Source code for lenstronomy.LensModel.Profiles.spemd

__author__ = "sibirrer"

import numpy as np
import lenstronomy.Util.param_util as param_util
from lenstronomy.LensModel.Profiles.base_profile import LensProfileBase

__all__ = ["SPEMD"]

[docs] class SPEMD(LensProfileBase): """Class for smooth power law ellipse mass density profile (SPEMD). This class effectively performs the FASTELL calculations by Renan Barkana. The parameters are changed and represent a spherically averaged Einstein radius an a logarithmic 3D mass profile slope. The SPEMD mass profile is defined as follow: .. math:: \\kappa(x, y) = \\frac{3-\\gamma}{2} \\left(\\frac{\\theta_{E}}{\\sqrt{q x^2 + y^2/q + s^2}} \\right)^{\\gamma-1} with :math:`\\theta_{E}` is the (circularized) Einstein radius, :math:`\\gamma` is the negative power-law slope of the 3D mass distributions, :math:`q` is the minor/major axis ratio, and :math:`x` and :math:`y` are defined in a coordinate system aligned with the major and minor axis of the lens. the FASTELL definitions are as follows: The parameters are position :math:`(x1,x2)`, overall factor (:math:`b`), power (gam), axis ratio (arat) which is <=1, core radius squared (:math:`s2`), and the output potential (:math:`\\phi`). The projected mass density distribution, in units of the critical density, is .. math:: \\kappa(x1,x2)=b_{fastell} \\left[u2+s2\\right]^{-gam}, with :math:`u2=\\left[x1^2+x2^2/(arat^2)\\right]`. The conversion from lenstronomy definitions of this class to FASTELL are: .. math:: q_{fastell} \\equiv q_{lenstronomy} .. math:: gam \\equiv (\\gamma-1)/2 .. math:: b_{fastell} \\equiv (3-\\gamma)/2. * \\left(\\theta_{E}^2 / q\\right)^{gam} .. math:: s2_{fastell} = s_{lenstronomy}^2 * q """ param_names = ["theta_E", "gamma", "e1", "e2", "s_scale", "center_x", "center_y"] lower_limit_default = { "theta_E": 0, "gamma": 0, "e1": -0.5, "e2": -0.5, "s_scale": 0, "center_x": -100, "center_y": -100, } upper_limit_default = { "theta_E": 100, "gamma": 100, "e1": 0.5, "e2": 0.5, "s_scale": 100, "center_x": 100, "center_y": 100, }
[docs] def __init__(self, suppress_fastell=False): """""" try: from fastell4py import fastell4py self._fastell4py_bool = True self.fastell4py = fastell4py except: self._fastell4py_bool = False if suppress_fastell: ImportWarning( "module fastell4py not installed. You can get it from here: " " " "Make sure you have a fortran compiler such that the installation works properly." ) Warning( "SPEMD model outputs are replaced by zeros as fastell4py package is not installed!" ) else: raise ImportError( "module fastell4py not installed. You can get it from here: " " " "Make sure you have a fortran compiler such that the installation works properly." ) super(SPEMD, self).__init__()
[docs] def function(self, x, y, theta_E, gamma, e1, e2, s_scale, center_x=0, center_y=0): """ :param x: x-coordinate (angle) :param y: y-coordinate (angle) :param theta_E: Einstein radius (angle), pay attention to specific definition! :param gamma: logarithmic slope of the power-law profile. gamma=2 corresponds to isothermal :param e1: eccentricity component :param e2: eccentricity component :param s_scale: smoothing scale in the center of the profile (angle) :param center_x: x-position of lens center :param center_y: y-position of lens center :return: lensing potential """ x1, x2, q_fastell, gam, s2, q, phi_G = self.param_transform( x, y, theta_E, gamma, e1, e2, s_scale, center_x, center_y ) compute_bool = self._parameter_constraints(q_fastell, gam, s2, q) if self._fastell4py_bool and self.is_not_empty(x1, x2) and compute_bool: potential = self.fastell4py.ellipphi(x1, x2, q_fastell, gam, arat=q, s2=s2) n = len(np.atleast_1d(x)) if n <= 1: if np.shape(x) == (): return np.array(potential[0]) else: potential = np.zeros_like(x1) return potential
[docs] def derivatives( self, x, y, theta_E, gamma, e1, e2, s_scale, center_x=0, center_y=0 ): """ :param x: x-coordinate (angle) :param y: y-coordinate (angle) :param theta_E: Einstein radius (angle), pay attention to specific definition! :param gamma: logarithmic slope of the power-law profile. gamma=2 corresponds to isothermal :param e1: eccentricity component :param e2: eccentricity component :param s_scale: smoothing scale in the center of the profile :param center_x: x-position of lens center :param center_y: y-position of lens center :return: deflection angles alpha_x, alpha_y """ x1, x2, q_fastell, gam, s2, q, phi_G = self.param_transform( x, y, theta_E, gamma, e1, e2, s_scale, center_x, center_y ) compute_bool = self._parameter_constraints(q_fastell, gam, s2, q) if self._fastell4py_bool and self.is_not_empty(x1, x2) and compute_bool: f_x_prim, f_y_prim = self.fastell4py.fastelldefl( x1, x2, q_fastell, gam, arat=q, s2=s2 ) else: f_x_prim, f_y_prim = np.zeros_like(x1), np.zeros_like(x1) cos_phi = np.cos(phi_G) sin_phi = np.sin(phi_G) f_x = cos_phi * f_x_prim - sin_phi * f_y_prim f_y = sin_phi * f_x_prim + cos_phi * f_y_prim return f_x, f_y
[docs] def hessian(self, x, y, theta_E, gamma, e1, e2, s_scale, center_x=0, center_y=0): """ :param x: x-coordinate (angle) :param y: y-coordinate (angle) :param theta_E: Einstein radius (angle), pay attention to specific definition! :param gamma: logarithmic slope of the power-law profile. gamma=2 corresponds to isothermal :param e1: eccentricity component :param e2: eccentricity component :param s_scale: smoothing scale in the center of the profile :param center_x: x-position of lens center :param center_y: y-position of lens center :return: Hessian components f_xx, f_xy, f_yx, f_yy """ x1, x2, q_fastell, gam, s2, q, phi_G = self.param_transform( x, y, theta_E, gamma, e1, e2, s_scale, center_x, center_y ) compute_bool = self._parameter_constraints(q_fastell, gam, s2, q) if self._fastell4py_bool and self.is_not_empty(x1, x2) and compute_bool: ( f_x_prim, f_y_prim, f_xx_prim, f_yy_prim, f_xy_prim, ) = self.fastell4py.fastellmag(x1, x2, q_fastell, gam, arat=q, s2=s2) n = len(np.atleast_1d(x)) if n <= 1: if np.shape(x) == (): f_xx_prim, f_yy_prim, f_xy_prim = ( np.array(f_xx_prim[0]), np.array(f_yy_prim[0]), np.array(f_xy_prim[0]), ) else: f_xx_prim, f_yy_prim, f_xy_prim = ( np.zeros_like(x1), np.zeros_like(x1), np.zeros_like(x1), ) kappa = (f_xx_prim + f_yy_prim) / 2 gamma1_value = (f_xx_prim - f_yy_prim) / 2 gamma2_value = f_xy_prim gamma1 = np.cos(2 * phi_G) * gamma1_value - np.sin(2 * phi_G) * gamma2_value gamma2 = +np.sin(2 * phi_G) * gamma1_value + np.cos(2 * phi_G) * gamma2_value f_xx = kappa + gamma1 f_yy = kappa - gamma1 f_xy = gamma2 return f_xx, f_xy, f_xy, f_yy
[docs] def param_transform( self, x, y, theta_E, gamma, e1, e2, s_scale, center_x=0, center_y=0 ): """Transforms parameters in the format of fastell4py. :param x: x-coordinate (angle) :param y: y-coordinate (angle) :param theta_E: Einstein radius (angle), pay attention to specific definition! :param gamma: logarithmic slope of the power-law profile. gamma=2 corresponds to isothermal :param e1: eccentricity component :param e2: eccentricity component :param s_scale: smoothing scale in the center of the profile :param center_x: x-position of lens center :param center_y: y-position of lens center :return: x-rotated, y-rotated, q_fastell, gam, s2, q, phi_G """ phi_G, q = param_util.ellipticity2phi_q(e1, e2) x = np.array(x) y = np.array(y) x_shift = x - center_x y_shift = y - center_y q_fastell, gam, s2 = self.convert_params(theta_E, gamma, q, s_scale) cos_phi = np.cos(phi_G) sin_phi = np.sin(phi_G) x1 = cos_phi * x_shift + sin_phi * y_shift x2 = -sin_phi * x_shift + cos_phi * y_shift return x1, x2, q_fastell, gam, s2, q, phi_G
[docs] @staticmethod def convert_params(theta_E, gamma, q, s_scale): """Converts parameter definitions into quantities used by the FASTELL fortran library. :param theta_E: Einstein radius :param gamma: 3D power-law slope of mass profile :param q: axis ratio minor/major :param s_scale: float, smoothing scale in the core :return: pre-factors to SPEMP profile for FASTELL """ gam = (gamma - 1) / 2.0 q_fastell = (3 - gamma) / 2.0 * (theta_E**2 / q) ** gam s2 = s_scale**2 * q return q_fastell, gam, s2
[docs] @staticmethod def is_not_empty(x1, x2): """Check if float or not an empty array. :return: True if x1 and x2 are either floats/ints or an non-empty array, False if e.g. objects are [] :rtype: bool """ assert type(x1) == type(x2) if isinstance(x1, (list, tuple, np.ndarray)): if len(x1) != 0 and len(x2) != 0: return True else: return False else: return True
@staticmethod def _parameter_constraints(q_fastell, gam, s2, q): """Sets bounds to parameters due to numerical stability. FASTELL has the following definitons: The parameters are position (x1,x2), overall factor (q), power (gam), axis ratio (arat) which is <=1, core radius squared (s2), and the output potential (phi). The projected mass density distribution, in units of the critical density, is kappa(x1,x2)=q [u2+s2]^(-gam), where u2=[x1^2+x2^2/(arat^2)]. :param q_fastell: float, normalization of lens model, q_fastell = (3-gamma)/2. * (theta_E ** 2 / q) ** gam :param gam: float, slope parameter, gam = (gamma-1)/2. :param q: axis ratio :param s2: square of smoothing scale of the core :return: bool of whether or not to let the fastell provide to be evaluated or instead return zero(s) """ if ( q_fastell <= 0 or q > 1 or q < 0.01 or gam > 0.999 or gam < 0.001 or not np.isfinite(q_fastell) ): return False return True