Source code for lenstronomy.Data.psf

import numpy as np
import lenstronomy.Util.kernel_util as kernel_util
import lenstronomy.Util.util as util
import warnings

__all__ = ["PSF"]

[docs]class PSF(object): """Point Spread Function class. This class describes and manages products used to perform the PSF modeling (convolution for extended surface brightness and painting of PSF's for point sources). """
[docs] def __init__( self, psf_type="NONE", fwhm=None, truncation=5, pixel_size=None, kernel_point_source=None, psf_error_map=None, point_source_supersampling_factor=1, kernel_point_source_init=None, kernel_point_source_normalisation=True, ): """ :param psf_type: string, type of PSF: options are 'NONE', 'PIXEL', 'GAUSSIAN' :param fwhm: float, full width at half maximum, only required for 'GAUSSIAN' model :param truncation: float, Gaussian truncation (in units of sigma), only required for 'GAUSSIAN' model :param pixel_size: width of pixel (required for Gaussian model, not required when using in combination with ImageModel modules) :param kernel_point_source: 2d numpy array, odd length, centered PSF of a point source (if not normalized, will be normalized) :param psf_error_map: uncertainty in the PSF model per pixel (size of data, not super-sampled). 2d numpy array. Size can be larger or smaller than the pixel-sized PSF model and if so, will be matched. This error will be added to the pixel error around the position of point sources as follows: sigma^2_i += 'psf_error_map'_j * <point source amplitude>**2 :param point_source_supersampling_factor: int, supersampling factor of kernel_point_source. This is the input PSF to this class and does not need to be the choice in the modeling (thought preferred if modeling choses supersampling) :param kernel_point_source_init: memory of an initial point source kernel that gets passed through the psf iteration :param kernel_point_source_normalisation: boolean, if False, the pixel PSF will not be normalized automatically. """ self.psf_type = psf_type self._pixel_size = pixel_size self.kernel_point_source_init = kernel_point_source_init if self.psf_type == "GAUSSIAN": if fwhm is None: raise ValueError("fwhm must be set for GAUSSIAN psf type!") self._fwhm = fwhm self._sigma_gaussian = util.fwhm2sigma(self._fwhm) self._truncation = truncation self._point_source_supersampling_factor = 0 elif self.psf_type == "PIXEL": if kernel_point_source is None: raise ValueError( "kernel_point_source needs to be specified for PIXEL PSF type!" ) if len(kernel_point_source) % 2 == 0: raise ValueError( "kernel needs to have odd axis number, not ", np.shape(kernel_point_source), ) if point_source_supersampling_factor > 1: self._kernel_point_source_supersampled = kernel_point_source self._point_source_supersampling_factor = ( point_source_supersampling_factor ) kernel_point_source = kernel_util.degrade_kernel( self._kernel_point_source_supersampled, self._point_source_supersampling_factor, ) # making sure the PSF is positive semi-definite and do the normalisation if kernel_point_source_normalisation is true if np.min(kernel_point_source) < 0: warnings.warn( "Input PSF model has at least one negative element, which is unphysical except for a PSF of an interferometric array." ) self._kernel_point_source = kernel_point_source if kernel_point_source_normalisation is not False: self._kernel_point_source /= np.sum(kernel_point_source) elif self.psf_type == "NONE": self._kernel_point_source = np.zeros((3, 3)) self._kernel_point_source[1, 1] = 1 else: raise ValueError("psf_type %s not supported!" % self.psf_type) if psf_error_map is not None: n_kernel = len(self.kernel_point_source) self._psf_error_map = kernel_util.match_kernel_size(psf_error_map, n_kernel) if self.psf_type == "PIXEL" and point_source_supersampling_factor > 1: if len(psf_error_map) == len(self._kernel_point_source_supersampled): Warning( "psf_error_map has the same size as the super-sampled kernel. Make sure the units in the" "psf_error_map are on the down-sampled pixel scale." ) self.psf_error_map_bool = True else: self.psf_error_map_bool = False
@property def kernel_point_source(self): if not hasattr(self, "_kernel_point_source"): if self.psf_type == "GAUSSIAN": kernel_num_pix = min( round(self._truncation * self._fwhm / self._pixel_size), 201 ) if kernel_num_pix % 2 == 0: kernel_num_pix += 1 self._kernel_point_source = kernel_util.kernel_gaussian( kernel_num_pix, self._pixel_size, self._fwhm ) return self._kernel_point_source @property def kernel_pixel(self): """Returns the convolution kernel for a uniform surface brightness on a pixel size. :return: 2d numpy array """ if not hasattr(self, "_kernel_pixel"): self._kernel_pixel = kernel_util.pixel_kernel( self.kernel_point_source, subgrid_res=1 ) return self._kernel_pixel
[docs] def kernel_point_source_supersampled(self, supersampling_factor, updata_cache=True): """Generates (if not already available) a supersampled PSF with ood numbers of pixels centered. :param supersampling_factor: int >=1, supersampling factor relative to pixel resolution :param updata_cache: boolean, if True, updates the cached supersampling PSF if generated. Attention, this will overwrite a previously used supersampled PSF if the resolution is changing. :return: super-sampled PSF as 2d numpy array """ if ( hasattr(self, "_kernel_point_source_supersampled") and self._point_source_supersampling_factor == supersampling_factor ): kernel_point_source_supersampled = self._kernel_point_source_supersampled else: if self.psf_type == "GAUSSIAN": kernel_numPix = ( self._truncation / self._pixel_size * supersampling_factor ) kernel_numPix = int(round(kernel_numPix)) if kernel_numPix > 10000: raise ValueError( "The pixelized Gaussian kernel has a grid of %s pixels with a truncation at " "%s times the sigma of the Gaussian, exceeding the limit allowed." % (kernel_numPix, self._truncation) ) if kernel_numPix % 2 == 0: kernel_numPix += 1 kernel_point_source_supersampled = kernel_util.kernel_gaussian( kernel_numPix, self._pixel_size / supersampling_factor, self._fwhm ) elif self.psf_type == "PIXEL": kernel = kernel_util.subgrid_kernel( self.kernel_point_source, supersampling_factor, odd=True, num_iter=5 ) n = len(self.kernel_point_source) n_new = n * supersampling_factor if n_new % 2 == 0: n_new -= 1 if hasattr(self, "_kernel_point_source_supersampled"): warnings.warn( "Super-sampled point source kernel over-written due to different subsampling" " size requested.", Warning, ) kernel_point_source_supersampled = kernel_util.cut_psf( kernel, psf_size=n_new ) elif self.psf_type == "NONE": kernel_point_source_supersampled = self._kernel_point_source else: raise ValueError("psf_type %s not valid!" % self.psf_type) if updata_cache is True: self._kernel_point_source_supersampled = ( kernel_point_source_supersampled ) self._point_source_supersampling_factor = supersampling_factor return kernel_point_source_supersampled
[docs] def set_pixel_size(self, deltaPix): """Update pixel size. :param deltaPix: pixel size in angular units (arc seconds) :return: None """ self._pixel_size = deltaPix if self.psf_type == "GAUSSIAN": try: del self._kernel_point_source except: pass
@property def psf_error_map(self): """Error variance of the normalized PSF. This error will be added to the pixel error around the position of point sources as follows: sigma^2_i += 'psf_error_map'_j * <point source amplitude>**2 :return: error variance of the normalized PSF. Variance of :rtype: 2d numpy array of size of the PSF in pixel size (not supersampled) """ if not hasattr(self, "_psf_error_map"): self._psf_error_map = np.zeros_like(self.kernel_point_source) return self._psf_error_map @property def fwhm(self): """ :return: full width at half maximum of kernel (in units of pixel) """ if self.psf_type == "GAUSSIAN": return self._fwhm else: return kernel_util.fwhm_kernel(self.kernel_point_source) * self._pixel_size