x[0]) y_solve.append(result.x[1]) x_mins, y_mins = image_util.findOverlap(x_solve, y_solve, precision_limit) if arrival_time_sort: x_mins, y_mins = self.sort_arrival_times(x_mins, y_mins, kwargs_lens) self.lensModel.set_dynamic() return x_mins, y_mins
def _root(self, x, kwargs_lens, source_x, source_y): """ :param x: parameters [x-coord, y-coord] :param kwargs_lens: list of keyword arguments of the lens model :param source_x: source position :param source_y: source position :return: square distance between ray-traced image position and given source position """ x_, y_ = x beta_x, beta_y = self.lensModel.ray_shooting(x_, y_, kwargs_lens) return (beta_x - source_x) ** 2 + (beta_y - source_y) ** 2
[docs] def candidate_solutions( self, sourcePos_x, sourcePos_y, kwargs_lens, min_distance=0.1, search_window=10, verbose=False, x_center=0, y_center=0, ): """Finds pixels in the image plane possibly hosting a solution of the lens equation, for the given source position and lens model. :param sourcePos_x: source position in units of angle :param sourcePos_y: source position in units of angle :param kwargs_lens: lens model parameters as keyword arguments :param min_distance: minimum separation to consider for two images in units of angle :param search_window: window size to be considered by the solver. Will not find image position outside this window :param verbose: bool, if True, prints some useful information for the user :param x_center: float, center of the window to search for point sources :param y_center: float, center of the window to search for point sources :returns: (approximate) angular position of (multiple) images ra_pos, dec_pos in units of angles, related ray-traced source displacements and pixel width :raises: AttributeError, KeyError """ kwargs_lens = self.lensModel.set_static(kwargs_lens) # compute number of pixels to cover the search window with the required min_distance numPix = int(round(search_window / min_distance) + 0.5) x_grid, y_grid = util.make_grid(numPix, min_distance) x_grid += x_center y_grid += y_center # ray-shoot to find the relative distance to the required source position for each grid point x_mapped, y_mapped = self.lensModel.ray_shooting(x_grid, y_grid, kwargs_lens) absmapped = util.displaceAbs(x_mapped, y_mapped, sourcePos_x, sourcePos_y) # select minima in the grid points and select grid points that do not deviate more than the # width of the grid point to a solution of the lens equation x_mins, y_mins, delta_map = util.local_minima_2d(absmapped, x_grid, y_grid) # pixel width pixel_width = x_grid[1] - x_grid[0] return x_mins, y_mins, delta_map, pixel_width
[docs] def image_position_analytical( self, x, y, kwargs_lens, arrival_time_sort=True, magnification_limit=None, **kwargs_solver, ): """Solves the lens equation. Only supports EPL-like (plus shear) models. Uses a specialized recipe that solves a one-dimensional lens equation that is easier and more reliable to solve than the usual two-dimensional lens equation. :param x: source position in units of angle, an array of positions is also supported. :param y: source position in units of angle, an array of positions is also supported. :param kwargs_lens: lens model parameters as keyword arguments :param arrival_time_sort: bool, if True, sorts image position in arrival time (first arrival photon first listed) :param magnification_limit: None or float, if set will only return image positions that have an abs(magnification) larger than this number :param kwargs_solver: additional kwargs to be supplied to the solver. Particularly relevant are Nmeas and Nmeas_extra :returns: (exact) angular position of (multiple) images ra_pos, dec_pos in units of angle Note: in contrast to the other solvers, generally the (heavily demagnified) central image will also be included, so setting a a proper magnification_limit is more important. To get similar behaviour, a limit of 1e-1 is acceptable """ lens_model_list = list(self.lensModel.lens_model_list) if lens_model_list not in ( ["SIE", "SHEAR"], ["SIE"], ["EPL_NUMBA", "SHEAR"], ["EPL_NUMBA"], ["EPL", "SHEAR"], ["EPL"], ): raise ValueError( "Only SIE, EPL, EPL_NUMBA (+shear) supported in the analytical solver for now." ) x_mins, y_mins = solve_lenseq_pemd((x, y), kwargs_lens, **kwargs_solver) if arrival_time_sort: x_mins, y_mins = self.sort_arrival_times(x_mins, y_mins, kwargs_lens) if magnification_limit is not None: mag = np.abs(self.lensModel.magnification(x_mins, y_mins, kwargs_lens)) x_mins = x_mins[mag >= magnification_limit] y_mins = y_mins[mag >= magnification_limit] return x_mins, y_mins
[docs] def image_position_from_source( self, sourcePos_x, sourcePos_y, kwargs_lens, solver="lenstronomy", **kwargs ): """Solves the lens equation, i.e. finds the image positions in the lens plane that are mapped to a given source position. :param sourcePos_x: source position in units of angle :param sourcePos_y: source position in units of angle :param kwargs_lens: lens model parameters as keyword arguments :param solver: which solver to use, can be 'lenstronomy' (default), 'analytical' or 'stochastic'. :param kwargs: Any additional kwargs are passed to the chosen solver, see the documentation of image_position_lenstronomy, image_position_analytical and image_position_stochastic :returns: (exact) angular position of (multiple) images ra_pos, dec_pos in units of angle """ if solver == "lenstronomy": return self.image_position_lenstronomy( sourcePos_x, sourcePos_y, kwargs_lens, **kwargs ) if solver == "analytical": return self.image_position_analytical( sourcePos_x, sourcePos_y, kwargs_lens, **kwargs ) if solver == "stochastic": return self.image_position_stochastic( sourcePos_x, sourcePos_y, kwargs_lens, **kwargs ) raise ValueError(f"{solver} is not a valid solver.")
[docs] def image_position_lenstronomy( self, sourcePos_x, sourcePos_y, kwargs_lens, min_distance=0.1, search_window=10, precision_limit=10 ** (-10), num_iter_max=100, arrival_time_sort=True, initial_guess_cut=True, verbose=False, x_center=0, y_center=0, num_random=0, non_linear=False, magnification_limit=None, ): """Finds image position given source position and lens model. The solver first samples does a grid search in the lens plane, and the grid points that are closest to the supplied source position are fed to a specialized gradient-based root finder that finds the exact solutions. Works with all lens models. :param sourcePos_x: source position in units of angle :param sourcePos_y: source position in units of angle :param kwargs_lens: lens model parameters as keyword arguments :param min_distance: minimum separation to consider for two images in units of angle :param search_window: window size to be considered by the solver. Will not find image position outside this window :param precision_limit: required precision in the lens equation solver (in units of angle in the source plane). :param num_iter_max: maximum iteration of lens-source mapping conducted by solver to match the required precision :param arrival_time_sort: bool, if True, sorts image position in arrival time (first arrival photon first listed) :param initial_guess_cut: bool, if True, cuts initial local minima selected by the grid search based on distance criteria from the source position :param verbose: bool, if True, prints some useful information for the user :param x_center: float, center of the window to search for point sources :param y_center: float, center of the window to search for point sources :param num_random: int, number of random positions within the search window to be added to be starting positions for the gradient decent solver :param non_linear: bool, if True applies a non-linear solver not dependent on Hessian computation :param magnification_limit: None or float, if set will only return image positions that have an abs(magnification) larger than this number :returns: (exact) angular position of (multiple) images ra_pos, dec_pos in units of angle :raises: AttributeError, KeyError """ # find pixels in the image plane possibly hosting a solution of the lens equation, related source distances and # pixel width x_mins, y_mins, delta_map, pixel_width = self.candidate_solutions( sourcePos_x, sourcePos_y, kwargs_lens, min_distance, search_window, verbose, x_center, y_center, ) if verbose: print( "There are %s regions identified that could contain a solution of the lens equation with" "coordinates %s and %s " % (len(x_mins), x_mins, y_mins) ) if len(x_mins) < 1: return x_mins, y_mins if initial_guess_cut: mag = np.abs(self.lensModel.magnification(x_mins, y_mins, kwargs_lens)) mag[mag < 1] = 1 x_mins = x_mins[delta_map <= min_distance * mag * 5] y_mins = y_mins[delta_map <= min_distance * mag * 5] if verbose: print( "The number of regions that meet the plausibility criteria are %s" % len(x_mins) ) x_mins = np.append( x_mins, np.random.uniform( low=-search_window / 2 + x_center, high=search_window / 2 + x_center, size=num_random, ), ) y_mins = np.append( y_mins, np.random.uniform( low=-search_window / 2 + y_center, high=search_window / 2 + y_center, size=num_random, ), ) # iterative solving of the lens equation for the selected grid points # print("Candidates:", x_mins.shape, y_mins.shape) x_mins, y_mins, solver_precision = self._find_gradient_decent( x_mins, y_mins, sourcePos_x, sourcePos_y, kwargs_lens, precision_limit, num_iter_max, verbose=verbose, min_distance=min_distance, non_linear=non_linear, ) # only select iterative results that match the precision limit x_mins = x_mins[solver_precision <= precision_limit] y_mins = y_mins[solver_precision <= precision_limit] # find redundant solutions within the min_distance criterion x_mins, y_mins = image_util.findOverlap(x_mins, y_mins, min_distance) if arrival_time_sort: x_mins, y_mins = self.sort_arrival_times(x_mins, y_mins, kwargs_lens) if magnification_limit is not None: mag = np.abs(self.lensModel.magnification(x_mins, y_mins, kwargs_lens)) x_mins = x_mins[mag >= magnification_limit] y_mins = y_mins[mag >= magnification_limit] self.lensModel.set_dynamic() return x_mins, y_mins
def _find_gradient_decent( self, x_min, y_min, sourcePos_x, sourcePos_y, kwargs_lens, precision_limit=10 ** (-10), num_iter_max=200, verbose=False, min_distance=0.01, non_linear=False, ): """Given a 'good guess' of a solution of the lens equation (expected image position given a fixed source position) this routine iteratively performs a ray- tracing with second order correction (effectively gradient decent) to find a precise solution to the lens equation. :param x_min: np.array, list of 'good guess' solutions of the lens equation :param y_min: np.array, list of 'good guess' solutions of the lens equation :param sourcePos_x: source position for which to solve the lens equation :param sourcePos_y: source position for which to solve the lens equation :param kwargs_lens: keyword argument list of the lens model :param precision_limit: float, required match in the solution in the source plane :param num_iter_max: int, maximum number of iterations before the algorithm stops :param verbose: bool, if True inserts print statements about the behavior of the solver :param min_distance: maximum correction applied per step (to avoid over-shooting in unstable regions) :param non_linear: bool, if True, uses scipy.miminize instead of the directly implemented gradient decent approach. :return: x_position array, y_position array, error in the source plane array """ num_candidates = len(x_min) x_mins = np.zeros(num_candidates) y_mins = np.zeros(num_candidates) solver_precision = np.zeros(num_candidates) for i in range(len(x_min)): x_guess, y_guess, delta, l = self._solve_single_proposal( x_min[i], y_min[i], sourcePos_x, sourcePos_y, kwargs_lens, precision_limit, num_iter_max, max_step=min_distance, non_linear=non_linear, ) if verbose: print( "Solution found for region %s with required precision at iteration %s" % (i, l) ) x_mins[i] = x_guess y_mins[i] = y_guess solver_precision[i] = delta return x_mins, y_mins, solver_precision def _solve_single_proposal( self, x_guess, y_guess, source_x, source_y, kwargs_lens, precision_limit, num_iter_max, max_step, non_linear=False, ): """Gradient decent solution of a single proposed starting point (close to a true solution) :param x_guess: starting guess position in the image plane :param y_guess: starting guess position in the image plane :param source_x: source position to solve for in the image plane :param source_y: source position to solve for in the image plane :param kwargs_lens: keyword argument list of the lens model :param precision_limit: float, required match in the solution in the source plane :param num_iter_max: int, maximum number of iterations before the algorithm stops :param max_step: maximum correction applied per step (to avoid over-shooting in instable regions) :param non_linear: bool, if True, uses scipy.miminize instead of the directly implemented gradient decent approach. :return: x_position, y_position, error in the source plane, steps required (for gradient decent) """ l = 0 if non_linear: xinitial = np.array([x_guess, y_guess]) result = minimize( self._root, xinitial, args=(kwargs_lens, source_x, source_y), tol=precision_limit**2, method="Nelder-Mead", ) delta = self._root(result.x, kwargs_lens, source_x, source_y) x_guess, y_guess = result.x[0], result.x[1] else: x_mapped, y_mapped = self.lensModel.ray_shooting( x_guess, y_guess, kwargs_lens ) delta = np.sqrt((x_mapped - source_x) ** 2 + (y_mapped - source_y) ** 2) while delta > precision_limit and l < num_iter_max: x_mapped, y_mapped = self.lensModel.ray_shooting( x_guess, y_guess, kwargs_lens ) delta = np.sqrt((x_mapped - source_x) ** 2 + (y_mapped - source_y) ** 2) f_xx, f_xy, f_yx, f_yy = self.lensModel.hessian( x_guess, y_guess, kwargs_lens ) DistMatrix = np.array([[1 - f_yy, f_yx], [f_xy, 1 - f_xx]]) det = (1 - f_xx) * (1 - f_yy) - f_xy * f_yx deltaVec = np.array([x_mapped - source_x, y_mapped - source_y]) image_plane_vector = / det dist = np.sqrt(image_plane_vector[0] ** 2 + image_plane_vector[1] ** 2) if dist > max_step: image_plane_vector *= max_step / dist x_guess, y_guess, delta, l = self._gradient_step( x_guess, y_guess, source_x, source_y, delta, image_plane_vector, kwargs_lens, l, num_iter_max, ) return x_guess, y_guess, delta, l def _gradient_step( self, x_guess, y_guess, source_x, source_y, delta_init, image_plane_vector, kwargs_lens, iter_num, num_iter_max, ): """ :param x_guess: float, current best fit solution in the image plane :param y_guess: float, current best fit solution in the image plane :param source_x: float, source position to be matched :param source_y: float, source position ot be matched :param delta_init: current precision in the source plane of the mapped solution :param image_plane_vector: correction vector in the image plane based on the Hessian operator and the deviation in the source plane :param kwargs_lens: lens model keyword argument list :param iter_num: int, current iteration number :param num_iter_max: int, maximum iteration number before aborting the process :return: updated image position in x, updated image position in y, updated precision in the source plane, total iterations done after this call """ x_new = x_guess - image_plane_vector[0] y_new = y_guess - image_plane_vector[1] x_mapped, y_mapped = self.lensModel.ray_shooting(x_new, y_new, kwargs_lens) delta_new = np.sqrt((x_mapped - source_x) ** 2 + (y_mapped - source_y) ** 2) iter_num += 1 if delta_new > delta_init: if num_iter_max < iter_num: return x_guess, y_guess, delta_init, iter_num else: # if the new proposal is worse than the previous one, it randomly draws a new proposal in a different # direction and tries again image_plane_vector[0] *= np.random.normal(loc=0, scale=0.5) image_plane_vector[1] *= np.random.normal(loc=0, scale=0.5) return self._gradient_step( x_guess, y_guess, source_x, source_y, delta_init, image_plane_vector, kwargs_lens, iter_num, num_iter_max, ) else: return x_new, y_new, delta_new, iter_num
[docs] def findBrightImage( self, sourcePos_x, sourcePos_y, kwargs_lens, numImages=4, min_distance=0.01, search_window=5, precision_limit=10 ** (-10), num_iter_max=10, arrival_time_sort=True, x_center=0, y_center=0, num_random=0, non_linear=False, magnification_limit=None, initial_guess_cut=True, verbose=False, ): """ :param sourcePos_x: source position in units of angle :param sourcePos_y: source position in units of angle :param kwargs_lens: lens model parameters as keyword arguments :param min_distance: minimum separation to consider for two images in units of angle :param search_window: window size to be considered by the solver. Will not find image position outside this window :param precision_limit: required precision in the lens equation solver (in units of angle in the source plane). :param num_iter_max: maximum iteration of lens-source mapping conducted by solver to match the required precision :param arrival_time_sort: bool, if True, sorts image position in arrival time (first arrival photon first listed) :param initial_guess_cut: bool, if True, cuts initial local minima selected by the grid search based on distance criteria from the source position :param verbose: bool, if True, prints some useful information for the user :param x_center: float, center of the window to search for point sources :param y_center: float, center of the window to search for point sources :param num_random: int, number of random positions within the search window to be added to be starting positions for the gradient decent solver :param non_linear: bool, if True applies a non-linear solver not dependent on Hessian computation :param magnification_limit: None or float, if set will only return image positions that have an abs(magnification) larger than this number :returns: (exact) angular position of (multiple) images ra_pos, dec_pos in units of angle """ x_mins, y_mins = self.image_position_from_source( sourcePos_x, sourcePos_y, kwargs_lens, min_distance=min_distance, search_window=search_window, precision_limit=precision_limit, num_iter_max=num_iter_max, arrival_time_sort=arrival_time_sort, initial_guess_cut=initial_guess_cut, verbose=verbose, x_center=x_center, y_center=y_center, num_random=num_random, non_linear=non_linear, magnification_limit=magnification_limit, ) mag_list = [] for i in range(len(x_mins)): mag = self.lensModel.magnification(x_mins[i], y_mins[i], kwargs_lens) mag_list.append(abs(mag)) mag_list = np.array(mag_list) x_mins_sorted = util.selectBest(x_mins, mag_list, numImages) y_mins_sorted = util.selectBest(y_mins, mag_list, numImages) if arrival_time_sort: x_mins_sorted, y_mins_sorted = self.sort_arrival_times( x_mins_sorted, y_mins_sorted, kwargs_lens ) return x_mins_sorted, y_mins_sorted
[docs] def sort_arrival_times(self, x_mins, y_mins, kwargs_lens): """Sort arrival times (fermat potential) of image positions in increasing order of light travel time. :param x_mins: ra position of images :param y_mins: dec position of images :param kwargs_lens: keyword arguments of lens model :return: sorted lists of x_mins and y_mins """ if hasattr(self.lensModel, "_no_potential"): raise Exception( "Instance of lensModel passed to this class does not compute the lensing potential, " "and therefore cannot compute time delays." ) if len(x_mins) <= 1: return x_mins, y_mins if self.lensModel.multi_plane: arrival_time = self.lensModel.arrival_time(x_mins, y_mins, kwargs_lens) else: fermat_pot = self.lensModel.fermat_potential(x_mins, y_mins, kwargs_lens) arrival_time = fermat_pot idx = np.argsort(arrival_time) x_mins = np.array(x_mins)[idx] y_mins = np.array(y_mins)[idx] return x_mins, y_mins