Source code for lenstronomy.Plots.plot_util

import numpy as np
import math
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import copy

from lenstronomy.Util.package_util import exporter

export, __all__ = exporter()

[docs] @export def sqrt(inputArray, scale_min=None, scale_max=None): """Performs sqrt scaling of the input numpy array. :type inputArray: numpy array :param inputArray: image data array :type scale_min: float :param scale_min: minimum data value :type scale_max: float :param scale_max: maximum data value :rtype: numpy array :return: image data array """ imageData = np.array(inputArray, copy=True) if scale_min is None: scale_min = imageData.min() if scale_max is None: scale_max = imageData.max() imageData = imageData.clip(min=scale_min, max=scale_max) imageData = imageData - scale_min indices = np.where(imageData < 0) imageData[indices] = 0.0 imageData = np.sqrt(imageData) imageData = imageData / math.sqrt(scale_max - scale_min) return imageData
[docs] @export def text_description( ax, d, text, color="w", backgroundcolor="k", flipped=False, font_size=15 ): c_vertical = 1 / 13.0 # + font_size / d / 10.**2 c_horizontal = 1.0 / 50 if flipped: ax.text( d - d * c_horizontal, d - d * c_vertical, text, color=color, fontsize=font_size, backgroundcolor=backgroundcolor, ) else: ax.text( d * c_horizontal, d - d * c_vertical, text, color=color, fontsize=font_size, backgroundcolor=backgroundcolor, )
[docs] @export def scale_bar(ax, d, dist=1.0, text='1"', color="w", font_size=15, flipped=False): """ :param ax: matplotlib.axes instance :param d: diameter of frame :param dist: distance scale printed :param text: string printed on scale bar :param color: color of scale bar :param font_size: font size :param flipped: boolean :return: None, updated ax instance """ if flipped: p0 = d - d / 15.0 - dist p1 = d / 15.0 ax.plot([p0, p0 + dist], [p1, p1], linewidth=2, color=color) ax.text( p0 + dist / 2.0, p1 + 0.01 * d, text, fontsize=font_size, color=color, ha="center", ) else: p0 = d / 15.0 ax.plot([p0, p0 + dist], [p0, p0], linewidth=2, color=color) ax.text( p0 + dist / 2.0, p0 + 0.01 * d, text, fontsize=font_size, color=color, ha="center", )
[docs] @export def coordinate_arrows(ax, d, coords, color="w", font_size=15, arrow_size=0.05): """ :param ax: matplotlib axes instance :param d: diameter of frame in ax :param coords: lenstronomy.Data.coord_transforms Coordinates() instance :param color: color string :param font_size: font size of length scale :param arrow_size: size of arrow :return: updated ax instance """ d0 = d / 6.0 # from right side of plot p0 = d / 15.0 pt = d / 10.0 deltaPix = coords.pixel_width ra0, dec0 = coords.map_pix2coord((d - d0) / deltaPix, d0 / deltaPix) xx_, yy_ = coords.map_coord2pix(ra0, dec0) xx_ra, yy_ra = coords.map_coord2pix(ra0 + p0, dec0) xx_dec, yy_dec = coords.map_coord2pix(ra0, dec0 + p0) xx_ra_t, yy_ra_t = coords.map_coord2pix(ra0 + pt, dec0) xx_dec_t, yy_dec_t = coords.map_coord2pix(ra0, dec0 + pt) ax.arrow( xx_ * deltaPix, yy_ * deltaPix, (xx_ra - xx_) * deltaPix, (yy_ra - yy_) * deltaPix, head_width=arrow_size * d, head_length=arrow_size * d, fc=color, ec=color, linewidth=1, ) ax.text( xx_ra_t * deltaPix, yy_ra_t * deltaPix, "E", color=color, fontsize=font_size, ha="center", ) ax.arrow( xx_ * deltaPix, yy_ * deltaPix, (xx_dec - xx_) * deltaPix, (yy_dec - yy_) * deltaPix, head_width=arrow_size * d, head_length=arrow_size * d, fc=color, ec=color, linewidth=1, ) ax.text( xx_dec_t * deltaPix, yy_dec_t * deltaPix, "N", color=color, fontsize=font_size, ha="center", )
[docs] @export def plot_line_set( ax, coords, line_set_list_x, line_set_list_y, origin=None, flipped_x=False, points_only=False, *args, **kwargs ): """Plotting a line set on a matplotlib instance where the coordinates are defined in pixel units with the lower left corner (defined as origin) is by default (0, 0). The coordinates are moved by 0.5 pixels to be placed in the center of the pixel in accordance with the matplotlib.matshow() routine. :param ax: matplotlib.axis instance :param coords: Coordinates() class instance :param origin: [x0, y0], lower left pixel coordinate in the frame of the pixels :param line_set_list_x: numpy arrays corresponding of different disconnected regions of the line (e.g. caustic or critical curve) :param line_set_list_y: numpy arrays corresponding of different disconnected regions of the line (e.g. caustic or critical curve) :param color: string with matplotlib color :param flipped_x: bool, if True, flips x-axis :param points_only: bool, if True, sets plotting keywords to plot single points without connecting lines :return: plot with line sets on matplotlib axis in pixel coordinates """ if origin is None: origin = [0, 0] pixel_width = coords.pixel_width pixel_width_x = pixel_width if points_only: if "linestyle" not in kwargs: kwargs["linestyle"] = "" if "marker" not in kwargs: kwargs["marker"] = "o" if "markersize" not in kwargs: kwargs["markersize"] = 0.01 if flipped_x: pixel_width_x = -pixel_width if isinstance(line_set_list_x, list): for i in range(len(line_set_list_x)): x_c, y_c = coords.map_coord2pix(line_set_list_x[i], line_set_list_y[i]) ax.plot( x_c * pixel_width_x + origin[0], y_c * pixel_width + origin[1], *args, **kwargs ) else: x_c, y_c = coords.map_coord2pix(line_set_list_x, line_set_list_y) ax.plot( x_c * pixel_width_x + origin[0], y_c * pixel_width + origin[1], *args, **kwargs ) return ax
[docs] @export def image_position_plot( ax, coords, ra_image, dec_image, color="w", image_name_list=None, origin=None, flipped_x=False, plot_out_of_image=True, ): """ :param ax: matplotlib axis instance :param coords: Coordinates() class instance or inherited class (such as PixelGrid(), or Data()) :param ra_image: Ra/x-coordinates of image positions (list of arrays in angular units) :param dec_image: Dec/y-coordinates of image positions (list of arrays in angular units) :param color: color of ticks and text :param image_name_list: list of strings for names of the images in the same order as the positions :param origin: [x0, y0], lower left pixel coordinate in the frame of the pixels :param flipped_x: bool, if True, flips x-axis :param plot_out_of_image: if True, plots images even appearing out of the Coordinate frame :type plot_out_of_image: bool :return: matplotlib axis instance with images plotted on """ if origin is None: origin = [0, 0] pixel_width = coords.pixel_width pixel_width_x = pixel_width if flipped_x: pixel_width_x = -pixel_width if image_name_list is None: image_name_list = ["A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H", "I", "J", "K", "L"] if not isinstance(ra_image, list): ra_image_, dec_image_ = [ra_image], [dec_image] else: ra_image_, dec_image_ = ra_image, dec_image try: nx, ny = coords.num_pixel_axes except: plot_out_of_image = True for ra, dec in zip(ra_image_, dec_image_): x_image, y_image = coords.map_coord2pix(ra, dec) for i in range(len(x_image)): if not plot_out_of_image: if 0 < x_image[i] < nx and 0 < y_image[i] < ny: x_ = x_image[i] * pixel_width_x + origin[0] y_ = y_image[i] * pixel_width + origin[1] ax.plot(x_, y_, "o", color=color) ax.text(x_, y_, image_name_list[i], fontsize=20, color=color) return ax
[docs] @export def source_position_plot( ax, coords, ra_source, dec_source, marker="*", markersize=10, **kwargs ): """ :param ax: matplotlib axis instance :param coords: Coordinates() class instance or inherited class (such as PixelGrid(), or Data()) :param ra_source: list of source position in angular units :param dec_source: list of source position in angular units :param marker: marker style for matplotlib :param markersize: marker size for matplotlib :return: matplotlib axis instance with images plotted on """ delta_pix = coords.pixel_width if len(ra_source) > 0: for ra, dec in zip(ra_source, dec_source): x_source, y_source = coords.map_coord2pix(ra, dec) ax.plot( x_source * delta_pix, y_source + 0.5 * delta_pix, marker=marker, markersize=markersize, **kwargs ) return ax
[docs] @export def result_string(x, weights=None, title_fmt=".2f", label=None): """ :param x: marginalized 1-d posterior :param weights: weights of posteriors (optional) :param title_fmt: format to what digit the results are presented :param label: string of parameter label (optional) :return: string with mean :math:`\\pm` quartile """ from corner import quantile q_16, q_50, q_84 = quantile(x, [0.16, 0.5, 0.84], weights=weights) q_m, q_p = q_50 - q_16, q_84 - q_50 # Format the quantile display. fmt = "{{0:{0}}}".format(title_fmt).format title = r"${{{0}}}_{{-{1}}}^{{+{2}}}$" title = title.format(fmt(q_50), fmt(q_m), fmt(q_p)) if label is not None: title = "{0} = {1}".format(label, title) return title
[docs] @export def cmap_conf(cmap_string): """Configures matplotlib color map. :param cmap_string: string of cmap name, or cmap instance :return: cmap instance with setting for bad pixels and values below the threshold """ if isinstance(cmap_string, str): cmap = plt.get_cmap(cmap_string) else: cmap = cmap_string # cmap_new = cmap.copy() cmap_new = copy.deepcopy(cmap) cmap_new.set_bad(color="k", alpha=1.0) cmap_new.set_under("k") return cmap_new