Source code for lenstronomy.LensModel.Profiles.interpol

__author__ = "sibirrer"

import scipy.interpolate
import numpy as np

import lenstronomy.Util.util as util
from lenstronomy.LensModel.Profiles.base_profile import LensProfileBase

__all__ = ["Interpol", "InterpolScaled"]

[docs] class Interpol(LensProfileBase): """Class which uses an interpolation of a lens model and its first and second order derivatives. See also the tests in for example use cases as checks against known analytic models. The deflection angle is in the same convention as the one in the LensModel module, meaning that: source position = image position - deflection angle """ param_names = [ "grid_interp_x", "grid_interp_y", "f_", "f_x", "f_y", "f_xx", "f_yy", "f_xy", ] lower_limit_default = {} upper_limit_default = {}
[docs] def __init__(self, grid=False, min_grid_number=100, kwargs_spline=None): """ :param grid: bool, if True, computes the calculation on a grid :param min_grid_number: minimum numbers of positions to compute the interpolation on a grid, otherwise in a loop :param kwargs_spline: keyword arguments for the scipy.interpolate.RectBivariateSpline() interpolation (optional) if =None, a default linear interpolation is chosen. """ self._grid = grid self._min_grid_number = min_grid_number if kwargs_spline is None: kwargs_spline = {"kx": 1, "ky": 1, "s": 0} self._kwargs_spline = kwargs_spline super(Interpol, self).__init__()
[docs] def function( self, x, y, grid_interp_x=None, grid_interp_y=None, f_=None, f_x=None, f_y=None, f_xx=None, f_yy=None, f_xy=None, ): """ :param x: x-coordinate (angular position), float or numpy array :param y: y-coordinate (angular position), float or numpy array :param grid_interp_x: numpy array (ascending) to mark the x-direction of the interpolation grid :param grid_interp_y: numpy array (ascending) to mark the y-direction of the interpolation grid :param f_: 2d numpy array of lensing potential, matching the grids in grid_interp_x and grid_interp_y :param f_x: 2d numpy array of deflection in x-direction, matching the grids in grid_interp_x and grid_interp_y :param f_y: 2d numpy array of deflection in y-direction, matching the grids in grid_interp_x and grid_interp_y :param f_xx: 2d numpy array of df/dxx, matching the grids in grid_interp_x and grid_interp_y :param f_yy: 2d numpy array of df/dyy, matching the grids in grid_interp_x and grid_interp_y :param f_xy: 2d numpy array of df/dxy, matching the grids in grid_interp_x and grid_interp_y :return: potential at interpolated positions (x, y) """ # self._check_interp(grid_interp_x, grid_interp_y, f_, f_x, f_y, f_xx, f_yy, f_xy) n = len(np.atleast_1d(x)) if n <= 1 and np.shape(x) == (): # if type(x) == float or type(x) == int or type(x) == type(np.float64(1)) or len(x) <= 1: f_out = self.f_interp(x, y, grid_interp_x, grid_interp_y, f_) return f_out else: if self._grid and n >= self._min_grid_number: x_axes, y_axes = util.get_axes(x, y) f_out = self.f_interp( x_axes, y_axes, grid_interp_x, grid_interp_y, f_, grid=self._grid ) f_out = util.image2array(f_out) else: # n = len(x) f_out = np.zeros(n) for i in range(n): f_out[i] = self.f_interp( x[i], y[i], grid_interp_x, grid_interp_y, f_ ) return f_out
[docs] def derivatives( self, x, y, grid_interp_x=None, grid_interp_y=None, f_=None, f_x=None, f_y=None, f_xx=None, f_yy=None, f_xy=None, ): """Returns df/dx and df/dy of the function. :param x: x-coordinate (angular position), float or numpy array :param y: y-coordinate (angular position), float or numpy array :param grid_interp_x: numpy array (ascending) to mark the x-direction of the interpolation grid :param grid_interp_y: numpy array (ascending) to mark the y-direction of the interpolation grid :param f_: 2d numpy array of lensing potential, matching the grids in grid_interp_x and grid_interp_y :param f_x: 2d numpy array of deflection in x-direction, matching the grids in grid_interp_x and grid_interp_y :param f_y: 2d numpy array of deflection in y-direction, matching the grids in grid_interp_x and grid_interp_y :param f_xx: 2d numpy array of df/dxx, matching the grids in grid_interp_x and grid_interp_y :param f_yy: 2d numpy array of df/dyy, matching the grids in grid_interp_x and grid_interp_y :param f_xy: 2d numpy array of df/dxy, matching the grids in grid_interp_x and grid_interp_y :return: f_x, f_y at interpolated positions (x, y) """ n = len(np.atleast_1d(x)) if n <= 1 and np.shape(x) == (): # if type(x) == float or type(x) == int or type(x) == type(np.float64(1)) or len(x) <= 1: f_x_out = self.f_x_interp(x, y, grid_interp_x, grid_interp_y, f_x) f_y_out = self.f_y_interp(x, y, grid_interp_x, grid_interp_y, f_y) return f_x_out, f_y_out else: if self._grid and n >= self._min_grid_number: x_, y_ = util.get_axes(x, y) f_x_out = self.f_x_interp( x_, y_, grid_interp_x, grid_interp_y, f_x, grid=self._grid ) f_y_out = self.f_y_interp( x_, y_, grid_interp_x, grid_interp_y, f_y, grid=self._grid ) f_x_out = util.image2array(f_x_out) f_y_out = util.image2array(f_y_out) else: # n = len(x) f_x_out = self.f_x_interp(x, y, grid_interp_x, grid_interp_y, f_x) f_y_out = self.f_y_interp(x, y, grid_interp_x, grid_interp_y, f_y) return f_x_out, f_y_out
[docs] def hessian( self, x, y, grid_interp_x=None, grid_interp_y=None, f_=None, f_x=None, f_y=None, f_xx=None, f_yy=None, f_xy=None, ): """Returns Hessian matrix of function d^2f/dx^2, d^2/dxdy, d^2/dydx, d^f/dy^2. :param x: x-coordinate (angular position), float or numpy array :param y: y-coordinate (angular position), float or numpy array :param grid_interp_x: numpy array (ascending) to mark the x-direction of the interpolation grid :param grid_interp_y: numpy array (ascending) to mark the y-direction of the interpolation grid :param f_: 2d numpy array of lensing potential, matching the grids in grid_interp_x and grid_interp_y :param f_x: 2d numpy array of deflection in x-direction, matching the grids in grid_interp_x and grid_interp_y :param f_y: 2d numpy array of deflection in y-direction, matching the grids in grid_interp_x and grid_interp_y :param f_xx: 2d numpy array of df/dxx, matching the grids in grid_interp_x and grid_interp_y :param f_yy: 2d numpy array of df/dyy, matching the grids in grid_interp_x and grid_interp_y :param f_xy: 2d numpy array of df/dxy, matching the grids in grid_interp_x and grid_interp_y :return: f_xx, f_xy, f_yx, f_yy at interpolated positions (x, y) """ if not (hasattr(self, "_f_xx_interp")) and ( f_xx is None or f_yy is None or f_xy is None ): diff = 0.000001 alpha_ra_pp, alpha_dec_pp = self.derivatives( x + diff / 2, y + diff / 2, grid_interp_x=grid_interp_x, grid_interp_y=grid_interp_y, f_=f_, f_x=f_x, f_y=f_y, ) alpha_ra_pn, alpha_dec_pn = self.derivatives( x + diff / 2, y - diff / 2, grid_interp_x=grid_interp_x, grid_interp_y=grid_interp_y, f_=f_, f_x=f_x, f_y=f_y, ) alpha_ra_np, alpha_dec_np = self.derivatives( x - diff / 2, y + diff / 2, grid_interp_x=grid_interp_x, grid_interp_y=grid_interp_y, f_=f_, f_x=f_x, f_y=f_y, ) alpha_ra_nn, alpha_dec_nn = self.derivatives( x - diff / 2, y - diff / 2, grid_interp_x=grid_interp_x, grid_interp_y=grid_interp_y, f_=f_, f_x=f_x, f_y=f_y, ) f_xx_out = ( (alpha_ra_pp - alpha_ra_np + alpha_ra_pn - alpha_ra_nn) / diff / 2 ) f_xy_out = ( (alpha_ra_pp - alpha_ra_pn + alpha_ra_np - alpha_ra_nn) / diff / 2 ) f_yx_out = ( (alpha_dec_pp - alpha_dec_np + alpha_dec_pn - alpha_dec_nn) / diff / 2 ) f_yy_out = ( (alpha_dec_pp - alpha_dec_pn + alpha_dec_np - alpha_dec_nn) / diff / 2 ) return f_xx_out, f_xy_out, f_yx_out, f_yy_out n = len(np.atleast_1d(x)) if n <= 1 and np.shape(x) == (): # if type(x) == float or type(x) == int or type(x) == type(np.float64(1)) or len(x) <= 1: f_xx_out = self.f_xx_interp(x, y, grid_interp_x, grid_interp_y, f_xx) f_yy_out = self.f_yy_interp(x, y, grid_interp_x, grid_interp_y, f_yy) f_xy_out = self.f_xy_interp(x, y, grid_interp_x, grid_interp_y, f_xy) return f_xx_out, f_xy_out, f_xy_out, f_yy_out else: if self._grid and n >= self._min_grid_number: x_, y_ = util.get_axes(x, y) f_xx_out = self.f_xx_interp( x_, y_, grid_interp_x, grid_interp_y, f_xx, grid=self._grid ) f_yy_out = self.f_yy_interp( x_, y_, grid_interp_x, grid_interp_y, f_yy, grid=self._grid ) f_xy_out = self.f_xy_interp( x_, y_, grid_interp_x, grid_interp_y, f_xy, grid=self._grid ) f_xx_out = util.image2array(f_xx_out) f_yy_out = util.image2array(f_yy_out) f_xy_out = util.image2array(f_xy_out) else: # n = len(x) f_xx_out, f_yy_out, f_xy_out = np.zeros(n), np.zeros(n), np.zeros(n) for i in range(n): f_xx_out[i] = self.f_xx_interp( x[i], y[i], grid_interp_x, grid_interp_y, f_xx ) f_yy_out[i] = self.f_yy_interp( x[i], y[i], grid_interp_x, grid_interp_y, f_yy ) f_xy_out[i] = self.f_xy_interp( x[i], y[i], grid_interp_x, grid_interp_y, f_xy ) return f_xx_out, f_xy_out, f_xy_out, f_yy_out
[docs] def f_interp(self, x, y, x_grid=None, y_grid=None, f_=None, grid=False): if not hasattr(self, "_f_interp"): self._f_interp = scipy.interpolate.RectBivariateSpline( y_grid, x_grid, f_, **self._kwargs_spline ) return self._f_interp(y, x, grid=grid)
[docs] def f_x_interp(self, x, y, x_grid=None, y_grid=None, f_x=None, grid=False): if not hasattr(self, "_f_x_interp"): self._f_x_interp = scipy.interpolate.RectBivariateSpline( y_grid, x_grid, f_x, **self._kwargs_spline ) return self._f_x_interp(y, x, grid=grid)
[docs] def f_y_interp(self, x, y, x_grid=None, y_grid=None, f_y=None, grid=False): if not hasattr(self, "_f_y_interp"): self._f_y_interp = scipy.interpolate.RectBivariateSpline( y_grid, x_grid, f_y, **self._kwargs_spline ) return self._f_y_interp(y, x, grid=grid)
[docs] def f_xx_interp(self, x, y, x_grid=None, y_grid=None, f_xx=None, grid=False): if not hasattr(self, "_f_xx_interp"): self._f_xx_interp = scipy.interpolate.RectBivariateSpline( y_grid, x_grid, f_xx, **self._kwargs_spline ) return self._f_xx_interp(y, x, grid=grid)
[docs] def f_xy_interp(self, x, y, x_grid=None, y_grid=None, f_xy=None, grid=False): if not hasattr(self, "_f_xy_interp"): self._f_xy_interp = scipy.interpolate.RectBivariateSpline( y_grid, x_grid, f_xy, **self._kwargs_spline ) return self._f_xy_interp(y, x, grid=grid)
[docs] def f_yy_interp(self, x, y, x_grid=None, y_grid=None, f_yy=None, grid=False): if not hasattr(self, "_f_yy_interp"): self._f_yy_interp = scipy.interpolate.RectBivariateSpline( y_grid, x_grid, f_yy, **self._kwargs_spline ) return self._f_yy_interp(y, x, grid=grid)
[docs] def do_interp(self, x_grid, y_grid, f_, f_x, f_y, f_xx=None, f_yy=None, f_xy=None): self._f_interp = scipy.interpolate.RectBivariateSpline( x_grid, y_grid, f_, **self._kwargs_spline ) self._f_x_interp = scipy.interpolate.RectBivariateSpline( x_grid, y_grid, f_x, **self._kwargs_spline ) self._f_y_interp = scipy.interpolate.RectBivariateSpline( x_grid, y_grid, f_y, **self._kwargs_spline ) if f_xx is not None: self._f_xx_interp = scipy.interpolate.RectBivariateSpline( x_grid, y_grid, f_xx, **self._kwargs_spline ) if f_xy is not None: self._f_xy_interp = scipy.interpolate.RectBivariateSpline( x_grid, y_grid, f_xy, **self._kwargs_spline ) if f_yy is not None: self._f_yy_interp = scipy.interpolate.RectBivariateSpline( x_grid, y_grid, f_yy, **self._kwargs_spline )
[docs] class InterpolScaled(LensProfileBase): """Class for handling an interpolated lensing map and has the freedom to scale its lensing effect. Applications are e.g. mass to light ratio. """ param_names = [ "scale_factor", "grid_interp_x", "grid_interp_y", "f_", "f_x", "f_y", "f_xx", "f_yy", "f_xy", ] lower_limit_default = {"scale_factor": 0} upper_limit_default = {"scale_factor": 100}
[docs] def __init__(self, grid=True, min_grid_number=100, kwargs_spline=None): """ :param grid: bool, if True, computes the calculation on a grid :param min_grid_number: minimum numbers of positions to compute the interpolation on a grid :param kwargs_spline: keyword arguments for the scipy.interpolate.RectBivariateSpline() interpolation (optional) if =None, a default linear interpolation is chosen. """ self.interp_func = Interpol( grid, min_grid_number=min_grid_number, kwargs_spline=kwargs_spline ) super(InterpolScaled, self).__init__()
[docs] def function( self, x, y, scale_factor=1, grid_interp_x=None, grid_interp_y=None, f_=None, f_x=None, f_y=None, f_xx=None, f_yy=None, f_xy=None, ): """ :param x: x-coordinate (angular position), float or numpy array :param y: y-coordinate (angular position), float or numpy array :param scale_factor: float, overall scaling of the lens model relative to the input interpolation grid :param grid_interp_x: numpy array (ascending) to mark the x-direction of the interpolation grid :param grid_interp_y: numpy array (ascending) to mark the y-direction of the interpolation grid :param f_: 2d numpy array of lensing potential, matching the grids in grid_interp_x and grid_interp_y :param f_x: 2d numpy array of deflection in x-direction, matching the grids in grid_interp_x and grid_interp_y :param f_y: 2d numpy array of deflection in y-direction, matching the grids in grid_interp_x and grid_interp_y :param f_xx: 2d numpy array of df/dxx, matching the grids in grid_interp_x and grid_interp_y :param f_yy: 2d numpy array of df/dyy, matching the grids in grid_interp_x and grid_interp_y :param f_xy: 2d numpy array of df/dxy, matching the grids in grid_interp_x and grid_interp_y :return: potential at interpolated positions (x, y) """ f_out = self.interp_func.function( x, y, grid_interp_x, grid_interp_y, f_, f_x, f_y, f_xx, f_yy, f_xy ) f_out *= scale_factor return f_out
[docs] def derivatives( self, x, y, scale_factor=1, grid_interp_x=None, grid_interp_y=None, f_=None, f_x=None, f_y=None, f_xx=None, f_yy=None, f_xy=None, ): """ :param x: x-coordinate (angular position), float or numpy array :param y: y-coordinate (angular position), float or numpy array :param scale_factor: float, overall scaling of the lens model relative to the input interpolation grid :param grid_interp_x: numpy array (ascending) to mark the x-direction of the interpolation grid :param grid_interp_y: numpy array (ascending) to mark the y-direction of the interpolation grid :param f_: 2d numpy array of lensing potential, matching the grids in grid_interp_x and grid_interp_y :param f_x: 2d numpy array of deflection in x-direction, matching the grids in grid_interp_x and grid_interp_y :param f_y: 2d numpy array of deflection in y-direction, matching the grids in grid_interp_x and grid_interp_y :param f_xx: 2d numpy array of df/dxx, matching the grids in grid_interp_x and grid_interp_y :param f_yy: 2d numpy array of df/dyy, matching the grids in grid_interp_x and grid_interp_y :param f_xy: 2d numpy array of df/dxy, matching the grids in grid_interp_x and grid_interp_y :return: deflection angles in x- and y-direction at position (x, y) """ f_x_out, f_y_out = self.interp_func.derivatives( x, y, grid_interp_x, grid_interp_y, f_, f_x, f_y, f_xx, f_yy, f_xy ) f_x_out *= scale_factor f_y_out *= scale_factor return f_x_out, f_y_out
[docs] def hessian( self, x, y, scale_factor=1, grid_interp_x=None, grid_interp_y=None, f_=None, f_x=None, f_y=None, f_xx=None, f_yy=None, f_xy=None, ): """ :param x: x-coordinate (angular position), float or numpy array :param y: y-coordinate (angular position), float or numpy array :param scale_factor: float, overall scaling of the lens model relative to the input interpolation grid :param grid_interp_x: numpy array (ascending) to mark the x-direction of the interpolation grid :param grid_interp_y: numpy array (ascending) to mark the y-direction of the interpolation grid :param f_: 2d numpy array of lensing potential, matching the grids in grid_interp_x and grid_interp_y :param f_x: 2d numpy array of deflection in x-direction, matching the grids in grid_interp_x and grid_interp_y :param f_y: 2d numpy array of deflection in y-direction, matching the grids in grid_interp_x and grid_interp_y :param f_xx: 2d numpy array of df/dxx, matching the grids in grid_interp_x and grid_interp_y :param f_yy: 2d numpy array of df/dyy, matching the grids in grid_interp_x and grid_interp_y :param f_xy: 2d numpy array of df/dxy, matching the grids in grid_interp_x and grid_interp_y :return: second derivatives of the lensing potential f_xx, f_yy, f_xy at position (x, y) """ f_xx_out, f_xy_out, f_yx_out, f_yy_out = self.interp_func.hessian( x, y, grid_interp_x, grid_interp_y, f_, f_x, f_y, f_xx, f_yy, f_xy ) f_xx_out *= scale_factor f_yy_out *= scale_factor f_xy_out *= scale_factor f_yx_out *= scale_factor return f_xx_out, f_xy_out, f_yx_out, f_yy_out