Source code for lenstronomy.LensModel.Profiles.sersic

__author__ = "sibirrer"

import numpy as np
import lenstronomy.Util.util as util
from lenstronomy.LensModel.Profiles.sersic_utils import SersicUtil
from lenstronomy.LensModel.Profiles.base_profile import LensProfileBase

__all__ = ["Sersic"]

[docs] class Sersic(SersicUtil, LensProfileBase): """ this class contains functions to evaluate a Sersic mass profile: .. math:: \\kappa(R) = \\kappa_{\\rm eff} \\exp \\left[ -b_n (R/R_{\\rm Sersic})^{\\frac{1}{n}}\\right] with :math:`b_{n}\\approx 1.999n-0.327` Examples -------- Example for converting physical mass units into convergence units used in the definition of this profile. We first define an AstroPy cosmology instance and a LensCosmo class instance with a lens and source redshift. >>> from lenstronomy.Cosmo.lens_cosmo import LensCosmo >>> from astropy.cosmology import FlatLambdaCDM >>> cosmo = FlatLambdaCDM(H0=70, Om0=0.3, Ob0=0.05) >>> lens_cosmo = LensCosmo(z_lens=0.5, z_source=1.5, cosmo=cosmo) We define the half-light radius R_sersic (arc seconds on the sky) and Sersic index n_sersic >>> R_sersic = 2 >>> n_sersic = 4 Here we compute k_eff, the convergence at the half-light radius R_sersic for a stellar mass in Msun >>> k_eff = lens_cosmo.sersic_m_star2k_eff(m_star=10**11.5, R_sersic=R_sersic, n_sersic=n_sersic) And here we perform the inverse calculation given k_eff to return the physical stellar mass. >>> m_star = lens_cosmo.sersic_k_eff2m_star(k_eff=k_eff, R_sersic=R_sersic, n_sersic=n_sersic) The lens model calculation uses angular units as arguments! So to execute a deflection angle calculation one uses >>> from lenstronomy.LensModel.Profiles.sersic import Sersic >>> sersic = Sersic() >>> alpha_x, alpha_y = sersic.derivatives(x=1, y=1, k_eff=k_eff, R_sersic=R_sersic, center_x=0, center_y=0) """ param_names = ["k_eff", "R_sersic", "n_sersic", "center_x", "center_y"] lower_limit_default = { "k_eff": 0, "R_sersic": 0, "n_sersic": 0.5, "center_x": -100, "center_y": -100, } upper_limit_default = { "k_eff": 10, "R_sersic": 100, "n_sersic": 8, "center_x": 100, "center_y": 100, }
[docs] def function(self, x, y, n_sersic, R_sersic, k_eff, center_x=0, center_y=0): """ :param x: x-coordinate :param y: y-coordinate :param n_sersic: Sersic index :param R_sersic: half light radius :param k_eff: convergence at half light radius :param center_x: x-center :param center_y: y-center :return: """ n = n_sersic x_red = self._x_reduced(x, y, n, R_sersic, center_x, center_y) b = self.b_n(n) # hyper2f2_b = util.hyper2F2_array(2*n, 2*n, 1+2*n, 1+2*n, -b) hyper2f2_bx = util.hyper2F2_array( 2 * n, 2 * n, 1 + 2 * n, 1 + 2 * n, -b * x_red ) f_eff = np.exp(b) * R_sersic**2 / 2.0 * k_eff # * hyper2f2_b f_ = f_eff * x_red ** (2 * n) * hyper2f2_bx # / hyper2f2_b return f_
[docs] def derivatives(self, x, y, n_sersic, R_sersic, k_eff, center_x=0, center_y=0): """Returns df/dx and df/dy of the function.""" x_ = x - center_x y_ = y - center_y r = np.sqrt(x_**2 + y_**2) if isinstance(r, int) or isinstance(r, float): r = max(self._s, r) else: r[r < self._s] = self._s alpha = -self.alpha_abs(x, y, n_sersic, R_sersic, k_eff, center_x, center_y) f_x = alpha * x_ / r f_y = alpha * y_ / r return f_x, f_y
[docs] def hessian(self, x, y, n_sersic, R_sersic, k_eff, center_x=0, center_y=0): """Returns Hessian matrix of function d^2f/dx^2, d^2/dxdy, d^2/dydx, d^f/dy^2.""" x_ = x - center_x y_ = y - center_y r = np.sqrt(x_**2 + y_**2) if isinstance(r, int) or isinstance(r, float): r = max(self._s, r) else: r[r < self._s] = self._s d_alpha_dr = self.d_alpha_dr( x, y, n_sersic, R_sersic, k_eff, center_x, center_y ) alpha = -self.alpha_abs(x, y, n_sersic, R_sersic, k_eff, center_x, center_y) f_xx = -(d_alpha_dr / r + alpha / r**2) * x_**2 / r + alpha / r f_yy = -(d_alpha_dr / r + alpha / r**2) * y_**2 / r + alpha / r f_xy = -(d_alpha_dr / r + alpha / r**2) * x_ * y_ / r return f_xx, f_xy, f_xy, f_yy