Source code for lenstronomy.ImSim.Numerics.grid

import numpy as np
from lenstronomy.Util import util
from lenstronomy.Util import image_util
from lenstronomy.Data.coord_transforms import Coordinates1D

from lenstronomy.Util.package_util import exporter

export, __all__ = exporter()

[docs] @export class AdaptiveGrid(Coordinates1D): """Manages a super-sampled grid on the partial image."""
[docs] def __init__( self, nx, ny, transform_pix2angle, ra_at_xy_0, dec_at_xy_0, supersampling_indexes, supersampling_factor, flux_evaluate_indexes=None, ): """ :param nx: number of pixels in x-axis :param ny: number of pixels in y-axis :param transform_pix2angle: 2x2 matrix, mapping of pixel to coordinate :param ra_at_xy_0: ra coordinate at pixel (0,0) :param dec_at_xy_0: dec coordinate at pixel (0,0) :param supersampling_indexes: bool array of shape nx x ny, corresponding to pixels being super_sampled :param supersampling_factor: int, factor (per axis) of super-sampling :param flux_evaluate_indexes: bool array of shape nx x ny, corresponding to pixels being evaluated (for both low and high res). Default is None, replaced by setting all pixels to being evaluated. """ super(AdaptiveGrid, self).__init__(transform_pix2angle, ra_at_xy_0, dec_at_xy_0) self._nx = nx self._ny = ny self._x_grid, self._y_grid = self.coordinate_grid(nx, ny) if flux_evaluate_indexes is None: flux_evaluate_indexes = np.ones_like(self._x_grid, dtype=bool) supersampled_indexes1d = util.image2array(supersampling_indexes) self._high_res_indexes1d = (supersampled_indexes1d) & (flux_evaluate_indexes) self._low_res_indexes1d = (np.invert(supersampled_indexes1d)) & ( flux_evaluate_indexes ) self._supersampling_factor = supersampling_factor self._num_sub = supersampling_factor * supersampling_factor self._x_low_res = self._x_grid[self._low_res_indexes1d] self._y_low_res = self._y_grid[self._low_res_indexes1d] self._num_low_res = len(self._x_low_res)
@property def coordinates_evaluate(self): """ :return: 1d array of all coordinates being evaluated to perform the image computation """ ra_low, dec_low = self._x_low_res, self._y_low_res ra_high, dec_high = self._high_res_coordinates ra_joint = np.append(ra_low, ra_high) dec_joint = np.append(dec_low, dec_high) return ra_joint, dec_joint
[docs] def flux_array2image_low_high(self, flux_array, high_res_return=True): """ :param flux_array: 1d array of low and high resolution flux values corresponding to the coordinates_evaluate order :param high_res_return: bool, if True also returns the high resolution image (needs more computation and is only needed when convolution is performed on the supersampling level) :return: 2d array, 2d array, corresponding to (partial) images in low and high resolution (to be convolved) """ low_res_values = flux_array[0 : self._num_low_res] high_res_values = flux_array[self._num_low_res :] image_low_res = self._merge_low_high_res(low_res_values, high_res_values) if high_res_return is True: image_high_res_partial = self._high_res_image(high_res_values) else: image_high_res_partial = None return image_low_res, image_high_res_partial
@property def _high_res_coordinates(self): """ :return: 1d arrays of subpixel grid coordinates """ if not hasattr(self, "_x_sub_grid"): self._subpixel_coordinates() return self._x_high_res, self._y_high_res def _merge_low_high_res(self, low_res_values, supersampled_values): """Adds/overwrites the supersampled values on the image. :param low_res_values: 1d array of image with low resolution :param supersampled_values: values of the supersampled sub-pixels :return: 2d image """ array = np.zeros_like(self._x_grid) array[self._low_res_indexes1d] = low_res_values array_low_res_partial = self._average_subgrid(supersampled_values) array[self._high_res_indexes1d] = array_low_res_partial return util.array2image(array) def _high_res_image(self, supersampled_values): """ :param supersampled_values: 1d array of supersampled values corresponding to coordinates :return: 2d array of supersampled image (zeros outside supersampled frame) """ high_res = np.zeros( ( self._nx * self._supersampling_factor, self._ny * self._supersampling_factor, ) ) count = 0 for i in range(self._supersampling_factor): for j in range(self._supersampling_factor): selected = supersampled_values[count :: self._num_sub] high_res[ i :: self._supersampling_factor, j :: self._supersampling_factor ] = self._array2image_subset(selected) count += 1 return high_res def _subpixel_coordinates(self): """ :return: 1d arrays of subpixel grid coordinates """ x_grid_select = self._x_grid[self._high_res_indexes1d] y_grid_select = self._y_grid[self._high_res_indexes1d] x_sub_grid = np.zeros(len(x_grid_select) * self._num_sub) y_sub_grid = np.zeros(len(x_grid_select) * self._num_sub) count = 0 for i in range(self._supersampling_factor): for j in range(self._supersampling_factor): x_ij = ( 1.0 / self._supersampling_factor / 2.0 + j / float(self._supersampling_factor) - 1.0 / 2 ) y_ij = ( 1.0 / self._supersampling_factor / 2.0 + i / float(self._supersampling_factor) - 1.0 / 2 ) delta_ra, delta_dec = self.map_pix2coord(x_ij, y_ij) delta_ra0, delta_dec_0 = self.map_pix2coord(0, 0) x_sub_grid[count :: self._num_sub] = ( x_grid_select + delta_ra - delta_ra0 ) y_sub_grid[count :: self._num_sub] = ( y_grid_select + delta_dec - delta_dec_0 ) count += 1 self._x_high_res = x_sub_grid self._y_high_res = y_sub_grid def _average_subgrid(self, subgrid_values): """Averages the values over a pixel. :param subgrid_values: values (e.g. flux) of subgrid coordinates :return: 1d array of size of the supersampled pixels """ values_2d = np.reshape(subgrid_values, (-1, self._num_sub)) return np.mean(values_2d, axis=1) def _array2image_subset(self, array): """Maps a 1d array into a (nx, ny) 2d grid with array populating the idex_mask indices :param array: 1d array :return: 2d array.""" grid1d = np.zeros(self._nx * self._ny) grid1d[self._high_res_indexes1d] = array grid2d = util.array2image(grid1d, self._nx, self._ny) return grid2d
[docs] @export class RegularGrid(Coordinates1D): """Manages a super-sampled grid on the partial image."""
[docs] def __init__( self, nx, ny, transform_pix2angle, ra_at_xy_0, dec_at_xy_0, supersampling_factor=1, flux_evaluate_indexes=None, ): """ :param nx: number of pixels in x-axis :param ny: number of pixels in y-axis :param transform_pix2angle: 2x2 matrix, mapping of pixel to coordinate :param ra_at_xy_0: ra coordinate at pixel (0,0) :param dec_at_xy_0: dec coordinate at pixel (0,0) :param supersampling_factor: int, factor (per axis) of super-sampling :param flux_evaluate_indexes: bool array of shape nx x ny, corresponding to pixels being evaluated (for both low and high res). Default is None, replaced by setting all pixels to being evaluated. """ super(RegularGrid, self).__init__(transform_pix2angle, ra_at_xy_0, dec_at_xy_0) self._supersampling_factor = supersampling_factor self._nx = nx self._ny = ny self._x_grid, self._y_grid = self.coordinate_grid(nx, ny) if flux_evaluate_indexes is None: flux_evaluate_indexes = np.ones_like(self._x_grid, dtype=bool) else: flux_evaluate_indexes = util.image2array(flux_evaluate_indexes) self._compute_indexes = self._subgrid_index( flux_evaluate_indexes, self._supersampling_factor, self._nx, self._ny ) x_grid_sub, y_grid_sub = util.make_subgrid( self._x_grid, self._y_grid, self._supersampling_factor ) self._ra_subgrid = x_grid_sub[self._compute_indexes] self._dec_subgrid = y_grid_sub[self._compute_indexes]
@property def coordinates_evaluate(self): """ :return: 1d array of all coordinates being evaluated to perform the image computation """ return self._ra_subgrid, self._dec_subgrid @property def grid_points_spacing(self): """Effective spacing between coordinate points, after supersampling. :return: sqrt(pixel_area)/supersampling_factor. """ return self.pixel_width / self._supersampling_factor @property def num_grid_points_axes(self): """Effective number of points along each axes, after supersampling. :return: number of pixels per axis, nx*supersampling_factor ny*supersampling_factor """ return ( self._nx * self._supersampling_factor, self._ny * self._supersampling_factor, ) @property def supersampling_factor(self): """ :return: factor (per axis) of super-sampling relative to a pixel """ return self._supersampling_factor
[docs] def flux_array2image_low_high(self, flux_array, **kwargs): """ :param flux_array: 1d array of low and high resolution flux values corresponding to the coordinates_evaluate order :return: 2d array, 2d array, corresponding to (partial) images in low and high resolution (to be convolved) """ image = self._array2image(flux_array) if self._supersampling_factor > 1: image_high_res = image image_low_res = image_util.re_size(image, self._supersampling_factor) else: image_high_res = None image_low_res = image return image_low_res, image_high_res
@staticmethod def _subgrid_index(idex_mask, subgrid_res, nx, ny): """ :param idex_mask: 1d array of mask of data :param subgrid_res: subgrid resolution :return: 1d array of equivalent mask in subgrid resolution """ idex_sub = np.repeat(idex_mask, subgrid_res, axis=0) idex_sub = util.array2image(idex_sub, nx=nx, ny=ny * subgrid_res) idex_sub = np.repeat(idex_sub, subgrid_res, axis=0) idex_sub = util.image2array(idex_sub) return idex_sub def _array2image(self, array): """Maps a 1d array into a (nx, ny) 2d grid with array populating the idex_mask indices. :param array: 1d array :return: """ nx, ny = ( self._nx * self._supersampling_factor, self._ny * self._supersampling_factor, ) grid1d = np.zeros((nx * ny)) grid1d[self._compute_indexes] = array grid2d = util.array2image(grid1d, nx, ny) return grid2d