Source code for lenstronomy.GalKin.light_profile

import numpy as np
import copy
from scipy.interpolate import interp1d
from lenstronomy.LightModel.light_model import LightModel

__all__ = ["LightProfile"]

[docs] class LightProfile(object): """Class to deal with the light distribution for GalKin. In particular, this class allows for: - (faster) interpolated calculation for a given profile (for a range that the Jeans equation is computed) - drawing 3d and 2d distributions from a given (spherical) profile (within bounds where the Jeans equation is expected to be accurate) - 2d projected profiles within the 3d integration range (truncated) """
[docs] def __init__( self, profile_list, interpol_grid_num=2000, max_interpolate=1000, min_interpolate=0.001, max_draw=None, ): """ :param profile_list: list of light profiles for LightModel module (must support light_3d() functionalities) :param interpol_grid_num: int; number of interpolation steps (logarithmically between min and max value) :param max_interpolate: float; maximum interpolation of 3d light profile :param min_interpolate: float; minimum interpolate (and also drawing of light profile) :param max_draw: float; (optional) if set, draws up to this radius, else uses max_interpolate value """ self.light_model = LightModel(light_model_list=profile_list) self._interp_grid_num = interpol_grid_num self._max_interpolate = max_interpolate self._min_interpolate = min_interpolate if max_draw is None: max_draw = max_interpolate self._max_draw = max_draw
[docs] def light_3d(self, r, kwargs_list): """Three-dimensional light profile. :param r: 3d radius :param kwargs_list: list of keyword arguments of light profiles (see LightModule) :return: flux per 3d volume at radius r """ light_3d = self.light_model.light_3d(r, kwargs_list) return light_3d
[docs] def light_3d_interp(self, r, kwargs_list, new_compute=False): """Interpolated three-dimensional light profile within bounds [min_interpolate, max_interpolate] in logarithmic units with interpol_grid_num numbers of interpolation steps. :param r: 3d radius :param kwargs_list: list of keyword arguments of light profiles (see LightModule) :param new_compute: boolean, if True, re-computes the interpolation (becomes valid with updated kwargs_list argument) :return: flux per 3d volume at radius r """ if not hasattr(self, "_f_light_3d") or new_compute is True: r_array = np.logspace( np.log10(self._min_interpolate), np.log10(self._max_interpolate), self._interp_grid_num, ) light_3d_array = self.light_model.light_3d(r_array, kwargs_list) light_3d_array[light_3d_array < 10 ** (-1000)] = 10 ** (-1000) f = interp1d( np.log(r_array), np.log(light_3d_array), fill_value=(np.log(light_3d_array[0]), -1000), bounds_error=False, ) # "extrapolate" self._f_light_3d = f return np.exp(self._f_light_3d(np.log(r)))
[docs] def light_2d(self, R, kwargs_list): """Projected light profile (integrated to infinity in the projected axis) :param R: projected 2d radius :param kwargs_list: list of keyword arguments of light profiles (see LightModule) :return: projected surface brightness """ kwargs_light_circularized = self._circularize_kwargs(kwargs_list) return self.light_model.surface_brightness(R, 0, kwargs_light_circularized)
def _circularize_kwargs(self, kwargs_list): """ :param kwargs_list: list of keyword arguments of light profiles (see LightModule) :return: circularized arguments """ # TODO make sure averaging is done azimuthally if not hasattr(self, "_kwargs_light_circularized"): kwargs_list_copy = copy.deepcopy(kwargs_list) kwargs_list_new = [] for kwargs in kwargs_list_copy: if "e1" in kwargs: kwargs["e1"] = 0 if "e2" in kwargs: kwargs["e2"] = 0 kwargs_list_new.append( { k: v for k, v in kwargs.items() if k not in ["center_x", "center_y"] } ) self._kwargs_light_circularized = kwargs_list_new return self._kwargs_light_circularized def _light_2d_finite_single(self, R, kwargs_list): """Projected light profile (integrated to FINITE 3d boundaries from the max_interpolate) for a single float number of R. :param R: projected 2d radius (between min_interpolate and max_interpolate) :param kwargs_list: list of keyword arguments of light profiles (see LightModule) :return: projected surface brightness """ # here we perform a logarithmic integral stop = np.log10( np.maximum( np.sqrt(self._max_interpolate**2 - R**2), self._min_interpolate + 0.00001, ) ) x = np.logspace( start=np.log10(self._min_interpolate), stop=stop, num=self._interp_grid_num ) r_array = np.sqrt(x**2 + R**2) flux_r = self.light_3d(r_array, kwargs_list) dlog_r = (np.log10(x[2]) - np.log10(x[1])) * np.log(10) flux_r *= dlog_r * x # linear integral # x = np.linspace(start=self._min_interpolate, stop=np.sqrt(self._max_interpolate ** 2 - R ** 2), # num=self._interp_grid_num) # r_array = np.sqrt(x ** 2 + R ** 2) # dr = x[1] - x[0] # flux_r = self.light_3d(r_array + dr / 2, kwargs_circ) # dr = x[1] - x[0] # flux_r *= dr flux_R = np.sum(flux_r) # perform finite integral # out = integrate.quad(lambda x: self.light_3d(np.sqrt(R ** 2 + x ** 2), kwargs_circ), self._min_interpolate, # np.sqrt(self._max_interpolate**2 - R**2)) # print(out_1, out, 'test') # flux_R = out[0] return flux_R * 2 # integral in both directions
[docs] def light_2d_finite(self, R, kwargs_list): """Projected light profile (integrated to FINITE 3d boundaries from the max_interpolate) :param R: projected 2d radius (between min_interpolate and max_interpolate :param kwargs_list: list of keyword arguments of light profiles (see LightModule) :return: projected surface brightness """ kwargs_circ = self._circularize_kwargs(kwargs_list) n = len(np.atleast_1d(R)) if n <= 1: return self._light_2d_finite_single(R, kwargs_circ) else: light_2d = np.zeros(n) for i, R_i in enumerate(R): light_2d[i] = self._light_2d_finite_single(R_i, kwargs_circ) return light_2d
[docs] def draw_light_2d_linear(self, kwargs_list, n=1, new_compute=False): """Constructs the CDF and draws from it random realizations of projected radii R The interpolation of the CDF is done in linear projected radius space. :param kwargs_list: list of keyword arguments of light profiles (see LightModule) :param n: int; number of draws :param new_compute: boolean, if True, re-computes the interpolation (becomes valid with updated kwargs_list argument) :return: draw of projected radius for the given light profile distribution """ if not hasattr(self, "_light_cdf") or new_compute is True: r_array = np.linspace( self._min_interpolate, self._max_draw, self._interp_grid_num ) cum_sum = np.zeros_like(r_array) sum_light = 0 for i, r in enumerate(r_array): if i == 0: cum_sum[i] = 0 else: sum_light += self.light_2d(r, kwargs_list) * r cum_sum[i] = copy.deepcopy(sum_light) cum_sum_norm = cum_sum / cum_sum[-1] f = interp1d(cum_sum_norm, r_array) self._light_cdf = f cdf_draw = np.random.uniform(0.0, 1, n) r_draw = self._light_cdf(cdf_draw) return r_draw
[docs] def draw_light_2d(self, kwargs_list, n=1, new_compute=False): """Constructs the CDF and draws from it random realizations of projected radii R CDF is constructed in logarithmic projected radius spacing. :param kwargs_list: light model keyword argument list :param n: int, number of draws per functino call :param new_compute: re-computes the interpolated CDF :return: realization of projected radius following the distribution of the light model """ if not hasattr(self, "_light_cdf_log") or new_compute is True: r_array = np.logspace( np.log10(self._min_interpolate), np.log10(self._max_draw), self._interp_grid_num, ) cum_sum = np.zeros_like(r_array) sum_light = 0 for i, r in enumerate(r_array): if i == 0: cum_sum[i] = 0 else: sum_light += self.light_2d(r, kwargs_list) * r * r cum_sum[i] = copy.deepcopy(sum_light) cum_sum_norm = cum_sum / cum_sum[-1] f = interp1d(cum_sum_norm, np.log(r_array)) self._light_cdf_log = f cdf_draw = np.random.uniform(0.0, 1, n) r_log_draw = self._light_cdf_log(cdf_draw) return np.exp(r_log_draw)
[docs] def draw_light_3d(self, kwargs_list, n=1, new_compute=False): """Constructs the CDF and draws from it random realizations of 3D radii r. :param kwargs_list: light model keyword argument list :param n: int, number of draws per function call :param new_compute: re-computes the interpolated CDF :return: realization of projected radius following the distribution of the light model """ if not hasattr(self, "_light_3d_cdf_log") or new_compute is True: r_array = np.logspace( np.log10(self._min_interpolate), np.log10(self._max_draw), self._interp_grid_num, ) dlog_r = np.log10(r_array[1]) - np.log10(r_array[0]) r_array_int = np.logspace( np.log10(self._min_interpolate) + dlog_r / 2, np.log10(self._max_draw) + dlog_r / 2, self._interp_grid_num, ) cum_sum = np.zeros_like(r_array) sum_light = 0 for i, r in enumerate(r_array_int[:-1]): # if i == 0: # cum_sum[i] = 0 # else: sum_light += ( self.light_3d(r, kwargs_list) * r**2 * (r_array[i + 1] - r_array[i]) ) # * r cum_sum[i + 1] = copy.deepcopy(sum_light) cum_sum_norm = cum_sum / cum_sum[-1] f = interp1d(cum_sum_norm, np.log(r_array)) self._light_3d_cdf_log = f cdf_draw = np.random.uniform(0.0, 1, n) r_log_draw = self._light_3d_cdf_log(cdf_draw) return np.exp(r_log_draw)
[docs] def delete_cache(self): """Deletes cached interpolation function of the CDF for a specific light profile. :return: None """ if hasattr(self, "_light_cdf_log"): del self._light_cdf_log if hasattr(self, "_light_cdf"): del self._light_cdf if hasattr(self, "_f_light_3d"): del self._f_light_3d if hasattr(self, "_kwargs_light_circularized"): del self._kwargs_light_circularized