Source code for lenstronomy.Util.analysis_util

import numpy as np
import copy
import lenstronomy.Util.mask_util as mask_util
from lenstronomy.Util import param_util

from lenstronomy.Util.package_util import exporter

export, __all__ = exporter()

[docs] @export def half_light_radius(lens_light, x_grid, y_grid, center_x=0, center_y=0): """ :param lens_light: array of surface brightness :param x_grid: x-axis coordinates :param y_grid: y-axis coordinates :param center_x: center of light :param center_y: center of light :return: """ lens_light[lens_light < 0] = 0 total_flux_2 = np.sum(lens_light) / 2.0 r_max = np.max(np.sqrt((x_grid - center_x) ** 2 + (y_grid - center_y) ** 2)) for i in range(1000): r = i / 500.0 * r_max mask = mask_util.mask_azimuthal(x_grid, y_grid, center_x, center_y, r) flux_enclosed = np.sum(np.array(lens_light) * mask) if flux_enclosed > total_flux_2: return r return -1
[docs] @export def radial_profile(light_grid, x_grid, y_grid, center_x=0, center_y=0, n=None): """Computes radial profile. :param light_grid: array of surface brightness :param x_grid: x-axis coordinates :param y_grid: y-axis coordinates :param center_x: center of light :param center_y: center of light :param n: number of discrete steps :return: I(r), r with r in units of the coordinate grid """ r_max = np.max(np.sqrt((x_grid - center_x) ** 2 + (y_grid - center_y) ** 2)) if n is None: n = int(np.sqrt(len(x_grid))) I_r = np.zeros(n) I_enclosed = 0 r = np.linspace(1.0 / n * r_max, r_max, n) for i, r_i in enumerate(r): mask = mask_util.mask_azimuthal(x_grid, y_grid, center_x, center_y, r_i) flux_enclosed = np.sum(np.array(light_grid) * mask) I_r[i] = flux_enclosed - I_enclosed I_enclosed = flux_enclosed return I_r, r
[docs] @export def azimuthalAverage(image, center=None): """Calculate the azimuthally averaged radial profile. image - The 2D image center - The [x,y] pixel coordinates used as the center. The default is None, which then uses the center of the image (including fractional pixels). :return: I(r) (averaged), r of bin edges in units of pixels of the 2D image """ # Calculate the indices from the image y, x = np.indices(image.shape) if not center: center = np.array([(x.max() - x.min()) / 2.0, (x.max() - x.min()) / 2.0]) r = np.hypot(x - center[0], y - center[1]) # Get sorted radii ind = np.argsort(r.flat) r_sorted = r.flat[ind] i_sorted = image.flat[ind] # Get the integer part of the radii (bin size = 1) r_int = r_sorted.astype(int) # Find all pixels that fall within each radial bin. deltar = r_int[1:] - r_int[:-1] # Assumes all radii represented rind = np.where(deltar)[0] # location of changed radius nr = rind[1:] - rind[:-1] # number of radius bin # Cumulative sum to figure out sums for each radius bin csim = np.cumsum(i_sorted, dtype=float) tbin = csim[rind[1:]] - csim[rind[:-1]] r_bin = np.linspace(start=1, stop=len(tbin) + 1 - 0.5, num=len(tbin)) radial_prof = tbin / nr return radial_prof, r_bin
[docs] @export def moments(I_xy_input, x, y): """Compute quadrupole moments from a light distribution. :param I_xy_input: light distribution :param x: x-coordinates of I_xy :param y: y-coordinates of I_xy :return: Q_xx, Q_xy, Q_yy """ I_xy = copy.deepcopy(I_xy_input) background = np.minimum(0, np.min(I_xy)) I_xy -= background x_ = np.sum(I_xy * x) y_ = np.sum(I_xy * y) r = (np.max(x) - np.min(x)) / 3.0 mask = mask_util.mask_azimuthal(x, y, center_x=x_, center_y=y_, r=r) Q_xx = np.sum(I_xy * mask * (x - x_) ** 2) Q_xy = np.sum(I_xy * mask * (x - x_) * (y - y_)) Q_yy = np.sum(I_xy * mask * (y - y_) ** 2) return Q_xx, Q_xy, Q_yy, background / np.mean(I_xy)
@export def _ellipticities(I_xy, x, y): """Compute ellipticities of a light distribution. :param I_xy: surface brightness I(x, y) as array :param x: x-coordinates in same shape as I_xy :param y: y-coordinates in same shape as I_xy :return: reduced shear moments g1, g2 """ Q_xx, Q_xy, Q_yy, bkg = moments(I_xy, x, y) norm = Q_xx + Q_yy + 2 * np.sqrt(Q_xx * Q_yy - Q_xy**2) e1 = (Q_xx - Q_yy) / norm e2 = 2 * Q_xy / norm return e1 / (1 + bkg), e2 / (1 + bkg)
[docs] @export def ellipticities( I_xy, x_grid, y_grid, num_iterative=30, iterative=False, center_x=0, center_y=0 ): """ :param I_xy: surface brightness I(x, y) as array :param x_grid: x-coordinates in same shape as I_xy :param y_grid: y-coordinates in same shape as I_xy :param iterative: if True iteratively adopts an eccentric mask to overcome edge effects :type iterative: boolean :param num_iterative: number of iterative changes in ellipticity :type num_iterative: int :return: e1, e2 eccentricities """ radius = (np.max(x_grid) - np.min(x_grid)) / 2.0 mask = mask_util.mask_azimuthal( x_grid, y_grid, center_x=center_x, center_y=center_y, r=radius ) e1, e2 = _ellipticities(I_xy * mask, x_grid - center_x, y_grid - center_y) phi, q = param_util.ellipticity2phi_q(e1, e2) if iterative: for i in range(num_iterative): mask = mask_util.mask_eccentric( x_grid, y_grid, center_x, center_y, e1, e2, r=radius * q / np.sqrt(2) ) e1, e2 = _ellipticities(I_xy * mask, x_grid - center_x, y_grid - center_y) phi, q = param_util.ellipticity2phi_q(e1, e2) return e1, e2
[docs] @export def bic_model(logL, num_data, num_param): """Bayesian information criteria. :param logL: log likelihood value :param num_data: numbers of data :param num_param: numbers of model parameters :return: BIC value """ bic = -2 * logL + (np.log(num_data) * num_param) return bic
[docs] @export def profile_center(kwargs_list, center_x=None, center_y=None): """Utility routine that results in the centroid estimate for the profile estimates. :param kwargs_list: light parameter keyword argument list (can be light or mass) :param center_x: None or center :param center_y: None or center :return: center_x, center_y """ if center_x is None or center_y is None: if "center_x" in kwargs_list[0]: center_x = kwargs_list[0]["center_x"] center_y = kwargs_list[0]["center_y"] else: raise ValueError( "The center has to be provided as a function argument or the first profile in the list" " must come with a center." ) return center_x, center_y