Source code for lenstronomy.Util.sampling_util

__author__ = "aymgal"

import numpy as np
from scipy import stats

from lenstronomy.Util.package_util import exporter

export, __all__ = exporter()

# transform the unit hypercube to pysical parameters for (nested) sampling

[docs] @export def unit2uniform(x, vmin, vmax): """Mapping from uniform distribution on parameter space to uniform distribution on unit hypercube.""" return vmin + (vmax - vmin) * x
[docs] @export def uniform2unit(theta, vmin, vmax): """Mapping from uniform distribution on unit hypercube to uniform distribution on parameter space.""" return (theta - vmin) / (vmax - vmin)
[docs] @export def cube2args_uniform(cube, lowers, uppers, num_dims, copy=False): """Mapping from uniform distribution on unit hypercube 'cube' to uniform distribution on parameter space. :param cube: list or 1D-array of parameter values on unit hypercube :param lowers: lower bounds for each parameter :param uppers: upper bounds for each parameter :param num_dims: parameter space dimension (= number of parameters) :param copy: If False, this function modifies 'cube' in-place. Default to False. :return: hypercube mapped to parameters space """ if copy: cube_ = cube cube = np.zeros_like(cube_) for i in range(num_dims): val = cube_[i] if copy else cube[i] low, upp = lowers[i], uppers[i] cube[i] = unit2uniform(val, low, upp) return cube
[docs] @export def cube2args_gaussian(cube, lowers, uppers, means, sigmas, num_dims, copy=False): """Mapping from uniform distribution on unit hypercube 'cube' to truncated gaussian distribution on parameter space, with mean 'mu' and std dev 'sigma'. :param cube: list or 1D-array of parameter values on unit hypercube :param lowers: lower bounds for each parameter :param uppers: upper bounds for each parameter :param means: gaussian mean for each parameter :param sigmas: gaussian std deviation for each parameter :param num_dims: parameter space dimension (= number of parameters) :param copy: If False, this function modifies 'cube' in-place. Default to False. :return: hypercube mapped to parameters space """ if copy: cube_ = cube cube = np.zeros_like(cube_) a, b = (np.array(lowers) - means) / sigmas, (np.array(uppers) - means) / sigmas cube[:] = stats.truncnorm.ppf( cube_ if copy else cube, a=a, b=b, loc=means, scale=sigmas ) return cube
[docs] @export def scale_limits(lowers, uppers, scale): if not isinstance(lowers, np.ndarray): lowers = np.asarray(lowers) uppers = np.asarray(uppers) mid_points = (lowers + uppers) / 2.0 widths_scaled = (uppers - lowers) * scale lowers_scaled = mid_points - widths_scaled / 2.0 uppers_scaled = mid_points + widths_scaled / 2.0 return lowers_scaled, uppers_scaled
[docs] @export def sample_ball(p0, std, size=1, dist="uniform"): """Produce a ball of walkers around an initial parameter value. this routine is from the emcee package as it became deprecated there. :param p0: The initial parameter values (array). :param std: The axis-aligned standard deviation (array). :param size: The number of samples to produce. :param dist: string, specifies the distribution being sampled, supports 'uniform' and 'normal' """ assert len(p0) == len(std) if dist == "uniform": return np.vstack( [ p0 + std * np.random.uniform(low=-1, high=1, size=len(p0)) for i in range(size) ] ) elif dist == "normal": return np.vstack( [ p0 + std * np.random.normal(loc=0, scale=1, size=len(p0)) for i in range(size) ] ) else: raise ValueError( 'distribution %s not supported. Chose among "uniform" or "normal".' % dist )
[docs] @export def sample_ball_truncated(mean, sigma, lower_limit, upper_limit, size): """Samples gaussian ball with truncation at lower and upper limit of the distribution. :param mean: numpy array, mean of the distribution to be sampled :param sigma: numpy array, sigma of the distribution to be sampled :param lower_limit: numpy array, lower bound of to be sampled distribution :param upper_limit: numpy array, upper bound of to be sampled distribution :param size: number of tuples to be sampled :return: realization of truncated normal distribution with shape (size, dim(parameters)) """ a, b = (lower_limit - mean) / sigma, (upper_limit - mean) / sigma draws = np.vstack( [mean + sigma * stats.truncnorm.rvs(a, b, size=len(a)) for i in range(size)] ) return draws