Source code for lenstronomy.LensModel.Profiles.shapelet_pot_cartesian

__author__ = "sibirrer"

# description of the polar shapelets in potential space

import numpy as np
import math
import numpy.polynomial.hermite as hermite
from lenstronomy.LensModel.Profiles.base_profile import LensProfileBase

__all__ = ["CartShapelets"]

[docs]class CartShapelets(LensProfileBase): """This class contains the function and the derivatives of the cartesian shapelets.""" param_names = ["coeffs", "beta", "center_x", "center_y"] lower_limit_default = {"coeffs": [0], "beta": 0, "center_x": -100, "center_y": -100} upper_limit_default = { "coeffs": [100], "beta": 100, "center_x": 100, "center_y": 100, }
[docs] def function(self, x, y, coeffs, beta, center_x=0, center_y=0): shapelets = self._createShapelet(coeffs) n_order = self._get_num_n(len(coeffs)) n = len(np.atleast_1d(x)) if n <= 1: f_ = self._shapeletOutput(x, y, beta, shapelets, precalc=False) else: H_x, H_y = self.pre_calc(x, y, beta, n_order, center_x, center_y) f_ = self._shapeletOutput(H_x, H_y, beta, shapelets) return f_
[docs] def derivatives(self, x, y, coeffs, beta, center_x=0, center_y=0): """Returns df/dx and df/dy of the function.""" shapelets = self._createShapelet(coeffs) n_order = self._get_num_n(len(coeffs)) dx_shapelets = self._dx_shapelets(shapelets, beta) dy_shapelets = self._dy_shapelets(shapelets, beta) n = len(np.atleast_1d(x)) if n <= 1: f_x = self._shapeletOutput(x, y, beta, dx_shapelets, precalc=False) f_y = self._shapeletOutput(x, y, beta, dy_shapelets, precalc=False) else: H_x, H_y = self.pre_calc(x, y, beta, n_order + 1, center_x, center_y) f_x = self._shapeletOutput(H_x, H_y, beta, dx_shapelets) f_y = self._shapeletOutput(H_x, H_y, beta, dy_shapelets) return f_x, f_y
[docs] def hessian(self, x, y, coeffs, beta, center_x=0, center_y=0): """Returns Hessian matrix of function d^2f/dx^2, d^2/dxdy, d^2/dydx, d^f/dy^2.""" shapelets = self._createShapelet(coeffs) n_order = self._get_num_n(len(coeffs)) dxx_shapelets = self._dxx_shapelets(shapelets, beta) dyy_shapelets = self._dyy_shapelets(shapelets, beta) dxy_shapelets = self._dxy_shapelets(shapelets, beta) n = len(np.atleast_1d(x)) if n <= 1: f_xx = self._shapeletOutput(x, y, beta, dxx_shapelets, precalc=False) f_yy = self._shapeletOutput(x, y, beta, dyy_shapelets, precalc=False) f_xy = self._shapeletOutput(x, y, beta, dxy_shapelets, precalc=False) else: H_x, H_y = self.pre_calc(x, y, beta, n_order + 2, center_x, center_y) f_xx = self._shapeletOutput(H_x, H_y, beta, dxx_shapelets) f_yy = self._shapeletOutput(H_x, H_y, beta, dyy_shapelets) f_xy = self._shapeletOutput(H_x, H_y, beta, dxy_shapelets) return f_xx, f_xy, f_xy, f_yy
def _createShapelet(self, coeffs): """Returns a shapelet array out of the coefficients *a, up to order l. :param num_l: order of shapelets :type num_l: int. :param coeff: shapelet coefficients :type coeff: floats :returns: complex array :raises: AttributeError, KeyError """ n_coeffs = len(coeffs) num_n = self._get_num_n(n_coeffs) shapelets = np.zeros((num_n + 1, num_n + 1)) n = 0 k = 0 for coeff in coeffs: shapelets[n - k][k] = coeff k += 1 if k == n + 1: n += 1 k = 0 return shapelets def _shapeletOutput(self, x, y, beta, shapelets, precalc=True): """Returns the numerical values of a set of shapelets at polar coordinates. :param shapelets: set of shapelets [l=,r=,a_lr=] :type shapelets: array of size (n,3) :param coordPolar: set of coordinates in polar units :type coordPolar: array of size (n,2) :returns: array of same size with coords [r,phi] :raises: AttributeError, KeyError """ n = len(np.atleast_1d(x)) if n <= 1: values = 0.0 else: values = np.zeros(len(x[0])) n = 0 k = 0 i = 0 num_n = len(shapelets) while i < num_n * (num_n + 1) / 2: values += self._function( x, y, shapelets[n - k][k], beta, n - k, k, precalc=precalc ) k += 1 if k == n + 1: n += 1 k = 0 i += 1 return values def _function(self, x, y, amp, beta, n1, n2, center_x=0, center_y=0, precalc=False): """ :param amp: amplitude of shapelet :param beta: scale factor of shapelet :param n1: x-order :param n2: y-order :param center_x: center in x :param center_y: center in y :return: """ if precalc: return amp * x[n1] * y[n2] / beta x_ = x - center_x y_ = y - center_y return amp * self.phi_n(n1, x_ / beta) * self.phi_n(n2, y_ / beta) / beta def _dx_shapelets(self, shapelets, beta): """Computes the derivative d/dx of the shapelet coeffs :param shapelets: :param beta: :return: """ num_n = len(shapelets) dx = np.zeros((num_n + 1, num_n + 1)) for n1 in range(num_n): for n2 in range(num_n): amp = shapelets[n1][n2] dx[n1 + 1][n2] -= np.sqrt((n1 + 1) / 2.0) * amp if n1 > 0: dx[n1 - 1][n2] += np.sqrt(n1 / 2.0) * amp return dx / beta def _dy_shapelets(self, shapelets, beta): """Computes the derivative d/dx of the shapelet coeffs :param shapelets: :param beta: :return: """ num_n = len(shapelets) dy = np.zeros((num_n + 1, num_n + 1)) for n1 in range(num_n): for n2 in range(num_n): amp = shapelets[n1][n2] dy[n1][n2 + 1] -= np.sqrt((n2 + 1) / 2.0) * amp if n2 > 0: dy[n1][n2 - 1] += np.sqrt(n2 / 2.0) * amp return dy / beta def _dxx_shapelets(self, shapelets, beta): dx_shapelets = self._dx_shapelets(shapelets, beta) return self._dx_shapelets(dx_shapelets, beta) def _dyy_shapelets(self, shapelets, beta): dy_shapelets = self._dy_shapelets(shapelets, beta) return self._dy_shapelets(dy_shapelets, beta) def _dxy_shapelets(self, shapelets, beta): dy_shapelets = self._dy_shapelets(shapelets, beta) return self._dx_shapelets(dy_shapelets, beta)
[docs] def H_n(self, n, x): """Constructs the Hermite polynomial of order n at position x (dimensionless) :param n: The n'the basis function. :type name: int. :param x: 1-dim position (dimensionless) :type state: float or numpy array. :returns: array-- H_n(x). :raises: AttributeError, KeyError """ n_array = np.zeros(n + 1) n_array[n] = 1 return hermite.hermval( x, n_array, tensor=False ) # attention, this routine calculates every single hermite polynomial and multiplies it with zero (exept the right one)
[docs] def phi_n(self, n, x): """Constructs the 1-dim basis function (formula (1) in Refregier et al. 2001) :param n: The n'the basis function. :type name: int. :param x: 1-dim position (dimensionless) :type state: float or numpy array. :returns: array-- phi_n(x). :raises: AttributeError, KeyError """ prefactor = 1.0 / np.sqrt(2**n * np.sqrt(np.pi) * math.factorial(n)) return prefactor * self.H_n(n, x) * np.exp(-(x**2) / 2.0)
[docs] def pre_calc(self, x, y, beta, n_order, center_x, center_y): """Calculates the H_n(x) and H_n(y) for a given x-array and y-array :param x: :param y: :param amp: :param beta: :param n_order: :param center_x: :param center_y: :return: list of H_n(x) and H_n(y) """ n = len(np.atleast_1d(x)) x_ = x - center_x y_ = y - center_y H_x = np.empty((n_order + 1, n)) H_y = np.empty((n_order + 1, n)) for n in range(0, n_order + 1): prefactor = 1.0 / np.sqrt(2**n * np.sqrt(np.pi) * math.factorial(n)) n_array = np.zeros(n + 1) n_array[n] = 1 H_x[n] = ( hermite.hermval(x_ / beta, n_array) * prefactor * np.exp(-((x_ / beta) ** 2) / 2.0) ) H_y[n] = ( hermite.hermval(y_ / beta, n_array) * prefactor * np.exp(-((y_ / beta) ** 2) / 2.0) ) return H_x, H_y
def _get_num_n(self, n_coeffs): """ :param n_coeffs: number of coeffs :return: number of n_l of order of the shapelets """ num_n = round((math.sqrt(8 * n_coeffs + 1) - 1) / 2.0 + 0.499) return int(num_n)