Source code for lenstronomy.LensModel.QuadOptimizer.multi_plane_fast

__author__ = "dgilman"

from lenstronomy.LensModel.lens_model import LensModel
import numpy as np

[docs]class MultiplaneFast(object): """This class accelerates ray tracing computations in multi plane lensing for quadruple image lenses by only computing the deflection from objects in front of the main deflector at z_lens one time. The first ray tracing computation through the foreground is saved and re-used, but it will always have the same shape as the initial x_image, y_image arrays. """
[docs] def __init__( self, x_image, y_image, z_lens, z_source, lens_model_list, redshift_list, astropy_instance, param_class, foreground_rays, tol_source=1e-5, numerical_alpha_class=None, ): """ :param x_image: x_image to fit :param y_image: y_image to fit :param z_lens: lens redshift :param z_source: source redshift :param lens_model_list: list of lens models :param redshift_list: list of lens redshifts :param astropy_instance: instance of astropy to pass to lens model :param param_class: an instance of ParamClass (see documentation in QuadOptimmizer.param_manager) :param foreground_rays: (optional) pre-computed foreground rays from a previous iteration, if they are not specified they will be re-computed :param tol_source: source plane chi^2 sigma :param numerical_alpha_class: class for computing numerically tabulated deflection angles """ self.lensModel = LensModel( lens_model_list, z_lens, z_source, redshift_list, astropy_instance, multi_plane=True, numerical_alpha_class=numerical_alpha_class, ) lensmodel_list_to_vary = lens_model_list[0 : param_class.to_vary_index] redshift_list_to_vary = redshift_list[0 : param_class.to_vary_index] lensmodel_list_fixed = lens_model_list[param_class.to_vary_index :] redshift_list_fixed = redshift_list[param_class.to_vary_index :] self.lens_model_to_vary = LensModel( lensmodel_list_to_vary, z_lens, z_source, redshift_list_to_vary, cosmo=astropy_instance, multi_plane=True, numerical_alpha_class=numerical_alpha_class, ) self.lens_model_fixed = LensModel( lensmodel_list_fixed, z_lens, z_source, redshift_list_fixed, cosmo=astropy_instance, multi_plane=True, numerical_alpha_class=numerical_alpha_class, ) self._z_lens = z_lens self._z_source = z_source self._x_image = x_image self._y_image = y_image self._param_class = param_class self._tol_source = tol_source self._foreground_rays = foreground_rays
[docs] def chi_square(self, args_lens, *args, **kwargs): """ :param args_lens: array of lens model parameters being optimized, computed from kwargs_lens in a specified param_class, see documentation in QuadOptimizer.param_manager :return: total chi^2 penalty (source chi^2 + param chi^2), where param chi^2 is computed by the specified param_class """ source_plane_penlty = self.source_plane_chi_square(args_lens) param_penalty = self._param_class.param_chi_square_penalty(args_lens) return source_plane_penlty + param_penalty
[docs] def logL(self, args_lens, *args, **kwargs): """ :param args_lens: array of lens model parameters being optimized, computed from kwargs_lens in a specified param_class, see documentation in QuadOptimizer.param_manager :return: the log likelihood corresponding to the given chi^2 """ chi_square = self.chi_square(args_lens) return -0.5 * chi_square
[docs] def source_plane_chi_square(self, args_lens, *args, **kwargs): """ :param args_lens: array of lens model parameters being optimized, computed from kwargs_lens in a specified param_class, see documentation in QuadOptimizer.param_manager :return: chi2 penalty for the source position (all images must map to the same source coordinate) """ betax, betay = self.ray_shooting_fast(args_lens) dx_source = ( (betax[0] - betax[1]) ** 2 + (betax[0] - betax[2]) ** 2 + (betax[0] - betax[3]) ** 2 + (betax[1] - betax[2]) ** 2 + (betax[1] - betax[3]) ** 2 + (betax[2] - betax[3]) ** 2 ) dy_source = ( (betay[0] - betay[1]) ** 2 + (betay[0] - betay[2]) ** 2 + (betay[0] - betay[3]) ** 2 + (betay[1] - betay[2]) ** 2 + (betay[1] - betay[3]) ** 2 + (betay[2] - betay[3]) ** 2 ) chi_square = 0.5 * (dx_source + dy_source) / self._tol_source**2 return chi_square
[docs] def ray_shooting_fast(self, args_lens): """Performs a ray tracing computation through observed coordinates on the sky (self._x_image, self._y_image) to the source plane, returning the final coordinates of each ray on the source plane. :param args_lens: An array of parameters being optimized. The array is computed from a set of key word arguments by an instance of ParamClass (see documentation in QuadOptimizer.param_manager) :return: the xy coordinate of each ray traced back to the source plane """ # these do not depend on kwargs_lens_array x, y, alpha_x, alpha_y = self._ray_shooting_fast_foreground() # convert array into new kwargs dictionary kw = self._param_class.args_to_kwargs(args_lens) index = self._param_class.to_vary_index kwargs_lens = kw[0:index] # evaluate main deflector deflection angles ( x, y, alpha_x, alpha_y, ) = self.lens_model_to_vary.lens_model.ray_shooting_partial( x, y, alpha_x, alpha_y, self._z_lens, self._z_lens, kwargs_lens, include_z_start=True, ) # ray trace through background halos kwargs_lens = kw[index:] x, y, _, _ = self.lens_model_fixed.lens_model.ray_shooting_partial( x, y, alpha_x, alpha_y, self._z_lens, self._z_source, kwargs_lens, check_convention=False, ) beta_x, beta_y = self.lens_model_fixed.lens_model.co_moving2angle_source(x, y) return beta_x, beta_y
def _ray_shooting_fast_foreground(self): """Does the ray tracing through the foreground halos only once.""" if self._foreground_rays is None: # These do not depend on the kwargs being optimized for kw = self._param_class.kwargs_lens index = self._param_class.to_vary_index kwargs_lens = kw[index:] x0, y0 = np.zeros_like(self._x_image), np.zeros_like(self._y_image) ( x, y, alpha_x, alpha_y, ) = self.lens_model_fixed.lens_model.ray_shooting_partial( x0, y0, self._x_image, self._y_image, z_start=0.0, z_stop=self._z_lens, kwargs_lens=kwargs_lens, ) self._foreground_rays = (x, y, alpha_x, alpha_y) return ( self._foreground_rays[0], self._foreground_rays[1], self._foreground_rays[2], self._foreground_rays[3], )