Source code for lenstronomy.Util.image_util

__author__ = "sibirrer"

import numpy as np
from scipy import ndimage
from scipy import interpolate
import copy
import lenstronomy.Util.util as util

from lenstronomy.Util.package_util import exporter

export, __all__ = exporter()

[docs] @export def add_layer2image(grid2d, x_pos, y_pos, kernel, order=1): """Adds a kernel on the grid2d image at position x_pos, y_pos with an interpolated subgrid pixel shift of order=order. :param grid2d: 2d pixel grid (i.e. image) :param x_pos: x-position center (pixel coordinate) of the layer to be added :param y_pos: y-position center (pixel coordinate) of the layer to be added :param kernel: the layer to be added to the image :param order: interpolation order for sub-pixel shift of the kernel to be added :return: image with added layer, cut to original size """ x_int = int(round(x_pos)) y_int = int(round(y_pos)) shift_x = x_int - x_pos shift_y = y_int - y_pos kernel_shifted = ndimage.shift(kernel, shift=[-shift_y, -shift_x], order=order) return add_layer2image_int(grid2d, x_int, y_int, kernel_shifted)
[docs] @export def add_layer2image_int(grid2d, x_pos, y_pos, kernel): """Adds a kernel on the grid2d image at position x_pos, y_pos at integer positions of pixel. :param grid2d: 2d pixel grid (i.e. image) :param x_pos: x-position center (pixel coordinate) of the layer to be added :param y_pos: y-position center (pixel coordinate) of the layer to be added :param kernel: the layer to be added to the image :return: image with added layer """ nx, ny = np.shape(kernel) if nx % 2 == 0: raise ValueError("kernel needs odd numbers of pixels") num_x, num_y = np.shape(grid2d) x_int = int(round(x_pos)) y_int = int(round(y_pos)) k_x, k_y = np.shape(kernel) k_l2_x = int((k_x - 1) / 2) k_l2_y = int((k_y - 1) / 2) min_x = np.maximum(0, x_int - k_l2_x) min_y = np.maximum(0, y_int - k_l2_y) max_x = np.minimum(num_x, x_int + k_l2_x + 1) max_y = np.minimum(num_y, y_int + k_l2_y + 1) min_xk = np.maximum(0, -x_int + k_l2_x) min_yk = np.maximum(0, -y_int + k_l2_y) max_xk = np.minimum(k_x, -x_int + k_l2_x + num_x) max_yk = np.minimum(k_y, -y_int + k_l2_y + num_y) if ( min_x >= max_x or min_y >= max_y or min_xk >= max_xk or min_yk >= max_yk or (max_x - min_x != max_xk - min_xk) or (max_y - min_y != max_yk - min_yk) ): return grid2d kernel_re_sized = kernel[min_yk:max_yk, min_xk:max_xk] new = grid2d.copy() new[min_y:max_y, min_x:max_x] += kernel_re_sized return new
[docs] @export def add_background(image, sigma_bkd): """Generates background noise to image. To generate a noisy image with background noise, generate image_noisy = image + add_background(image, sigma_bkd) :param image: pixel values of image :param sigma_bkd: background noise (sigma) :return: a realisation of Gaussian noise of the same size as image """ nx, ny = np.shape(image) background = np.random.randn(nx, ny) * sigma_bkd return background
[docs] @export def add_poisson(image, exp_time): """Generates a poison (or Gaussian) distributed noise with mean given by surface brightness. To generate a noisy image with Poisson noise, perform image_noisy = image + add_poisson(image, exp_time) :param image: pixel values (photon counts per unit exposure time) :param exp_time: exposure time :return: Poisson noise realization of input image """ # Gaussian approximation for Poisson distribution, normalized to exposure time sigma = np.sqrt(np.abs(image) / exp_time) nx, ny = np.shape(image) poisson = np.random.randn(nx, ny) * sigma return poisson
[docs] @export def rotateImage(img, angle): """Querries scipy.ndimage.rotate routine :param img: image to be rotated :param angle: angle to be rotated (radian) :return: rotated image.""" imgR = ndimage.rotate(img, angle, reshape=False) return imgR
[docs] @export def shift_image(img, shift): """Queries scipy.ndimage.shift routine. :param img: image to be shifted :param shift: sequence containing x and y shift in pixels :return: shifted image """ img_s = ndimage.shift(img, shift) return img_s
[docs] @export def re_size_array(x_in, y_in, input_values, x_out, y_out): """Resizes 2d array (i.e. image) to new coordinates. So far only works with square output aligned with coordinate axis. :param x_in: :param y_in: :param input_values: :param x_out: :param y_out: :return: """ # from skimage.transform import resize # resize(input_values) # interp_2d = interpolate.interp2d(x_in, y_in, input_values, kind="linear") # out_values = interp_2d.__call__(x_out, y_out) from scipy.interpolate import RectBivariateSpline func = RectBivariateSpline(x_in, y_in, z=input_values, kx=1, ky=1, s=0) return func(x_out, y_out)
[docs] @export def symmetry_average(image, symmetry): """Symmetry averaged image. :param image: :param symmetry: :return: """ img_sym = np.zeros_like(image) angle = 360.0 / symmetry for i in range(symmetry): img_sym += rotateImage(image, angle * i) img_sym /= symmetry return img_sym
[docs] @export def findOverlap(x_mins, y_mins, min_distance): """Finds overlapping solutions, deletes multiples and deletes non-solutions and if it is not a solution, deleted as well.""" n = len(x_mins) idex = [] for i in range(n): if i == 0: pass else: for j in range(0, i): if ( abs(x_mins[i] - x_mins[j]) < min_distance and abs(y_mins[i] - y_mins[j]) < min_distance ): idex.append(i) break x_mins = np.delete(x_mins, idex, axis=0) y_mins = np.delete(y_mins, idex, axis=0) return x_mins, y_mins
[docs] @export def coordInImage(x_coord, y_coord, num_pix, deltapix): """ checks whether image positions are within the pixel image in units of arcsec if not: remove it :returns: image positions within the pixel image """ idex = [] min_ = -deltapix * num_pix / 2 max_ = deltapix * num_pix / 2 for i in range(len(x_coord)): # sum over image positions if ( x_coord[i] < min_ or x_coord[i] > max_ or y_coord[i] < min_ or y_coord[i] > max_ ): idex.append(i) x_coord = np.delete(x_coord, idex, axis=0) y_coord = np.delete(y_coord, idex, axis=0) return x_coord, y_coord
[docs] @export def re_size(image, factor=1): """Re-sizes image with nx x ny to nx/factor x ny/factor. :param image: 2d image with shape (nx,ny) :param factor: integer >=1 :return: """ if factor < 1: raise ValueError("scaling factor in re-sizing %s < 1" % factor) elif factor == 1: return image f = int(factor) nx, ny = np.shape(image) if int(nx / f) == nx / f and int(ny / f) == ny / f: small = image.reshape([int(nx / f), f, int(ny / f), f]).mean(3).mean(1) return small else: raise ValueError( "scaling with factor %s is not possible with grid size %s, %s" % (f, nx, ny) )
[docs] @export def rebin_image(bin_size, image, wht_map, sigma_bkg, ra_coords, dec_coords, idex_mask): """Re-bins pixels, updates cutout image, wht_map, sigma_bkg, coordinates, PSF. :param bin_size: number of pixels (per axis) to merge :return: """ numPix = int(len(image) / bin_size) numPix_precut = numPix * bin_size factor = int(len(image) / numPix) if not numPix * bin_size == len(image): image_precut = image[0:numPix_precut, 0:numPix_precut] else: image_precut = image image_resized = re_size(image_precut, factor) image_resized *= bin_size**2 wht_map_resized = re_size(wht_map[0:numPix_precut, 0:numPix_precut], factor) sigma_bkg_resized = bin_size * sigma_bkg ra_coords_resized = re_size(ra_coords[0:numPix_precut, 0:numPix_precut], factor) dec_coords_resized = re_size(dec_coords[0:numPix_precut, 0:numPix_precut], factor) idex_mask_resized = re_size(idex_mask[0:numPix_precut, 0:numPix_precut], factor) idex_mask_resized[idex_mask_resized > 0] = 1 return ( image_resized, wht_map_resized, sigma_bkg_resized, ra_coords_resized, dec_coords_resized, idex_mask_resized, )
[docs] @export def rebin_coord_transform(factor, x_at_radec_0, y_at_radec_0, Mpix2coord, Mcoord2pix): """Adopt coordinate system and transformation between angular and pixel coordinates of a re-binned image.""" factor = int(factor) Mcoord2pix_resized = Mcoord2pix / factor Mpix2coord_resized = Mpix2coord * factor x_at_radec_0_resized = (x_at_radec_0 + 0.5) / factor - 0.5 y_at_radec_0_resized = (y_at_radec_0 + 0.5) / factor - 0.5 ra_at_xy_0_resized, dec_at_xy_0_resized = util.map_coord2pix( -x_at_radec_0_resized, -y_at_radec_0_resized, 0, 0, Mpix2coord_resized ) return ( ra_at_xy_0_resized, dec_at_xy_0_resized, x_at_radec_0_resized, y_at_radec_0_resized, Mpix2coord_resized, Mcoord2pix_resized, )
[docs] @export def stack_images(image_list, wht_list, sigma_list): """Stacks images and saves new image as a fits file. :return: """ image_stacked = np.zeros_like(image_list[0]) wht_stacked = np.zeros_like(image_stacked) sigma_stacked = 0.0 for i in range(len(image_list)): image_stacked += image_list[i] * wht_list[i] sigma_stacked += sigma_list[i] ** 2 * np.median(wht_list[i]) wht_stacked += wht_list[i] image_stacked /= wht_stacked sigma_stacked /= np.median(wht_stacked) wht_stacked /= len(wht_list) return image_stacked, wht_stacked, np.sqrt(sigma_stacked)
[docs] @export def cut_edges(image, num_pix): """Cuts out the edges of a 2d image and returns re-sized image to numPix center is well defined for odd pixel sizes. :param image: 2d numpy array :param num_pix: square size of cut out image :return: cutout image with size numPix """ nx, ny = image.shape if nx < num_pix or ny < num_pix: raise ValueError( "image can not be resized, in routine cut_edges with image shape (%s %s) " "and desired new shape (%s %s)" % (nx, ny, num_pix, num_pix) ) if (nx % 2 == 0 and ny % 2 == 1) or (nx % 2 == 1 and ny % 2 == 0): raise ValueError( "image with odd and even axis (%s %s) not supported for re-sizing" % (nx, ny) ) if (nx % 2 == 0 and num_pix % 2 == 1) or (nx % 2 == 1 and num_pix % 2 == 0): raise ValueError( "image can only be re-sized from even to even or odd to odd number." ) x_min = int((nx - num_pix) / 2) y_min = int((ny - num_pix) / 2) x_max = nx - x_min y_max = ny - y_min resized = image[x_min:x_max, y_min:y_max] return copy.deepcopy(resized)
[docs] @export def radial_profile(data, center): """Computes radial profile. :param data: 2d numpy array :param center: center [x, y] from which pixel to compute the radial profile :return: radial profile (in units pixel) """ y, x = np.indices(data.shape) r = np.sqrt((x - center[0]) ** 2 + (y - center[1]) ** 2) r = r.astype(int) tbin = np.bincount(r.ravel(), data.ravel()) nr = np.bincount(r.ravel()) radialprofile = tbin / nr return radialprofile
[docs] @export def gradient_map(image): """Computes gradients of images with the sobel transform. :param image: 2d numpy array :return: array of same size as input, with gradients between neighboring pixels """ from skimage import filters return filters.sobel(image)