Source code for lenstronomy.Util.numba_util

import numpy as np
from lenstronomy.Conf import config_loader
from os import environ

From pyautolens:
Depending on if we're using a super computer, we want two different numba decorators:
If on laptop:
@numba.jit(nopython=True, cache=True, parallel=False)
If on super computer:
@numba.jit(nopython=True, cache=False, parallel=True)

numba_conf = config_loader.numba_conf()
nopython = numba_conf["nopython"]
cache = numba_conf["cache"]
parallel = numba_conf["parallel"]
numba_enabled = numba_conf["enable"] and not environ.get("NUMBA_DISABLE_JIT", False)
fastmath = numba_conf["fastmath"]
error_model = numba_conf["error_model"]

if numba_enabled:
        import numba
        from numba import extending
    except ImportError:
        numba_enabled = False
        numba = None
        extending = None

__all__ = ["jit", "overload", "nan_to_num", "nan_to_num_arr", "nan_to_num_single"]

[docs] def jit( nopython=nopython, cache=cache, parallel=parallel, fastmath=fastmath, error_model=error_model, inline="never", ): if numba_enabled: def wrapper(func): return numba.jit( func, nopython=nopython, cache=cache, parallel=parallel, fastmath=fastmath, error_model=error_model, inline=inline, ) else: def wrapper(func): return func return wrapper
[docs] def overload( nopython=nopython, cache=cache, parallel=parallel, fastmath=fastmath, error_model=error_model, ): """Wrapper around numba.generated_jit. Allows you to redirect a function to another based on its type - see the Numba docs for more info """ if numba_enabled: def wrapper(func): # TODO change to overload, but currently breaks tests with nopython return numba.generated_jit( func, nopython=nopython, cache=cache, parallel=parallel, fastmath=fastmath, error_model=error_model, ) # return extending.overload(func, jit_options={'nopython': nopython, 'cache': cache, # 'parallel': parallel, # 'fastmath': fastmath, 'error_model': error_model}) else: def wrapper(func): return func return wrapper
[docs] @overload() def nan_to_num(x, posinf=1e10, neginf=-1e10, nan=0.0): """Implements a Numba equivalent to np.nan_to_num (with copy=False!) array or scalar in Numba. Behaviour is the same as np.nan_to_num with copy=False, although it only supports 1-dimensional arrays and scalar inputs. """ # The generated_jit part is necessary because of the need to support both arrays and scalars for all input # functions. if ( (numba_enabled and isinstance(x, numba.types.Array)) or isinstance(x, np.ndarray) ) and x.ndim > 0: return ( nan_to_num_arr if numba_enabled else nan_to_num_arr(x, posinf, neginf, nan) ) else: return ( nan_to_num_single if numba_enabled else nan_to_num_single(x, posinf, neginf, nan) )
[docs] @jit() def nan_to_num_arr(x, posinf=1e10, neginf=-1e10, nan=0.0): """Part of the Numba implementation of np.nan_to_num - see nan_to_num""" for i in range(len(x)): if np.isnan(x[i]): x[i] = nan if np.isinf(x[i]): if x[i] > 0: x[i] = posinf else: x[i] = neginf return x
[docs] @jit() def nan_to_num_single(x, posinf=1e10, neginf=-1e10, nan=0.0): """Part of the Numba implementation of np.nan_to_num - see nan_to_num""" if np.isnan(x): return nan elif np.isinf(x): if x > 0: return posinf else: return neginf else: return x